• Warrant Development for Signalization of Superstreet Intersections with Two or Three Approaches

    NCDOT Research Project Number: 2017-11

Executive Summary

  • This research provides NCDOT with a defensible method for determining the need for considering additional signalization analysis at intersections with fewer than four legs where drivers desire to merge with or cross two lanes of oncoming traffic. This document is intended to provide guidance and support to traffic engineers in their decision making process. Charts are provided to determine the expected 95th percentile queue lengths for left turn, right turn, and U turn movements crossing or merging with two lanes of opposing traffic. This situation is typically present along four lane roadways where a one way primary movement opposes either a minor road right turn movement or a left turn movement, or in the case of a median U turn opening. Adjustment factors to the opposing flowrate are also provided to account for the presence of upstream signalized intersections.
Shannon Warchol
Nagui M. Rouphail; Shannon Warchol; Chris Vaughan
Joseph E. Hummer
John W. Kirby

Report Period

  • August 1, 2016 - December 31, 2017


  • Complete


  • Traffic, Mobility, Safety and Roadway Design

Sub Category

  • Traffic Management

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