• Developing and Operationalizing a Testbed of Connected Self-driving Shuttles to Test and Develop CAV Applications in North Carolina

    NCDOT Research Project Number: 2022-16

 Executive Summary

  • With advances in communication, computation, and control technologies, fleets of Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) can be deployed to flexibly provide on-demand transportation services in the near future. Therefore, it is important to start the development of CAV testbeds and piloted projects for the deployment of CAVs to complement some of the on-going efforts in North Carolina on the developed infrastructure for AVs such as Connected Autonomous Shuttle Supporting Innovation (CASSI) program. Therefore, the goal of this project is to develop and operationalize a flexible and customizable open hardware/software testbed for connected automated microtransit vehicles consisting of three automated shuttles. This will be achieved by developing and operationalizing a CAV testbed of three automated shuttles through the following objectives: (1) Installing, testing, and operationalizing the hardware components of the CAV testbed, in which all hardware components are modifiable according to the application in mind, (2) Developing and testing software components of the CAV testbed, (3) Installing, testing, and operationalizing the communication devices of the CAV testbed with the capability of communicating with other vehicles and infrastructure which follow SAE and IEEE standards for CAVs, (4) Integration of the components of the developed CAV testbed, and (5) Implementation and deployment of the CAV testbed. This project provided an opportunity for the CAV research community in North Carolina to have access to this unique, comprehensive, and flexible testbed of CAVs with a focus on microtransit vehicle systems. This project also provided information needed to design future transportation that remains relevant and ready for future CAV technologies.​

Ali Karimoddini
Ali Karimoddini; Abdollah Homaifar
Sarah E. Searcy
Curtis T. Bradley
NC A&T State University

 Report Period

  • August 1, 2021 - July 31, 2023


  • Complete


  • Planning, Policy, Programming and Multi-modal

 Sub Category

  • Public & Rural Transportation

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