Caldwell County
The Caldwell County Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan Study was done in cooperation with the Town of Cajah’s Mountain, Caldwell County, the Town of Gamewell, the Town of Granite Falls, the Town of Hudson, the City of Lenoir, the Town of Sawmills and the North Carolina Department of Transportation. A public information meeting on the plan was held October 23, 2001 at the Broyhill Civic Center. With the exception of the City of Lenoir, the Thoroughfare Plan was adopted by all of the above mentioned local governments on January 24, 2002 with a public hearing having occurred on the same day. The City of Lenoir adopted the plan on February 5, 2002 with a public hearing held on the same day. The North Carolina Department of Transportation adopted the plan on March 7, 2002.\r\n\r\nAs a result of the United States Census Bureau’s designation for urbanized areas, the Caldwell County Urban Area is now considered apart of the Greater Hickory Metropolitan Planning Organization.