• Functional Classification of Highways

    Functional classification is the process of grouping streets and highways into classes according to the character of service they are intended to provide. The Transportation Planning Branch is responsible for processing updates to the Federal Functional Classification System in North Carolina.  
    Prior to 2008, functional classifications were stratified by area type, either rural or urban.  In an effort to de-emphasize the urban boundary as being a deciding factor of functional classification, the classes were redefined into one schema independent of urban or rural designation.  The functional classes are as follows:  Interstate; Other Freeways and Expressways; Other Principal Arterial; Minor Arterial, Major Collector and Minor Collector.  
    More detailed information about functional classification may be found on the FHWA website.
    On November 19, 2014, FHWA approved proposed changes to the North Carolina federal functional classification system, as recommended by NCDOT. 
    The current functional classification for North Carolina, reflecting these amendments, may be accessed via:
    -          NCDOT GO!NC online mapping platform by clicking on ‘NCDOT Functional Class’ web service  
    -          NCDOT GIS Data Layers by downloading the most recent Road Characteristics shapefile.
    Transportation Planning Branch has Revisions Procedure in place allowing MPOs and RPOs to request revisions to the official functional classification systems as needs arise.
    Questions regarding functional classification should be direct to:
    Hong Qi Lu
    Transportation Planning Division
    1554 Mail Service Center
    Raleigh, NC 27699-1554

 Maps from NCDOT.gov

From the NCDOT GIS Unit ArcGIS Maps

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