collapse Title : 00 - INTRODUCTION ‎(3)
collapse Title : 001 - Communication ‎(1)
collapse Title : 002 - Required Documents, Plans, Policies and Reporting  ‎(2)
collapse Title : 003 - Postings ‎(1)
collapse Title : 0100 - Funding Applications ‎(4)
collapse Title : 0200 - Project Administration ‎(5)
collapse Title : 0300 - Finance ‎(3)
collapse Title : 0400 - Vehicles ‎(9)
collapse Title : 0500 - Transit Services ‎(3)
collapse Title : 0600 - Safety and Security ‎(1)
collapse Title : 0700 - Training ‎(1)
collapse Title : 0800 - Coordination, Regionalization, and Connectivity ‎(1)
collapse Title : 0900 - Reserved for Future Revisions ‎(1)
collapse Title : 1000 - Technology ‎(1)
collapse Title : 1100 - Planning ‎(1)
collapse Title : 1200 - Civil Rights ‎(5)
collapse Title : 1300 - Compliance ‎(7)
collapse Title : 1400 - Oversight ‎(3)
collapse Title : 1500 - Other ‎(1)
collapse Title : 2000 - Director Guidance ‎(1)
collapse Title : 2100 - Management Practices ‎(2)
collapse Title : 3000 - Doing Business ‎(4)
1 - 60Next
  • 0500 - Transit Services

  • 503 - Management of Transit Services

  • ​Transit providers will operate as a business using management practices that result in the delivery of efficient and effective services to meet the needs of the community.

    Marketing Services to the Public: Publicly funded transportation services cannot be hidden from the public to limit or control service requests. All projects must include funding for marketing to the public. Subrecipients must keep a record of their marketing activities such as those on the following list: newspaper advertisements, brochures, appearance at community events, speaking at clubs and organizations, televised public service announcements, interviews, social media posts and tweets and/or Internet website. A TTD# or state relay number must be included with the contact information provided to the public. Printed or electronic public information about transit must be available to the public in other formats such as large print, Braille, or in other languages upon request.
    Customer Service: Anyone that calls the contact number for public transportation should reach a transit staff person or answering service dedicated to scheduling trips and/or answering transportation questions. All subrecipients will comply with the ADA and Title VI regulations that apply to their service to customers. As part of their local process for handling complaints, subrecipients will immediately notify the Integrated Mobility Division if a Title VI or ADA complaint about their project is received.
    Transportation Advisory Board (TAB): Each grantee is required to have a group of stakeholders from the service area who are representative of the various target audiences, including passengers and private providers that acts in an advisory role to the management of transit services.
    Pricing Services: IMD requires subrecipients to determine billing rates with the help of the Fully Allocated Cost Model. Due to the operating and capital subsidies provided to transit through Federal and state programs, subrecipients should be offering shared ride services to human service agencies at a rate lower than private providers.
    Mobility Management: Consists of short‐range planning, management activities, projects for improving service and coordination among public transportation, and other transportation service providers in the same service area with the following in mind:
    • Mobility management does not include the operation of transportation services, and,
    • NCDOT funds mobility management projects that actively include multiple counties. NCDOT will assist in planning for the county coordination/consolidation.​
    Equivalent Service: See Section 403 ‐ Vehicle Procurement.
    Fare Increases and Changes: The grantee must certify that it has a locally developed, documented process for soliciting and considering public comment before raising a fare or implementing a major reduction in service. The grantee is responsible for defining a major reduction in service. A public meeting is not mandatory; however, an opportunity for a public meeting to solicit comments must be provided. Fixed‐Route providers must include Title VI requirements and include those in their Title VI plan.
    Incident Reporting: Subrecipients are required to immediately complete the Incident/Accident Report Form in Trapeze EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) and to notify IMD when either of these has occurred. IMD must be notified of an incident or accident within 24 hours after it occurs.
    Required Documents or Policies:
    • Fare Policy (Reduced, Student, Passes, Free Passes);
    • Complaint Process;
    • Cancellation Policy;
    • No Show Policy;
    • Service Denials and Turn Downs (waiting lists and call backs, if applicable);
    • Confidentiality (Employee Acknowledgement Forms); and,
    • Service Change.​


    Title VI Circular C 4702.1b

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