• Model Research and Development


    The Model Research and Development Group provides technical expertise for the Transportation Planning Branch in travel demand modeling (TransCAD), land use modeling, GIS (ArcGIS), statistical analysis and management of various planning data.
    The group provides transportation modeling expertise to the Metropolitan Planning Organizations and municipalities within North Carolina. They develop technical modeling tools to facilitate the analysis of the existing transportation system through capacity analysis, multimodal alternatives, land use and transportation interactions, air quality determinations, environmental streamlining, and project level travel forecasts which are a vital input to the TIP development process. Conduct high level research into travel demand modeling techniques, multimodal travel analysis, data enhancement techniques, and the development of model user interfaces. Direct the development of complex multimodal travel demand models on local, regional, and statewide basis. 
    The group also provides GIS expertise by working on integration of GIS tools and technologies into supply side forecasting, demand side forecasting, and transportation plan development.

    The first map, the Travel Demand Model Coverage Map, shows the boundaries of the current regional, MPO, and Non-MPO (Small Area) models in North  Carolina.
    NCDOT, with support of the regional partners, has a vision to develop regional models that cover the whole state.   The second map, the Travel Demand Model Regions Map, shows the tentative area boundaries of the proposed  regional models in the state.  Currently regional models for Regions 1 and 17 are under development.
    ·Travel Demand Model Regions Map​​​​​​

 TransCAD Modeling Tools

 Model Users' Group

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