• Mobility and Reliability Performance Measurement

    NCDOT Research Project Number: 2011-07

Executive Summary

  • This project grew out of the fact that mobility was identified early on as one of the key performance focus areas of NCDOT’s strategic transformation effort. The Transformation Management Team (TMT) established a TMT Mobility Workstream Team in 2007. This team began working on a mobility implementation plan in early 2008, completed the report in May 2008, and presented final recommendations to the Strategic Management Committee (SMC) in November 2008. The team recommended that NCDOT measure mobility of highway and other modes, naming the enabling tasks as 1) defining the performance measures, 2) assessing baseline performance, and 3) setting performance targets. The research presented in this final report included tasks designed to contribute to each of these enabling tasks.​

    Key findings and conclusions are presented regarding data accuracy, signal system data availability and quality, route travel time estimation and performance metric calculation, estimation of volume and volume-based metrics in the absence of direct volume observation, temporal specification of the mobility performance metric analysis period, and mobility metric uses beyond operational monitoring and management.​

    Primary deliverables are a robust and validated algorithm for estimating route travel times from segment travel times, a decision framework and accompany models for estimating volume, VMT, and system delay in the absence of direct volume observation, and a preliminary framework for project lifecycle mobility value estimation.​
Billy M. Williams
Billy M. Williams
Meredith M. McDiarmid
Ernest Morrison

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Report Period

  • August 16, 2010 - August 15, 2012


  • Complete


  • Traffic, Mobility, Safety and Roadway Design

Sub Category

  • Traffic Safety

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