• External Users - Get Access

    ​New External Users will need a NCID BUSINESS account to sign in. An individual NCID will not work properly for access to NCDOT Connect websites. Follow these steps to get your NCID and access to the Research and Development Research Idea and Proposal Submission Site. Internal NCDOT users can proceed directly to the forms and do not need to request an ID.

    External access is simultaneously granted for both Idea and Proposal Submission.​

    If you do not have a NCID Business account or it is expired:

    1. Click this link to get your NCID Business account. https://connect.ncdot.gov/getaccount/
    2. Please check your email to complete the registration process or you will have to re-register again after 3 days.  Follow the link in the email to confirm your email address.  Then fill out the form below - Request Access to the Research Idea and Proposal Site.
    3. Once your NCID is synced and added to the DOT site you will receive another email letting you know you have been added.  You must then follow the link in the email to change your password BEFORE YOU CAN ACCESS to DOT site.

    Important:  Make sure that Steps 1 and 2 above have been completed prior to submitting the Request Access to the Research Idea and Proposal Site form shown below. 

    Step 3 will be done after you have been synced and added to the DOT site and must be done before you can access the site.

 External Users - Request Access to the Research Idea and Proposal Site

Once your NCID BUSINESS account has been created, please check your email to complete the registration process or you will have to re-register again after 3 days. Follow the link in the email to confirm your email address, enter your NCID information in this form to request access to the Research and Development Research Idea and Proposal Submission Site. Internal NCDOT users can proceed directly to the forms and do not need to request an ID. Once your NCID is synced and added to the DOT site you will receive another email letting you know you have been added and You must then follow the link in the email to change your password BEFORE YOU CAN ACCESS the DOT site.

This process is not automated. It may take up to two business days to completely process your request. Any errors with the NCID process will delay access to the idea form.

You will receive a notification email that your request has been received and another notification email once access has been granted or if additional information is required.

Please provide your NCID Business userID

Required *
*NCID Business UserID:
Validating Fields
Submitting Form

​Once you have been granted access, proceed using the links on the right.

 Idea Submission Form

Click the button below to submit your new idea.

 Review Your Submitted Ideas

Click the button below to access the Research & Development site and review your submitted idea.

Login ​

 NCDOT Proposal Form Submission

Click the button below to submit your proposal.

 Review Your Submitted Proposal

Click the button below to access the Research & Development site and review your submitted proposal.


Login ​​

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