collapse Title : 00 - INTRODUCTION ‎(3)
collapse Title : 001 - Communication ‎(1)
collapse Title : 002 - Required Documents, Plans, Policies and Reporting  ‎(2)
collapse Title : 003 - Postings ‎(1)
collapse Title : 0100 - Funding Applications ‎(4)
collapse Title : 0200 - Project Administration ‎(5)
collapse Title : 0300 - Finance ‎(3)
collapse Title : 0400 - Vehicles ‎(9)
collapse Title : 0500 - Transit Services ‎(3)
collapse Title : 0600 - Safety and Security ‎(1)
collapse Title : 0700 - Training ‎(1)
collapse Title : 0800 - Coordination, Regionalization, and Connectivity ‎(1)
collapse Title : 0900 - Reserved for Future Revisions ‎(1)
collapse Title : 1000 - Technology ‎(1)
collapse Title : 1100 - Planning ‎(1)
collapse Title : 1200 - Civil Rights ‎(5)
collapse Title : 1300 - Compliance ‎(7)
collapse Title : 1400 - Oversight ‎(3)
collapse Title : 1500 - Other ‎(1)
collapse Title : 2000 - Director Guidance ‎(1)
collapse Title : 2100 - Management Practices ‎(2)
collapse Title : 3000 - Doing Business ‎(4)
1 - 60Next
  • 0400 - Vehicles

  • 405 - New Vehicle Arrival and Road Readiness

  • ​New vehicles are not to be placed into revenue service until the grantee has done due diligence to assure that the vehicle and driver meet all standards of road readiness.

    Delivery, Inspection and Acceptance: The grantee will receive notice at least three days before delivery of the new vehicle to the project site. The titleholder will participate in any on‐site instruction and/or demonstrations provided by the vendor within 24 hours after delivery. A new vehicle inspection form must be completed and sent to the vendor along with the Integrated Mobility Division (IMD). Acceptance of rolling stock will not occur until all corrections have been completed by the vendor. The final inspection form must be emailed to the IMD within 24 hours of completion.
    New Vehicle Recordkeeping:
    • New vehicles must be added to Trapeze EAM within 24 hours of receipt and included in the grantee's Asset Management Plan and Vehicle Utilization Data (VUD).
    • A separate file should be maintained for each vehicle purchased by the grantee. Record of the application and approval of funds, procurement, warranty information, inspections and maintenance, and disposition must be on file.
    Vehicle Titling: The new vehicle must be titled to the grant recipient. IMD will be the First Lien holder. IMD will hold the titles of the 5310, 5311 and 5339, funded vehicles for systems receiving IMD oversight purchased vehicles. Instructions for filing titling paperwork will be provided by IMD.
    Permanent Tags: Governmental bodies, private non‐profits, and transportation authorities are eligible to purchase permanent tags.
    Handicapped Parking Permit(s): The application for Handicapped Parking permits can be found on the DMV website. These must be completed by the grantee and signed by a physician. Subrecipients may choose to get a permit to use in each lift equipped vehicle or get one or more permits to share within the fleet.
    Vehicle Markings:
    • Lettering of a new vehicle will be completed prior to placing it in revenue service.
    • The transit system's name (spelled out) and a phone number must be on both sides of the vehicle. A logo or acronym may also be included. Lettering should be at least four (4") inches high.
    • A statement such as “Open to the Public" indicating the system is a public transportation provider is required on all Section 5311 vehicles.
    • If the vehicle is lift‐equipped, appropriate signage is required to be displayed.
    Out-of-State Service Vehicles: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has regulatory responsibility for operators of small passenger carrying vehicles that engage in interstate service. Subrecipients must comply with these regulations as applicable. More information about FMCSA regulations is in Attachment 405‐1.
    Driver Training: IMD has established Minimum Driver Training Standards for subrecipients. A driver should be fully trained within sixty (60) days of their hiring date. 
    On-board Safety Equipment: The following safety equipment is required to be on‐board public transit vehicles when in operation:
    • Fire extinguisher (full and inspected);
    • Bio‐hazard kit (fully stocked);
    • First aid kit (fully stocked);
    • Seatbelt web‐cutter; and,
    • Driver reflective vest (optional but recommended).
    Required Vehicle Operating Policies: The grantee must prepare policies for the following list of vehicle‐related issues and have them reviewed by their TAB and their Regional Grant Specialist. These policies should be approved by their governing board.
    • Seatbelt usage (does not apply to disabled passengers unless they are required for all passengers);
    • Advertising on the vehicles;
    • Driver phone use and texting;
    • CDL requirements and provisions;
    • Daily inspection of vehicles;
    • Vehicle operations in inclement weather;
    • Provision and use of child safety seats;
    • Smoking Policy (signs must be displayed in the vehicle);
    • Reflective vest policy usage if applicable (type, timing, conditions); and,
    • Accident Reporting Policies and Procedures.​


    NC G.S. 2084 (b)(20)
    FTA C. 9040.1G, Ch III, Section 2​​


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