Accurate travel demand modeling requires accurate values for roadway capacities and service volumes at various levels of service. The NCDOT Statewide Planning Branch (SWP) does not currently possess a consistent method for determining expected service volumes and capacities for a given set of roadway, geographic, traffic, or other characteristics.
Some guidance does exist concerning these critical planning values. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has developed a revised LOS handbook. The United States Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), published by the Transportation Research Board and revised in 2000, does provide planning methodologies for various facilities. However, the paucity of information typically available at the planning stages coupled with the relative complexity of the HCM product make direct use of the HCM impractical or inefficient for forecasting applications. Unfortunately, the tools currently available to SWP are either too broad, too complex, not consistent, or not adapted to North Carolina conditions.
The North Carolina Level of Service (LOS) Program described in this proposal is designed to remedy a planning capability deficiency for the Department. This project proposes to develop a user friendly computer program that will provide users with accurate, consistent expected hourly service volumes and expected daily traffic for various facilities, tailored to North Carolina conditions.