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2023 Construction Cost Estimate Form.xlsx
7/21/2023 5:09 PMKim Buttry
Complete Street Review Assessment Jan 2022.pdf
7/21/2023 5:12 PMKim Buttry
Complete Streets Evaluation Methodology Jan 2022.pdf
7/21/2023 5:12 PMKim Buttry
Cost Estimate Alternate Summary Template.xlsx
7/21/2023 5:10 PMKim Buttry
Example Project Initiation Form.docx
7/21/2023 5:13 PMKim Buttry
Express Design Contacts.pdf
8/24/2023 10:18 AMKim Buttry
Express Design Project Scoping Report Process.pdf
5/13/2024 7:50 AMMatthew N. Quesenberry
ExpressDesignProjectScopingTemplates April
7/21/2023 5:12 PMKim Buttry
5/15/2024 7:38 AMMatthew N. Quesenberry
FRM 5AB NCDOT ROW Request Cost Estimate Form 04_18_2023.docx
7/21/2023 5:10 PMKim Buttry
Guidance on Structure Quantities 2_18_2020.pdf
7/21/2023 5:10 PMKim Buttry
How to Coordinate Correct the DGN File.pdf
7/21/2023 5:11 PMKim Buttry
Lighting Request Form 2021.docx
7/21/2023 5:10 PMKim Buttry
Memo on Lights on Roundabouts 2021.pdf
7/21/2023 5:11 PMKim Buttry
8/24/2023 10:18 AMKim Buttry
8/24/2023 10:18 AMKim Buttry
NCDOT Complete Streets Project Sheet Jan 2022.pdf
7/21/2023 5:12 PMKim Buttry
NCDOT Conceptual Construction Cost Estimation Guidelines Aug 2021.pdf
7/21/2023 5:09 PMKim Buttry
7/21/2023 5:13 PMKim Buttry
P6.0 Highway Typical Sections for SPOT On!ine.pdf
7/21/2023 5:12 PMKim Buttry
Quick Access Guide to ROW Parcels and Requesting Estimates_9_1_2020.docx
7/21/2023 5:10 PMKim Buttry
Right of Way Acceptable Delivered Data.docx
7/21/2023 5:10 PMKim Buttry
Right of Way Delivery Transmittal.docx
7/21/2023 5:10 PMKim Buttry
ROW Query With GIS for 103 04_26_2017.pdf
7/21/2023 5:10 PMKim Buttry
Sharepoint Access for Consultants.pdf
7/21/2023 5:13 PMKim Buttry