Research and Development ​ ​


Research and Development Office​

The Research and Development Office at NCDOT oversees transportation-related research, soliciting ideas and proposals, managing research projects, and providing support for internal NCDOT research. R&D Office also manages relationships with national research bodies (See the National Resources tab for more information) and maintains the State Transportation Library​​ (See the Library Tab for details). Researchers interested in being included on idea and RFP distribution can request to be added to the Research Roster. Please use Contact Us Form or visit our NCDOT directory page​ for direct contact information.

R&​D Office ensures nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in all research programs and a​ctivities as a recipient of federal funds (See the NCDOT Title VI Nondiscrimination Program for details).​

​​NCDOT Research Projects

Browse and search our comprehensive list of research projects. This knowledge-base is built around NCDOT and partner efforts in transportation research and includes reports and on-going project information from 1999 to the present.

View Research Projects​​ ​     Research Projects Map


Transportation Research Board (TRB)

TRB, a unit of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering an​d Medicine​ (NASEM), is a non-profit organization providing innovative, research-based solutions to im​prove transportation. TRB manages research, produces publications, and provides policy advice. TRB offers free resources and benefits to all NCDOT employees, including access to publications, complimentary admission to the Annual Meeting, and Professional Development Hours (PDH) opportunities.​

​National Cooperative Research Programs (CRP)​​

Cooperative Research Programs (CRPs) ​are managed by TRB and funded by State Transportation Agencies (STAs). The National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), followed by Airports and Transit​​ cooperative programs, is the largest CPR overseen by the AASHTO Special Committee. CRPs rely on transportation agencies to submit problem statements and volunteers to oversee research projects. Active participation by NCDOT employees ensures a strong voice in the process.​

Behavioral Traffic Safety Cooperative Research Program (BTSCRP)

The Behavioral Traffic Safety Cooperative Research Program (BTSCRP)​​ is a forum for coordinated and collaborative research to address issues integral to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and traffic safety professionals at all levels of government and the private sector. BTSCRP provides practical, ready-to-implement solutions to save lives, prevent injuries, and reduce costs of road traffic crashes associated with unsafe behaviors. BTSCRP is a partnership between GHSA, NHTSA, and the Transportation Research Board (TRB).

​​Transportation Pooled Fund Program (TPF)

​The Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF) program is used when significant or widespread interest is shown for solving transportation problems related to research, planning, and technology transfer activities. Pooled Fund project involves multiple funding partners and is managed by a "Lead Agency". Any federal, state, regional, or local transportation agency may initiate pooled fund studies. More information on TPF projects can be found on the Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF)​ website. Please submit the request form found to the top right to request NCDOT participation.​​


About the Library

​The NCDOT Transportation Library was originally created to house meeting agendas and minutes for the State Highway Commission, now the NC ​Board of Transportation. Over time, the library expanded to become a repository of many transportation related documents.

The Collection Includes:
  • Books on many transportation and engineering related topics
  • NCDOT Research Reports
  • Transportation Research Board (TRB) Publications including Transportation Research Records, Special Reports, Cooperative Research Program (CRP) Reports, Syntheses of Practice, Research Results Digests, Web-Only Documents, and Legal Research Digests​
  • AASHTO publications and specifications*
  • Transportation Related Periodicals and Pamphlets
  • Engineering and Construction Manuals
  • Historical newsletters and documents dating to the 1920s (Currently available in both print and digital format.​)
  • Board of Transportation Minutes to the 1950s (Currently only available in Print)
*For details on access to AASHTO Publications (digital and print), such as specifications and design manuals for details on access contact NCDOT Librarian, Lamara Williams-Jones​.

Accessing the Library

The growing collection is searchable through the State Library of North Carolina’s Library Online Catalog (NC Cardinal), and currently consists of approximately 1500 items and resources available to researchers and engineers.
​Contact the NCDOT Librarian, Lamara Williams-Jones, for assistance: 919-707-6665, or use the NCDOT Contact Us Form.
The library is located in Century Center, Building B.
Library Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 4:30. Since there is only one Librarian, customers should call before visiting the Library.

Research in Progress (RIP) Database
The Transportation Research Board’s Research in Progress (RIP) Database​​ contains information on more than 9,700 current or recently completed transportation research projects. RIP records primarily are projects funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation and State Departments of Transportation. University transportation research also is included in the database.​​
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North Carolina Transportation Centers of Excellence

In the Summer of 2019 Research and Development adve​rtised for the creation of Transportation Centers of Excellence. These university-based consortium efforts are focused on Advanced Technology (think​​ Connected and Automated Vehicles or CAVs) and novel solutions to mobility and congestion issues. After review by the NC Transportation Innovation Committee (NC-TIC) Executive Committee, it was determined that the three (3) top-rated submissions would be funded.

These Centers officially launched in February 2020, with a full slate of forward-looking research projects, made up of a diverse group of the leading universities in the state.

Details and documentation for each center can be found on their website or on the NCDOT Project Page.

Completed ​Projects

NC Transportat​ion Center of Excellence in Advanced Technology Safety and Policy (TSAP)


NC Transportation Center of Excellence on Mobility and Congestion​​

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Ongoing ​​Projects

NC Transportation Center of Excellence on Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Technology (NC-CAV)

North Carolina Sustainable and Resilient (SuRe) Infrastructure Center of Excellence​​​​

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