• Load Rating for NC Legal Vehicles

    NCDOT Research Project Number: 2017-07

Executive Summary

  • The proposed research will develop a methodology to optimize the list of Legal NC Vehicles that that have been defined by the NC General Statutes (GS §20-118). Currently, NCDOT lists of rating vehicles consists of 13 vehicles that can travel legally on interstate highways and 16 vehicles that can travel legally in non-interstate highways. The process of determining the controlling load rating (or vehicle) is cumbersome, especially on multi-span bridges. The Structures Management Unit is in need of a methodology that optimizes the current GS §20-118 vehicles and allows for determining future representative legal vehicles if the NC General Statutes are amended. 

    To address the aforementioned needs, this research will be conducted to:

    • Develop a methodology to optimize representative NC legal vehicles;
    • Evaluate and optimize current representative NC legal vehicles based on single and multi-span bridges; and
    • Develop an automated computer model for developing NC legal vehicles that can be incorporated into the current analysis and load rating software used by the Structures Management Unit.

Thomas Nicholas II
Thomas Nicholas II; Carlos Orozco
James Bolden
John W. Kirby

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Report Period

  • August 1, 2016 – July 31, 2017


  • In Progress


  • Structures, Construction and Geotechnical

Sub Category

  • Bridge Maintenance and Management

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