The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NC DOT) is planning various transportation improvement program (TIP) projects that are in close proximity to a primary winter roost site for this species. This federally endangered species is an obligate cave-roosting bat found in isolated populations in only 4 states; further, there are very limited data on its distribution, and roosting and foraging ecology in western North Carolina. Therefore, it is almost impossible to anticipate how proposed NC DOT highway and bridge projects will affect the species.
The study, which will begin in Fall 2012, will take place in Avery, Caldwell, and Watauga counties in western North Carolina and surrounding areas. Our objectives are to identify maternity roosts for Virginia big-eared bats in western North Carolina, to document seasonal movements between hibernacula and maternity sites, and to identify foraging locations. We will use data from acoustic monitoring and cave observations to predict spring emergence times. We will conduct a comprehensive radio telemetry study, using active and passive telemetry approaches to follow 20 individual bats each year in Spring 2013 and 2014.
The study will be completed by the PI, a graduate student, and seasonal technicians, all representing Indiana State University. We will employ a subcontractor for aerial telemetry surveys. We also anticipate cooperation by biologists from NC DOT, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, NC Division of Parks and Recreation, and US Fish and Wildlife Service. Results of the study will be shared with agency partners and other biologists through data sharing, meetings, reports, presentations, and peer-reviewed publications.
Data collected in this study will significantly expand our knowledge of Virginia big-eared bat ecology. We will gather data on overall population health, and identify roosting and foraging locations. These data will enable us to better predict and mitigate for the effects of development projects within the range of Virginia big-eared bats. This study will provide NC DOT with essential data for writing Biological Assessments and will provide the US Fish and Wildlife Service with data to produce Biological Opinions necessary to allow NC DOT projects to proceed. The data collected in this study will eliminate uncertainties about TIP projects in Watauga, Avery and portions of Caldwell counties, thereby allowing the timely completion of these projects. It will also allow NC DOT to anticipate what, if any, avoidance and minimization measures may be needed for upcoming projects.