• Economic Performance Measurements

    NCDOT Research Project Number: 2013-19

 Executive Summary

  • Volume 1:
    NCDOT desires to identify best practices regarding transportation related economic performance measures and tools to improve decision-making such that North Carolina’s transportation investments provide greater support for the state’s economic development and competitiveness. The key question is—are we investing in the most economically productive infrastructure—not from a short-term perspective, but from that of improving the economic prosperity of all North Carolinians for the decades ahead? Consequently, NCDOT asked the Institute for Transportation Research and Education (ITRE) at North Carolina State University to conduct a scan of literature and best practices to provide NCDOT with critical information to evaluate how to move forward with ensuring that economic performance becomes integrated into policy, planning, programming and project-level decision-making. The result of that work is contained herein.

    Volume 2:
    North Carolina is undergoing record setting population growth, and experiencing unprecedented underinvestment in its transportation infrastructure. Currently, North Carolina faces a transportation funding shortfall ranging from $86.3 billion to $148.2 billion by 2040. If current spending levels continue, the state’s overall infrastructure health is expected to fall from a ‘C’ to a ‘D’ rating. At the same time, the motor fuels tax, which has been the mainstay of North Carolina highway funding since 1921, is no longer a secure, reliable funding source. Tax receipts continue to erode due to purchasing power losses and vehicle fuel efficiency gains, and this trend is expected to intensify in the near-term. This report provides a combination of short-term and long-term transportation funding mechanisms available for state policymakers to avert an infrastructure crisis.

    Volume 3:
    This project is part of a program-level assessment and evaluation of the economic performance of various business units. This project will help prepare NCDOT to better align its strategies, policies, programs, projects, and activities to evaluate their performance in terms of enhancing the economy and well-being of North Carolina. Over the course of Task 2A, we completed a basic inventory of each business unit’s current activities (i.e., programs, projects, and services), their current performance measures, and current understanding of their economic contribution. During Task 2B, we met with each of the business units. The summaries of those meetings are contained in this report.


Leigh Blackmon Lane
Leigh Blackmon Lane
Ehren Meister
Rasay Abadilla
NC State University

 Report Period

  • March 1, 2013 - August 31, 2015


  • Complete


  • Planning, Policy, Programming and Multi-modal

 Sub Category

  • Programming and Financing

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