NCDOT and the USDOT Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) in November 2022 hosted a three-day day workshop addressing grade crossing safety and trespass prevention issues. Co-organized by the Institute for Transportation Research and Education at NC State University, the event was held at the James B. Hunt Jr. Library on NC State's campus in Raleigh.
The workshop goals were to (1) identify existing and emerging technology designed and used to mitigate, reduce and ultimately eliminate highway-rail grade crossing and trespasser incidents; (2) raise awareness of the dangers and effects of highway-rail grade crossing and trespasser incidents; (3) seek out low-cost solutions; and (4) discuss practical ideas for technological improvements for vehicular and pedestrian safety at highway-rail grade crossings.
Over 200 attendees from 24 states and Canada participated with representation from the FRA, the USDOT Federal Highway Administration, several railroad companies, state DOTs, law enforcement agencies, and numerous other rail and academic disciplines. The program agenda included welcoming remarks by North Carolina Transportation Secretary J. Eric Boyette and featured more than 30 speakers and presentations. A PDF document compiling the presentation slides and the agenda is posted on this website.