• Evaluating Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Treating Stormwater and Wastewater from North Carolina Highways, Industrial Facilities, and Borrow Pits

    NCDOT Research Project Number: 2001-07

 Executive Summary

  • In June, 1998, the Division of Water Quality of the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources issued a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit (no. NCS000250, for the period June 8, 1998 to May 31, 2003) to NCDOT authorizing the discharge of borrow pit wastewater and stormwater associated with industrial activities. The permit outlines requirements such as Stormwater System Inventory and Prioritization, BMP Retrofits and BMP Toolbox for Roadway Drainage & Construction Sites, Industrial Activities, and Borrow Pit/Waste Pile Activities. In addition, the permit details specific record keeping and reporting requirements. ​

    This research project will provide NCDOT assistance in meeting the following permit requirements: 

    Analytical monitoring of 

    1. Ferry facility
    2. Industrial facilities 
    3. Borrow pits
    4. Highways

    This research will also evaluate the structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) for treating runoff from all 20 sites. ​

    Data elements to be collected include storm criteria and number to be sampled, borrow pit sampling, monitoring description, QA/QC measures, covariates (land use characteristics and tracking) and data analysis.


Daniel E. Line; Jean Spooner
G. Dennis Pipkin
NC State University

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 Report Period

  • July 2000 - June 2005


  • Complete


  • Environment and Hydraulics

 Sub Category

  • Water Quality and Pollutant Discharge

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