• Inductive Wireless Power Transfer for Switcher Trains

    NCDOT Research Project Number: 2020-40

 Executive Summary

  • ​      To address the issue of charging off-road switcher equipment at railroad yards, UNC Charlotte team is first in the nation to develop this one-of-a-kind wireless power technology for rail application. A wireless power charging system for switcher trains at the North Carolina DOT Rail Yard is developed in this project. The system would allow the switcher trains to be charged overnight and minimize the heavy labor involved in the current plug-in charging system – thus minimizing exposing rail yard personnel to working hazards due to heavy loading. The proposed wireless charging system will provide substantial support for the rapid and reliable charging of the electric power supply of the switcher trains, which will greatly facilitate NCDOT's asset management in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, and safety. Ultimately, the results of this research will also benefit NCDOT with respect to the enhancement of the safety of yard operations, minimizing environmental impacts, increasing worker safety, and reducing pollution.
         The key innovations developed in the project include novel W-I magnetic couple design and power electronic converters, achieving highest efficiency reported for railway application. The project supports students' academic progress by providing them hands-on, real-world, experiential learning opportunities.  The project also helps forge strong partnerships for technology innovation and demonstration between UNC Charlotte and our local communities - Belmont Trolley and the City of Belmont. The project was highlighted by PBS Charlotte TV in the episode "TRAIL OF HISTORY: Historic Infrastructure" in Mar 2023.


Tiefu Zhao
Tiefu Zhao; Shenen Chen
Derek Ward
Curtis T. Bradley
UNC Charlotte

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 Report Period

  • August 1, 2019 - January 31, 2023


  • Complete


  • Planning, Policy, Programming and Multi-modal

 Sub Category

  • Passenger Rail

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