• Rasay Abadilla MSCE, P.E., Research Staff Engineer

    Research & Development Unit

    Raleigh, NC 27699-1549
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2015-22Planning, Policy, Programming and Multi-modalProgramming and FinancingRasay Abadilla
2015-15Planning, Policy, Programming and Multi-modalMiscellaneousRasay Abadilla
2015-06Structures, Construction and GeotechnicalAviationRasay Abadilla
2014-06Planning, Policy, Programming and Multi-modalBicycle and PedestrianRasay Abadilla
2014-09Structures, Construction and GeotechnicalComposite & Innovative MaterialsRasay Abadilla
2014-07Structures, Construction and GeotechnicalBridge Maintenance and ManagementRasay Abadilla
2014-10Structures, Construction and GeotechnicalSubStructures, Foundations and HydraulicsRasay Abadilla
2014-35Structures, Construction and GeotechnicalBridge Maintenance and ManagementRasay Abadilla
2013-19Planning, Policy, Programming and Multi-modalProgramming and FinancingRasay Abadilla
2013-39Planning, Policy, Programming and Multi-modalTraffic Surveys, Modeling and ForecastingRasay Abadilla
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