Air Cargo Studies | 004 | Examine and determine the status of air cargo service upon an airport and it's ground service area and project impacts of improved and/or new air cargo service destination markets, economic impact of improved or new air cargo service on airports , as well as aviation activities in general, both on the statewide, regional and local/county levels. Analyze any previous Air Cargo Impact studies, whether on a statewide, regional or local/county level, collect data showing the impacts in utilization of improved or new service that was implemented by an air cargo carrier, collect and analyze economic data from individuals and businesses who utilize the air cargo service by accepted and present data in an effective format. | Economist or Certified Planner | Economist or Certified Planner | | Economist or Certified Planning | Must be familiar with the dynamics and economics of the Air Cargo Service Industry, the USDOT/OST Office of Aviation Analysis, FAA Advisory Circulars and Reports that have relational material dealing with Impacts of Air Cargo Service. Must submit recent Air Cargo Service Impact Studies and provide the following for each project: project name and owner, number and type of airports in study, Owner reference/ evaluation, commencement and completion dates, and contract value. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Air Service Studies | 007 | Examine and determine the status of scheduled commercial air service upon an airport and it's ground service area and project impacts of improved and/or new service destination markets, economic impact of improved or new scheduled service, on airports , as well as aviation activities in general, both on the statewide, regional and local/county levels. Analyze any previous Air Service Impact studies, whether on a statewide, regional or local/county level, collect data showing the impacts in utilization of improved or new service that was implemented by a scheduled air carrier, collect and analyze economic data from individuals and businesses who utilize the air service by accepted and present data in an effective format. | Economist or Certified Planner | Economist or Certified Planner | | Economist or Certified Planning | Must be familiar with the dynamics and economics of the Commercial Air Service Industry, the USDOT/OST Office of Aviation Analysis, FAA Advisory Circulars and Reports that have relational material dealing with Impacts of Commercial Air Service. Must submit recent Air Service Impact Studies and provide the following for each project: project name and owner, number and type of airports in study, Owner reference/ evaluation, commencement and completion dates, and contract value. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Aircraft Maintenance | 008 | Aircraft mechanic for fixed wing and/or rotary aircraft. Work involves the inspection, maintenance, modification, and repair of airframes, power plants and related systems for fixed wing and/or rotary aircraft. Expected to independently perform routine work, research maintenance and service manuals and complete all necessary repair/inspection reports and entries. | | | | | Must have thorough knowledge of the FAA and FCC rules and regulations, and State Statutes governing the operation and maintenance of aircraft. Graduation from an FAA approved aviation maintenance school and one year of experience in aircraft inspection, maintenance and repair; or graduation from high school and three years of related experience; or an equivalent combination of training and experience. Possession of a valid FAA Airframe and Power plant license. Working knowledge of the tools, equipment and methods used in the inspection, maintenance and repair of aircraft. Working knowledge of FAA rules and regulations concerning aircraft inspection and repair. Ability to read and interpret technical manuals and troubleshoot technical problems and complete repairs. Good communication with others to ensure safe operations and good situational awareness will be maintained during all maintenance procedures. No reportable incidences or accidents in the last 10 years. FAA rules and regulations require most maintenance repair and inspection jobs, be certified that the mechanic's work is in compliance with these rules and regulations. On major overhauls, repairs, and alterations or inspections, the work must reviewed and certified by an Inspector (IA Certification) authorized by the FAA. No FAA incidences or violations in the last 10 years. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Airfield Pavement Management System | 009 | Management of Airport Concrete and Asphalt Pavements utilizing Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Surveys and Software. Analysis of current/previous as-built drawings and specifications, collection of inspection data utilizing a PCI survey procedure to objectively determine the functional and structural condition of a pavement. | Project Manager | P.E. | | P.E. | Must show that firm is familiar with all FAA Advisory Circulars related to Airport Pavement Design, PCI Survey Procedures (ASTM D5340-98). Must submit three (3) PCI Survey projects completed within the last five (5) years conforming to FAA, US Army Corp., or AASHTO standards and provide the following for each project: project name and owner, pavement thickness/type, owner reference/evaluation, commencement and completion dates, and contract value. Must provide written approach to PCI Survey Procedure including number of teams, visual inspection methods and recording distress information (distress type, quantity and severity), reports and management of airfield pavement surveys to ensure project compliance. Must submit list of equipment for field observations. Must show knowledge of FAA Runway Safety Publications and had initial or recurrent training for CFR Part 130.303. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Airport Planning/Design/ Engineering | 010 | Planning and designing an airport conforming to FAA Standards. Analysis of a current Airport Master Plan and as- built drawings, collection of operational data, activity forecasting and demand- capacity analysis, GIS, etc.. | Project Manager | P.E. or Certified Planner | | P.E. | Must submit projects conforming to both FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13 ‘Airport Design’ standards and Advisory Circular 150-5070-6B ‘Airport Master Plans’ and provide the following for each project: project name and owner, type of airport (Air Carrier or General Aviation), owner reference/evaluation, commencement and completion dates, and contract value. Must show preparation of a scope of work which has critical review points for Local, State and FAA input. Must show knowledge of FAA Runway Safety Publications and had initial or recurrent training for CFR Part 130.303. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Airport System Planning | 011 | Planning a system of airports on a regional or statewide basis. Analysis of previous State Aviation System Plans as well as existing individual Airport Master Plans and as-built drawings, collection of operational data, activity forecasting and demand-capacity analysis. | Project Manager | P.E. or Certified Planner | | P.E. or Certified Planning | Must submit recent projects conforming to FAA Advisory Circular 150/5070-7 ‘The Airport System Planning Process’ that are related to Airport System Planning, as well as any projects/studies relating to Advisory Circular 150-5070-6B ‘Airport Master Plans’ and provide the following for each project/study: project name and owner, number/ type of airports in system, Owner reference/evaluation, commencement and completion dates, and contract value. Must show preparation of a scope of work which has critical review points for both State and FAA input. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Airspace Analysis | 012 | Development of Airspace Analysis/ Classification Studies. Analyze existing and proposed Airspace Classifications (Class A through Class G), requirements for locating and siting, on an individual airports basis. Provide written approach to management of Airspace Study to ensure project compliance. | Project Engineer or Certified Planner | P.E. or Certified Planner | | P.E. or Certified Planner | Must submit recent Studies/Projects conforming to Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 91, 'General Operating and Flight Rules', Parts 71, 'Designation of Class A, B, C, D, and E Airspace Areas; Airways; Routes; and Reporting Points', Part 73, 'Special Use Airspace', Part 77, 'Objects affecting navigable airspace' and all FAA Advisory Circulars, Reports and Orders related to Airport Airspace, knowledge of FAA Airways Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) methods and practices, and provide the following for each project: project name and owner, number/type of navigational aids, Owner reference/evaluation, commencement and completion dates, and contract value. If airport airside access is necessary, must show knowledge of FAA Runway Safety Publications and had initial or recurrent training for CFR Part 130.303. Must submit surveying tools/equipment for field observations and obstruction identification and analysis if necessary. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Aviation Economic Impact | 017 | Examine and determine the economic impact of commercial and general aviation airports, as well as aviation activities in general, both on the statewide, regional and local/county levels. Analyze any previous Aviation Economic Impact studies, whether on a statewide, regional or local/county level, collect data affecting the economic impact of public airports from airport related business and tenants, collect and analyze economic data from individuals and businesses who utilize the airport by accepted means and determine the total economic impact and present data in an effective format. | Economist or Certified Planner | Certified Planner | | Certified Planning | Must show that firm is familiar with all FAA Advisory Circulars that have relational material dealing with Economic Impacts of Airports and Aviation. Must submit projects for Economic Impact Studies greater than $150,000 and provide the following for each project: project name and owner, number and type of airports in study, Owner reference/ evaluation, commencement and completion dates, and contract value. Must submit a preparation of a scope of work which has critical review points for both State and FAA input. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Airport Safety Analysis/ Inspection | 019 | Perform Safety Inspection of Airports. Perform FAA Airport Master Record Inspection per FAA Office of Aeronautical Information Services, FAA Order 5010.4, 'Airport Safety Data Program', reporting findings and data in an effective format to the NFDC (National Flight Data Center). Provide written approach to airport inspection procedure to ensure project compliance. | Trained Airport Safety Data Inspector | | | | Must be familiar with FAA Office of Aeronautical Information Services, FAA Order 5010.4, 'Airport Safety Data Program', Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, 'Airport Design' and all Orders/Reports related to airport inspection, successful graduate of FAA mandated training seminar in FAA Form 5010-1 Airport Inspection Procedures, and provide a list of previous 5010 Inspections and the following for each airport: project name and owner, number of inspections performed, Owner reference/ evaluation, commencement and completion dates, and contract value. Must be knowledgeable of FAA Runway Safety Publications and had initial or recurrent training for CFR Part 130.303. Must state whether firm has defaulted or failed to complete contractual obligations with the last 10 years, whether firm has ever been terminated due to the quality of their work, and must provide surety information (name, rating and limits). Must submit surveying equipment for field observations. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Avionics System Development | 020 | NextGen Technologies including Ground Stations and Airborne Electronic Systems for Aircraft Communication and Navigation. Development of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) and other NextGen Technologies. Provide written approach to management of airfield projects to ensure project compliance. | Project Engineer | P.E. | | P.E., Electronics or Scientific | Must submit an key personnel responsible for development of NextGen Equipment (both ground based and airborne), involvement in FAA NextGen Demonstration Project(s) in the National Airspace System (NAS), familiar with "FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012" and all NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rule Making) relating to NextGen and ADS-B development, and provide the following for each project: project name and owner, number/type of NextGen navigational aids, Owner reference/evaluation, commencement and completion dates, and contract value. If airport airside access is necessary, must show knowledge of FAA Runway Safety Publications and had initial or recurrent training for CFR Part 130.303. Must state whether firm has defaulted or failed to complete contractual obligations with the last 10 years, whether firm has ever been terminated due to the quality of their work, and must provide surety information (name, rating and limits). Must submit equipment for development and testing of NextGen Navigational Aids. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Aviation Executive Pilots (Captains And F.O.) | 071 | Pilot single or twin engine, fixed and/or rotary wing aircraft, in a variety of mission flights including point to point passenger flights, photogrammetry, and occasional search and rescue. Conduct pre-flight and post-flight inspections of aircraft and note all discrepancies in a maintenance log, and maintain all other necessary logs and reports related to their flights. Work includes planning flights considering weather, navigational aids, routing, altitudes, alternative routes and destinations, loading and weight distribution, fuel requirements, and the filing of IFR flight pans as necessary. Perform piloting assignments as pilot in command and does not normally have any direct supervision available. Operation manual details the rules and regulations of procedures, conduct, training, flight operations, flight crew coordination and operational limitations of equipment. | | | | | Must have thorough knowledge of the FAA and FCC rules and regulations, and State Statutes governing the operation and maintenance of aircraft. Graduation from high school and a minimum of 1,500 hours of flight time in a closely related type of aircraft and/or type of mission, along with a minimum of six years of related experience. Certification as a FAA commercial or air transport pilot in airlines and/or rotorcraft, and possession of an FAA Class II Medical Certificate. Also required are ratings in multi-engine (land), instrument flying and others as designated. Good flying safety record, no reportable incidences or accidents in the last 10 years. No FAA incidences or violations in the last 10 years. No failed FAA or military flight evaluations. Must have single and multi-engine fixed and /or rotary wing aircraft. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Flight Operations/Training | 073 | Trained to fly and fix the division's aircraft. Self-study and attend certified vendors of semi-annual and annual training. Fly and maintain single and multi-engine fixed and /or rotary wing aircraft. | | | | | Certification as a FAA commercial or air transport pilot in airlines and/or rotorcraft. Also required are ratings in multi-engine (land), instrument flying and others as designated. Possession of a valid FAA Airframe and Power plant license. Ability to attend training and pass the course syllabus for single and multi-engine fixed and/ or rotary wing aircraft. Good flying safety record, no reportable incidences or accidents in the last 10 years. No FAA incidences or violations in the last 10 years. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Aviation Flight Operations Management | 074 | Serves as Chief Pilot in a supervisory and administrative position managing and coordinating the flight operations and maintenance of an aviation department. Supervise, plan, direct, review and evaluate the work of subordinates. Responsible for developing flight schedules. Normally flies both helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. Review and authorize changes to the flight schedule, develop and make changes to methods, procedures, operations, training and maintenance, and establish policy and procedures. | | | | | Must have thorough knowledge of the FAA and FCC rules and regulations, and State Statutes governing the operation and maintenance of aircraft. Graduation from high school and a minimum of 2,000 hours of flight time in a closely related type of aircraft and/or type of mission, along with a minimum of six years of related experience. Certification as a FAA commercial or air transport pilot in airlines and/or rotorcraft, and possession of an FAA Class II Medical Certificate. Also required are ratings in multi-engine (land), instrument flying and others as designated. Good flying safety record, no reportable incidences or accidents in the last 10 years. No FAA incidences or violations in the last 10 years. No failed FAA or military flight evaluations. Must have single and multi-engine fixed and /or rotary wing aircraft. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Airport Electrical/ NAVAID/Procedure Development | 142 | Airport Electronics and Navigational Aids (NAVAIDS), Airspace Obstacle Analysis and TERPS (Terminal Instrument Procedures) Analysis. Analyze requirements for locating and siting, on an individual airports basis, ADS-B, VORs, Localizers, Glideslopes, AWOS, ASOS, ATIS, RCO and GCO, and development of IAP (Instrument Approach Procedures) based upon proposed installation of NAVAIDS. | Project Engineer | P.E. and Licensed Electrical | | P.E. and Licensed Electrical | Must submit three (3) Projects completed within the last five (5) years conforming to FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300 -13, 'Airport Design' standards and all FAA Advisory Circular in the 150/5340 and 150/5345-series that are related to Airport Electronics and Navigational Aids, designed utilizing FAA Airways Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) methods and practices, and provide the following for each project: project name and owner, number/type of navigational aids, Owner reference/evaluation, commencement and completion dates, and contract value. Must provide written approach to management of NAVAIDS installations and IAP development projects to ensure project compliance. Must submit equipment list for field observations and obstruction identification and analysis. Must show knowledge of FAA Runway Safety Publications and had initial or recurrent training for CFR Part 130.303. | | Alicia Wright, 919 814-0563, |
Airport Pavement Design | 430 | Design of Airport Concrete and Asphalt Pavements. Rigid and Flexible Pavement Sub-base Courses, Treated Subgrade, Sub-base Courses, Base Course, Treated Base Courses on active airfield runway, taxiway and apron. Provide written approach to design and management of airfield paving projects to ensure project compliance. | Project Engineer | P.E. | | P.E. | Must be familiar with all FAA Advisory Circulars, Reports and Orders related to Airport Pavement Design. Must submit three (3) Design Projects conforming to FAA, US Army Corp or AASHTO standards greater than $500,000 and provide the following for each project: project name and owner, pavement thickness, Owner reference/evaluation, commencement and completion dates, and contract value. If airport airside access is necessary, knowledgeable of FAA Runway Safety Publications and had initial or recurrent training for CFR Part 130.303. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Airport Construction Admin/ Inspection | 431 | Inspection of Airport Construction, Supervision of work performed by all Contractors. Perform Construction Administration and Inspection of work performed by all Contractors on a project according to FAA, AASHTO, Codes and Applicable Industry Standards, reporting findings and data in an effective format to comply with Project Specifications and Compliance. Provide written approach to airport construction admin and inspection procedures to ensure project compliance. | Project Engineer | P.E. | | P.E. | Must be familiar with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5370-12A, 'Quality Control of Construction', Advisory Circular 150/5370-10F(Draft), 'Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports', and all FAA Orders/Reports/Engineering Guidance Bulletins related to airport construction inspection, and the following for each Airport Construction Admin/Inspection performed: project name and owner, number of inspections performed, Owner reference/evaluation, commencement and completion dates, and contract value. Knowledge of FAA Runway Safety Publications and had initial or recurrent training for CFR Part 130.303. Must state whether firm has defaulted or failed to complete contractual obligations with the last 10 years, whether firm has ever been terminated due to the quality of their work, and must provide surety information (name, rating and limits). Must submit surveying and testing equipment for field observations. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Airport Approach/Obstruction Surveying | 432 | Identification and Analysis of obstruction to Aerial Navigation in Airport Approaches. Perform Identification/Analysis Survey of Critical Obstructions in Airport Approaches. Provide written approach to management of Obstruction Study to ensure project compliance. | Project Engineer/ Land Surveyor | P.E. and/or P.L.S. | | P.E. and/or P.L.S. | Must submit three (3) Studies/Projects completed within the last five (5) years identifying Airport Approach Obstructions conforming to Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 77, 'Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace' and FAA Advisory Circular 50/5300-13, 'Airport Design' and all FAA Orders/Reports related to airport approach obstruction inspection, and provide a list of previous obstruction surveys and the following for each airport approach surveyed: project name and owner, type of approach, number/type of navigational aids, Owner reference/evaluation, commencement and completion dates, and contract value. Knowledge of FAA Runway Safety Publications and had initial or recurrent training for CFR Part 130.303. Must state whether firm has defaulted or failed to complete contractual obligations with the last 10 years, whether firm has ever been terminated due to the quality of their work, and must provide surety information (name, rating and limits). Must submit surveying tools/equipment for field observations and obstruction identification and analysis. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Aviation Education & Outreach Services | 490 | Program management, education and outreach, public involvement, communications, marketing, etc. | Communications specialist, Training Specialist | BS or BA in related field | 5 years | | Must have experience and expertise in public involvement, marketing, education and bachelor’s degree in related field. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
General Division Program Support | 491 | Support for Airport Project Managers, Engineers, etc. | Project Engineer, Certified Planner | BS or BA in related field | 5 years | | Must have level of experience/education combination that is appropriate for the position being supported. Project management experience and aviation experience is required. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Division Grants Administration Support | 492 | Support for grants administration staff including production of FAA subgrants to airport sponsors, data input and management, and general grant program. | Grants administrator | | 5 years | | Must have level of experience/education combination that is appropriate for the position being supported. Main responsibilities of this position, including but not limited to fiscal administrative experience related to grant funding programs, both federal and state, grant writing, contract monitoring, fiscal approvals, working with federal and state agencies to provide timely responses to aviation stakeholders, SAP financial functions, etc. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Special Studies for Aviation | 493 | Value engineering, policy analysis, data analysis and management, web hosting, state and federal compliance studies, airport land acquisition, infrastructure evaluations, independent fee estimates, feasibility studies, etc. | Preferred Project Manager, P.E., or Certified Planner | BS or BA in related field | | | Must have adequate or required education, licensure, or certification for the type of work needed in the special studies category and experience with special study that is relevant or similar. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Program Support | 550 | Support for UAS Program Office, including UAS operational management, program development and implementation, federal and state UAS policy analysis, UAS technology research, airspace integration, etc. | Project Manager,ProgramManager | BS or BA in<br>related field | 3-5 Years | | Must show firm has experience in UAS Program implementations and management, has strong understanding of both federal and state UAS related regulations and laws, UAS technology implementation, and working with federal, state, and local government agencies to provide timely response to UAS stakeholder. The firm must show experience in working with federal, state and/or local governments in the development of UAS focused policy and procedures, development and implementation of UAS training programs, and UAS airspace management. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Unmanned Aircraft System<br>(UAS) Operator | 551 | Pilot multi-rotor and/or fixed wing UAS, in a variety of mission, UAS operations including photography, video photography, photogrammetry, and occasional search and rescue. Conduct pre-flight and post-flight inspections of UAS and note all discrepancies in a maintenance log, and maintain all other necessary logs and reports related to their UAS flights. Work includes planning UAS operations considering weather, airspace authorizations, night operations, altitudes, communicating with visual observer(s), and the filing of NOTAMS as necessary. Perform piloting assignments as pilot in command and does not normally have any direct supervision available. Operation manual details the rules and regulations of procedures, conduct, training, flight operations, flight crew coordination and operational limitations of equipment. | | | 1-3 Years | | Must show proof of 20 hours of pilot-on-command for UAS commercial or government operations, FAA Remote Pilot Certificate with Small UAS rating, NC Commercial or Government UAS operator permit, ability to obtain airspace waivers/authorizations for Class Surface E, D, C, and B airspace. Must have general liability insurance for UAS operations, standardized training protocols implemented, and routine maintenance schedule for utilized UAS. Must show proof of no FAA violations in the last 5 years. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |
Unmanned Aircraft System(UAS) Operations Management | 552 | Provide UAS operational support to the NCDOT, including providing qualified pilots, operate both multi-rotor and fixed wing UAS, responsible for developing operations schedules, coordinating training, obtaining waivers/authorizations, and data management. | | BS or BA in related field | 3-5 Years | | Must show firm has experience conducting civil UAS operations within the NAS, UAS operational experiences should include photogrammetry and infrastructure inspection, have thorough knowledge of the FAA rules and regulations, and State Statutes governing the operation, standardized training protocols implemented, and routine maintenance schedule for utilized UAS, and history of obtaining airspace waivers/authorizations for Class Surface E, D, C, and B airspace. Must submit a list of UAS operator qualifications and equipment to be used in the field. The firm must show it has no FAA violations in the last 5 years. | | Raj Kondapalli, P.E. 919 814 0559 |