• 0400 - Vehicles

  • 407 - Vehicle Maintenance and Control

  • ​Vehicles in the grantee’s service fleet will be road ready and maintained until the final day of ownership. The grantee will always be knowledgeable about the condition and location of any state/federally funded vehicles.

    Vehicle Leasing: NCDOT does not currently provide vehicle leasing to subrecipients. However, it reserves the ability to do so in the future. Currently, there are several vehicles from previous years that remain in service with some subrecipients. As those vehicle leases expire, IMD will provide guidance to the subrecipients on disposition and replacement of the affected vehicles. The following shall apply until such time that the remaining leased vehicles are removed from service.
    • In order for a subrecipient to be released from a lease obligation/agreement, written approval must be received from the Integrated Mobility Division (IMD) Procurement Officer and arrangements made for the return of the leased equipment.
    • These leased vehicles cannot be leased or loaned to human service agencies, non-profit organizations, public bodies or school systems.
    • It is allowable for a grantee to lease these vehicles to another grantee upon approval of the IMD Regional Grant Specialist.
    • It is allowable for these vehicles to be leased to a third-party operator or the transportation management company that operates the project services under contract with the grantee.
    Transfers to Another Grantee:
    • The transfer of vehicles is allowable between transit subrecipients with the approval of the Regional Grant Specialist.
    • The Regional Grant Specialist may require a grantee to transfer a vehicle to another grantee if it is determined that the titleholder is not utilizing a vehicle(s) fully or the grantee's fleet exceeds the spare ratio.
    • The transfer of any vehicle to another grantee shall comply with all Federal regulations.
    Use of Vehicle for Administrative Purposes: Subrecipients are not allowed to use service vehicles for administrative purposes. A grantee can designate one (1) retired service vehicle that has been approved for replacement as an administrative vehicle.
    Maintenance Recordkeeping: Record of the maintenance history of every state or federally funded vehicle shall be kept in IMD’s Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) maintenance software that is provided to all subrecipients. A hard copy of work orders, invoices and software reports will be maintained in the transit office with a separate file for each vehicle.
    Vehicle Mileages: Mileages (odometer readings) for all state/federally funded vehicles must be entered into Enterprise Asset Management and kept current. Mileages should be entered as frequently (daily, weekly, etc.) as necessary so as not to exceed 500 miles between entries.
    Vehicle Preventive Maintenance:

    The frequency of preventative maintenance (PM) will be based on the manufacturer’s recommendation. Subrecipients must maintain 80% on‐time performance of preventive maintenance to continue receiving project funding. Reimbursement requests and grant agreements may be withheld until the subrecipient is in compliance.

    • The IMD Safety and Education Unit (S&E Unit) will review a subrecipient's PM performance in EAM on a quarterly basis.
    • The S&E Unit will issue, on a quarterly basis, a letter of non-compliance to subrecipients that fail to maintain 80.0% compliance.
    • The subrecipient must respond to the letter of non-compliance in writing with an explanation and/or plan to maintain compliance.
    • The subrecipient must have a PM checklist that includes Federal requirements.
    Lift Inspection, Testing and Preventive Maintenance:

    ADA equipment, including lifts and other means of access to vehicles, securement devices, elevators, signage and communications equipment, will be maintained based on the manufacturer’s suggested maintenance guidelines at a minimum. Subrecipients must maintain 80% on‐time performance of preventive maintenance to continue receiving project funding. Reimbursement requests and grant agreements may be withheld until the subrecipient is in compliance.

    • A Lift should be cycled daily to be sure it is operating properly.
    • Lifts will receive preventive maintenance after 750 cycles or on a timed basis so long as the time does not exceed 750 cycles.
    • The S&E Unit will issue, on a quarterly basis, a letter of non-compliance to subrecipients that fail to maintain 80.0% compliance.
    • The sub-recipient must respond to the letter of non-compliance in writing with an explanation and/or plan to maintain compliance.
    • The subrecipient must have a PM checklist that includes Federal requirements.
    Lift Counts: Lift counts (lift meter readings) for all state/federally funded vehicles must be entered into Enterprise Asset Management and kept current. Lift counts should be entered as frequently (daily, weekly, etc.) as necessary so as not to exceed 75 cycles between entries.
    On-Board Surveillance/Camera Systems
    The IMD received ARRA funds in 2012 to install fleet camera systems. Although NOT REQUIRED, IMD strongly encourages and supports the use of on-board security surveillance equipment as a method of minimizing safety and security risks to the clients, employees and transit agency. If an agency elects to participate in the use of on-board surveillance equipment AND uses Federal/state funds to purchase/maintain the equipment, then the following applies:
    Camera Inspection and Preventive Maintenance:
    The agency is required to maintain these systems and all replacement systems purchased using Federal and/or state funds. Requirements include:
    • Camera inspection tasks are required daily (see Attachment 407-3);
    • Preventative Maintenance tasks are required Semi-Annually (see Attachment 407-3);
    • Daily Inspection tasks will be documented on the daily pre/post trip inspections; and,
    Semi-Annually Preventative Maintenance tasks will be documented in EAM.​
    ***Subrecipients MUST maintain properly functioning camera systems up to or exceeding the number originally provided in 2012***​

    Warranty Work: Manufacturer’s warranty provisions must be followed, and warranty claims pursued to conclusion. Warranty information must be documented in Trapeze EAM.
    Overnight Storage: Vehicles shall be parked overnight in a secure, well lighted location that is not in a flood plain or an area prone to flooding.
    Key Control: Subrecipients must develop and implement a key control policy that ensures that all state/federally funded vehicles are safe, secure and only accessible by authorized personnel.
    Vehicles Parked at a Driver’s Home: A grantee may allow a trained driver to drive a transit‐owned vehicle to the driver’s home at the end of shift if this practice has been approved in writing by IMD as part of the grantee’s plan to operate a more effective and efficient service in the grantee’s service area.
    Pre and Post Inspection of Vehicles: Subrecipients must require drivers to complete a pre and post inspection of vehicles being operated each day. Inspection forms must be signed by the driver performing the inspection.  Subrecipients will quickly react to any findings to protect the safety of passengers.
    Required Plans and Documents:
    • Pre and Post Vehicle Inspection forms;
    • Vehicle Maintenance Plan including camera maintenance (See Attachment 407‐2 and 407‐3);
    • A written inventory of state/federally funded vehicles ‐ Subrecipients must be able to account for every vehicle on an annual basis; and,
    • A written plan for oversight and monitoring of any vehicles that are contractor operated.​


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