• Alternatives and Scenario Analysis

    A critical component of the long range transportation planning process is the development and evaluation of options for transportation solutions to meet the identified needs or deficiencies in an area. Further, if various land use scenarios are under consideration by local communities, these may also be analyzed to determine the interaction between various transportation options and land use.  The study of these multimodal project proposals and land use options is often termed 'Alternatives and Scenario Analysis.'  The extent to which alternatives and scenarios are analyzed in long range transportation planning can vary greatly based on available resources and other considerations.  One of the goals of Integration is to identify best practices to help decision makers and practitioners determine when it is most useful to invest limited resources in more detailed Alternatives and Scenario Analysis in long range planning.  Guidance addresses how to conduct this analysis in a way such that the results are useful, not only for decision making in long range planning, but also so that information may be carried forward for consideration in project development.  Following are draft guidelines and tools; as these resources are being finalized, training is also being developed.  Information posted here will be updated as it becomes available.

    Draft Procedures and Tools (8/15/17)

    Alternatives and Scenario Analysis Procedure

    CTP/MTP Alternativies and Scenario Analysis Flowchart

    Resource Inventory Table

    Alternatives Impacts Table

    Alternatives Evaluation Table


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