Macon County
The Macon County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) is a long-range plan, which identifies major transportation improvement needs and develops long term solutions for the next 25 to 30 years. The study is a joint effort between Macon County, the Southwestern Rural Planning Organization (SWRPO), Town of Franklin, Town of Highlands, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation – Transportation Planning Division (NCDOT TPD). The CTP study involves both government officials and the public to determine the area’s future transportation needs based on the best information available including, but not limited to, population, economic conditions, traffic trends and patterns of land development in the county. The study will also include multimodal forms of transportation (bicycle, pedestrian, and public transportation). An update to the 2012 Macon CTP was requested by Macon County and started development in 2019. The CTP was completed and adopted on October 2021.