• Analysis of an Instrumented Jointless Bridge

    NCDOT Research Project Number: 2001-01

 Executive Summary

  • There are three primary objective of the research project. The first is to validate analysis and design assumptions for simply supported girders, compatibility of deformation between girders and link-slab, force-deformation behavior and strain state in link-slab under prescribed end-rotations, and link-slab softening. The second objective is to investigate limit-states design methods (methods for assessing firder end rotations and allowable link-slab reinforcement strain for various load conditions) and simplified design procedures for link-slab bridges. Live load testing, long term live load testing, and seasonal thermal testing will all be done on the bridge. The final objective is to develop a guide for long-term monitoring.​

Mervyn J. Kowalsky
Mervyn J. Kowalsky; Paul Zia
Mrinmay "Moy" Biswas
NC State University

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 Report Period

  • July 2001 - June 2002


  • Complete


  • Structures, Construction and Geotechnical

 Sub Category

  • Bridge Design

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