| Volkswagen Settlement | | | Quick Links | 8/9/2023 2:08 PM | 25 |
| BOT Agenda Website | | | Quick Links | 8/9/2023 2:09 PM | 40 |
| Statewide Benefits of Transit by Transit System Zip File | Zip File containing individual files | | Quick Links | 8/9/2023 2:17 PM | 20 |
| Statewide Benefits of Transit by Transit System PDF File | 1 pdf file combining all files | | Quick Links | 8/9/2023 2:07 PM | 15 |
| EBS | Links to: Budget, Submitting Docs, Submitting Docs, Submitting Docs, Reimbursement/Claims, Contracts and Vehicle Replacement. | Doing Business with PTD | Grantee Links & Resources | 7/19/2019 10:26 AM | |
| Training Toolkit | This website will provide you information about training programs locally and Nationally that meet NCDOT standards. | Doing Business with PTD | Grantee Links & Resources | 7/19/2019 10:26 AM | |
| Census 2020 | The 2020 Census will provide a snapshot of our nation—our population, where we're living, and so much more. Please participate. | Doing Business with PTD | Grantee Links & Resources | 7/22/2019 10:34 AM | |
| The American Community Survey | This survey is the premier source for annual socioeconomic data and information about America's changing population, housing and workforce. Please participate. | Doing Business with PTD | Grantee Links & Resources | 7/22/2019 10:39 AM | |
| The Economic Census | The Economic Census measures the nation's economy every 5 years providing vital statistics for every industry and geographic area. Please participate. | Doing Business with PTD | Grantee Links & Resources | 7/22/2019 10:41 AM | |
| National and State Population Estimates | The National & State Population Estimates utilize current data on births, deaths, and migration to calculate population change and produce a time series of estimates of population, demographic components of change, and housing units. | Doing Business with PTD | Grantee Links & Resources | 7/22/2019 10:43 AM | |
| Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage | Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage are increasingly important in measuring the nation’s overall well-being. | Doing Business with PTD | Grantee Links & Resources | 7/22/2019 10:43 AM | |
| EBS | Links to: Budget, Submitting Docs, Submitting Docs, Submitting Docs, Reimbursement/Claims, Contracts and Vehicle Replacement. | Financial | Partner Connect Help Links | 3/21/2019 3:08 PM | |
| PTD Intern & Apprenticeship Program Video | | Grants | Quick Links | 8/9/2023 2:07 PM | 10 |
| Lunch & Learn Series | Lunchtime Webinar based Series designed to educate Urban and Suburban Transit Professionals on trends and new approaches to connecting people to their destinations. | Planning | | 9/25/2018 3:00 PM | |
| Transit Federal Discretionary Grants | Transit Federal Discretionary Grants | Planning | | 5/16/2019 3:03 PM | |
| GIS and Mapping | | Planning | Quick Links | 8/9/2023 2:20 PM | 30 |
| NCDOT Approved Product List Portal | | Procurement | Quick Links | 8/9/2023 2:09 PM | 35 |
| Training Toolkit | This website will provide you information about training programs locally and Nationally that meet NCDOT standards. | System Oversight | Training Links | 3/13/2017 8:06 AM | 1 |