Change Log

Work Codes​

Only sele​​ct work codes your own forces can accomplish or that which you offer as a business service.
Do NOT select work codes that you subcontract​.
​  * = Copy of North Carolina License must be attached for this work code​​​​​​

Type of Work
Description of Work
Work Experience Last Five Years
Equipment List
Employee Requirements
Hauling (Gravel, Sand, Debris, etc. – Not Asphalt)
Transport non-asphalt material to and from the jobsite.
Hauling (Asphalt)
Transport asphalt material to and from the jobsite.
Asphalt/Concrete Saw Cutting
Full depth saw cutting to facilitate the removal of asphalt/concrete material.
Rock Slope Stabilization for Geotechnical Design 
This work code covers Rock Bolts, Rock Slope Scaling and Drapes, Rockfall Barriers, Etc. Contractors requesting approval of this work code should have successfully completed at least 150 tensioned rock bolts within the last 3 years.
5 projects within last 3 years
Equipment to access steep slopes.
Project Manager (5 years of continuous experience)
Superintendent (5 years of continuous experience)
Noise Walls
Furnish and install pile or footing and soundwall sections consisting of concrete (precast or poured) or masonry material as described on the plans. This work code also includes placement of any reinforcing steel described on the plans.
This work code covers any work that does not fall under another work code in this list. If you wish to be approved for this work code, you must specify the exact work that you wish to be approved to perform.
Clearing and Grubbing
Cutting, removal and disposal of wooded and vegetative material, root mat, topsoil material high in organic content, and surface debris.
Sealing Non-Environmental Wells
Sealing abandoned wells in accordance with NCDENR requirements. Fill with cement grout or dry clay compacted in place. Complete and submit a certified well abandonment record.
Building Removal and Demolition
Demolition, removal, and disposal of an entire structure from the site including framing and structural elements. This work code does not include interior building demolition (e.g. removing interior walls).
This work code covers production, controlled, trim, trench and secondary blasting and pre-splitting.
5 projects within last 3 years
Blaster-In-Charge (5 years of continuous experience)
Roadway Grading and Excavation
Excavate and dispose of existing material encountered within the limits of work and place and compact desired material to final grade and specified density. Acceptable work experience for this work code includes streets and highways only (no parking lots, driveways, access roads, pedestrian pathways, or building foundations).
Pipe Culvert & Storm Drain Installation
Furnish and install approved drainage pipe materials, pipe tees, and elbows. Place bedding, backfill material and compact backfill material to specified density.
Drilled Piers for Bridges
Contractors requesting this work code should have successfully completed drilled piers for structures at least 36" in diameter within the last 3 years. Contractors should have experience with drilled pier construction including dry and wet placement of concrete and the use of temporary casing or slurry.
5 projects within last 3 years
Project Manager (5 years of continuous experience)
Superintendent (5 years of continuous experience)
Concrete Structures (Box Culverts)
Construct cast-in-place or precast concrete culverts to the dimensions shown in the contract. This work code does not cover corrugated metal pipe culverts (or similar culverts) which are approved under work code 0310.
Concrete Structures (Bridges)
Construct cast-in place concrete and/or cored slab structures to the dimensions shown in the contract. Contractors performing this work code will be responsible for demonstrating experience performing all aspects of bridge construction including, furnishing and placing beams; substructure work including footings, columns and caps; backwalls and wingwalls; bridge deck forming; falsework; pouring, finishing, and curing concrete bridge decks; constructing joints and weep holes; and placing epoxy coating. Reinforcing steel placing and tying is approved under work code 0425. Grooving Bridge Floors is approved under work code 0423. This work code does not cover bridge repair or rehabilitation work which are approved under code 0099 Other. Performing elements of bridge construction are not considered sufficient to grant approval of this work code.
Grooving Bridge Floors
Cut grooves into hardened concrete using a mechanical saw that produces grooves 1/8" wide by 3/16" deep and has a center spacing of 3/4".
Box Beam and Cored Slab Bridges
Low Impact Bridges. Must show experience lifting/placing heavy structural members such as Pre-Cast Culvert sections, Arch Pipes, large pipe sections (greater than 84" diameter), or Noise Wall sections. Must also show experience forming and pouring concrete with reinforcing steel. Pile driving experience is preferred, but not required.
Reinforcing Steel (Placing and Tying)
Place mats of reinforcing steel on concrete bridge deck spaced at intervals detailed on the plans. This work code covers the placement of chairs (or other approved support), reinforcing steel, and tying steel together with steel wire.
Post Tensioned Segmental Bridge
Furnish and install all post-tensioning systems including, but not limited to ducts, anchorage assemblies, vents, local zone reinforcement, and stressing and grouting post-tensioning strands/bars. Install post-tensioned steel to a predetermined load and anchor directly against hardened concrete.

1-2 segmental bridges.
Specifics about bridges.
Erection Equipment
Tensioning Equipment (Jacks, etc)
Grout Mixers
PTI Level 1 and 2
ASBI Grouting Technician
Steel Structures (Bridges)
Furnish and erect structural steel bridges. This work code covers structures that contain an entirely steel superstructure (example: truss bridge, bascule bridge, steel arch bridge). This work code does not cover steel girders under a conventional concrete bridge deck which are covered under work code 0422.
Painting Steel Structures (Bridges)
Prepare and paint metal surfaces on steel structures. Protect pedestrians, vehicular traffic and water from splatters and overspray.
Concrete Barrier Bridge Rail
Furnish and place metal or concrete barrier bridge railing.
Chemical Soil Stabilization
Treat the subgrade, embankment, or natural ground by adding water, portland cement, aggregate or lime and mixing and compacting the mixture to the required density.
Aggregate Base Course
Constructing an aggregate roadway base course shaped and compacted to required density. Acceptable work experience for this work code includes streets and highways only (no parking lots, driveways, access roads, or pedestrian pathways).
Shoulder Construction
This work code covers the formation or reshaping of roadway shoulders or ditches, building or removing haul roads, and disposal of stockpile material.
Milling Asphalt Pavements
Milling, cleaning and disposing of excess milled asphalt material.
Asphalt Concrete Plant Mix Pavements
Construction of asphalt mixture on a prepared surface including preparation, placement, and compaction of plant mix asphalt, furnishing and applying the tack coat. This includes Ultra-Thin Paving, Open Graded Friction Course, and Novachip.
Asphalt Concrete Plant Mix, Pavement Repair
Repair existing pavement with asphalt plant mix. Contractors performing this work code must be able to cut the existing pavement to a neat vertical joint and uniform line, remove and dispose of existing pavement, coat the area with tack coat and replace asphalt.
Crack and Joint Seal (Asphalt Pavement)
Apply hot joint sealer along pavement cracks and joints using a portable melting kettle to heat the material to proper temperature. The contractor will be responsible for removing vegetation, dirt, moisture and loose material from the cracks and joints prior to placement of the sealer. Applied sealant shall form a watertight bond on the pavement surface.
Microsurfacing and Slurry Seal
Asphalt Surface Treatment - Chip Seal
Furnish, haul, spread, and roll asphalt material consisting of one or more applications of aggregate cover coat material on a prepared surface; furnishing and spreading blotting sand. Asphalt surface treatments include chip seal, straight seal, split seal, triple seal, sand seal, and cape seal.
Milled Rumble Strips
Construct rumble strips on asphalt concrete shoulders by using a rotary cutting head that creates a milled strip 16" wide by 7" long to a depth of 1/2" to 5/8".
Mechanical Application High Friction Surface Treatment
Work shall consist of the application of High Friction Surface Treatments (HFST) for use on asphalt and concrete pavements in accordance with NCDOT special High Friction surface Treatment provisions/specifications. Operation 800 square yards or greater using sprayers, truck mounted applicators, or automated trucks capable of process control and reporting capabilities.
Within the last 5 years the installer must have successfully completed 10,000 square yards of HFST with demonstrating acceptable friction readings of at least 65 in accordance with ASTM E274 or AASHTO T242 after installation
Mechanical Assisted equipment can include blowers, sprayers, truck mounted applicators, or automated trucks.
Hand Application High Friction Surface Treatment
Work shall consist of the application of High Friction Surface Treatments (HFST) for use on asphalt and concrete pavements in accordance with NCDOT special High Friction surface Treatment provisions/specifications. Operation predominately using manual / hand held tools (typically squeegee) to apply and distribute resin (typically lacking process controls and capabilities for real time monitoring and reporting.
Within the last 5 years the installer must have successfully completed 10,000 square yards of HFST with demonstrating acceptable friction readings of at least 65 in accordance with ASTM E274 or AASHTO T242 after installation.
Concrete Pavement (Streets or Highways, not Sidewalks or Driveways)
Place full lane width concrete pavement on city streets, secondary roads, arterial streets, highways and interstates only. Contractors performing this work code are responsible for funishing and placing concrete and furnishing admixtures. Contractors must be able to place dowel bar baskets with proper alignment in advance of paving where necessary, as well as finish and cure completed concrete pavement. This work code does not cover work performed on parking lots, private drives, drive approaches, curbs, sidewalks, etc.
Concrete Pavement Repair
Remove and replace individual concrete slabs. Contractors performing this work code must be able to remove the slab with appropriate equipment, drill holes into adjacent slabs for dowel bars (as necessary) and have forming and finishing equipment to pour new slabs. This work code does not cover diamond grinding, joint sealing, or epoxy overlays. This work code does not cover work performed on parking lots, private drives, or any surface other than streets or highways.
Sawing and Sealing Joints
Saw cut, clean and seal transverse concrete joints on concrete pavement only. This work code does not cover asphalt crack filling or asphalt crack sealing which is approved under work code 657, or sidewalk/driveway expansion joints.
Diamond Grinding
Grind existing concrete pavement using a grinding machine that has closely spaced diamond saw blades.
Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC)
This work includes, but not limited to, the designing of the mix, producing, furnishing and placing of the concrete; compaction; finishing; constructing joints; curing; coring for test; and quality control testing.
Concrete Mixing Plant (Pugmill)
High Density Paver
Self-Propelled Steel Drum
Rubber Tire Roller
Concrete Saws
*Construction Surveying
Provide all construction layout, surveying, stakeout, and supplemental surveying of construction operations in accordance with Standard Specifications and the Manual for Construction Layout. Companies approved for this code must provide the company's North Carolina Surveying license number, the names of the individual(s) performing the surveying for the company, and their respective North Carolina license number(s).
Incidental Concrete Construction
Construct portland cement concrete other than concrete elements covered in work codes 710, 711, 840, 846, 848, and 854.
Brick Masonry Construction
Construct unreinforced brick masonry structures within the public right-of-way. This work code does not cover cast-in-place minor drainage structures listed under work code 840.
Minor Drainage Structures (Drop Inlets, Catch Basins, etc.)
Perform excavation, removal of existing pipe (if applicable), furnishing of new pipe and/or precast drainage structure (or concrete block and mortar) and installation with necessary metal grates, covers, steps and other hardware as shown on the plans.
Curb and Gutter/Shoulder Berm Gutter
Construct portland cement concrete curb, curb and gutter, concrete gutter, shoulder berm gutter, expressway gutter, and valley gutter.
Sidewalk, Driveways, and Wheelchair Ramps
Construct portland cement concrete sidewalk, driveway approach apron, and wheelchair ramps.

​Concrete Barrier​


​Construct portland cement concrete barrier using cast-in-place, slip formed, or precast construction methods. This work code covers concrete barrier on roadways only (typically concrete median barrier) and does not cover concrete barrier on bridge decks or modular concrete "jersey barrier". 

Guardrail Installation
Construct permanent or temporary steel beam guardrail including placement of steel posts, offset blocks, rail elements, terminal section, delineators, and minor grading around posts and terminal sections. This work code does not cover guiderail installation (cable barrier), which is approved under work code 865.
Guiderail Installation
Construct cable guiderail including placement of steel posts and placement of guiderail to produce a smooth continuous rail tensioned to the approved manufacturers specification. This work code does not cover guardrail installation (steel beam) which is approved under work code 862.
Fence Installation
Furnish and erect woven wire, chain link or barbed wire fence. Contractor is responsible for clearing and grubbing the fence line as necessary, setting posts and braces, and installing chain link or wire to fence posts.
Permanent Signing
Furnish and erect traffic sign systems including overhead signs, exit signs, and wayfinding signs within the right-of-way. Includes installation of break away posts and u-channel posts. Installation of metal poles for overhead signs is approved under work code 1740.

​Shoulder Mounted Sign Structures​


​Furnish and erect shoulder mounted type A and B sign assemblies within the right of way.  Concrete sign foundations approved under work code 825.

​Overhead Sign Structures


​Furnish and erect various types of overhead sign assemblies within right of way. The types of sign assemblies include span structures, cantilever structures and sign structures attached to bridges. Installation of metal poles for overhead signs is approved under work code 1740. Utility Installation/Removal: Power/Electricity is approved under work code 2020.​

Temporary and permanent welding, including but not limited to: Testing and inspection of welds, preparation of material, oxygen cutting, electrodes, shielding and shear studs, meeting the Bridge Welding Code and the AWS Welding Code. Personnel must be qualified in accordance with the Bridge Welding Code and the AWS Welding Code.

Safety Service Patrol​


Provide appropriate staffing and equipment to support Safety Service Patrol (SSP) responsibilities in designated coverage areas. These responsibilities include project management, training, safety, staffing, and resource management focused on delivering the following duties: 
Core Services: quick clearance of minor incidents, emergency traffic control, scene assessment, obstruction and debris removal, agency coordination, and response to other emergency conditions.
Secondary Disabled Motorist Assist Services: tire change; fueling, minor maintenance, and phone access. 

​Provide contract list with contacts showing history of performing safety service patrol (SSP) services within the last five (5) years (DOT agency contracts are preferred). Minimum of four (4) years of experience providing safety service patrol (SSP) services. 

​Must own, rent, or lease (or have the ability to obtain) all vehicles and equipment used to perform SSP duties described. Vehicle fleet must be similar to the current NCDOT SSP, “Incident Management and Assistance Patrol (IMAP)" upon award of a contract. All vehicles, tools, and safety equipment must be in good working order.

​Project Manager and staff members shall have experience staffing, training, equipping, and managing operations for SSP services.  Provide a sample detailed training and certification plan for operating SSP services.​​

Work Zone Traffic Control Devices
Furnish, install, maintain, relocate, and remove traffic control devices. Perform routine maintenance and inspection of devices while in use. Traffic control devices include, but are not limited to, arrowboards, lighted barrels, attenuator trucks, and MUTCD Type III Barricades.
Work Zone Signs
Furnish, install, maintain, temporarily cover and uncover, relocate and remove work zone signs as listed on the contract. Applicants should be prepared to install both stationary signs (stay in place) that require the placement of u-channel posts and barricade mounted signs.
Light Tow and Recovery
Provide light towing and recovery services to safely, quickly and adequately respond to and clear crash and/or incident scenes in a timely and efficient manner.  
Minimum of five (5) years of experience of towing and recovery service
Must own, rent, or lease the primary equipment used for towing and recovery. Each wrecker shall be equipped with legally required lighting and other safety equipment to protect the public and the equipment must be in good working order.
The applicant must be on a tow rotation list with North Carolina State Highway Patrol (NCSHP), a local municipality (e.g. Asheville Police Department), or a bordering state’s highway patrol (e.g. South Carolina Highway Patrol) at the time of prequalification.
Provide at least three (3) references for which your company has provided tow and recovery services. At least one (1) of the references must be related to a tow rotation list with a state highway patrol or local municipality (e.g. Asheville Police Department).  The wrecker service shall employ only wrecker operators who demonstrate an ability to perform required services in a safe, timely, efficient, and courteous manner and who satisfy all of the requirements for wrecker drivers established or referenced in 14B NCAC 07A.0116.​
Heavy Duty Tow and Recovery
Provide heavy towing and recovery services to safely, quickly and adequately respond to and clear crash and/or incident scenes in a timely and efficient manner.
Minimum of ten (10) years of experience of towing and recovery service, at least five (5) of which include heavy duty tow and recovery experience.  Examples of experience include:
- Single-lane up-righting of a loaded tractor-trailer within a 24-foot lateral space;
- Relocation from travel lanes of an overturned loaded tractor-trailer; and
- Recovery of a loaded tractor-trailer in an area with steep slopes while only utilizing one lane.
- Two (2) additional examples (Applicant’s Choice) of Heavy Tow operations on an Interstate or U.S. Highway without closing a lane.

​Must own, rent, or lease the primary equipment used for towing and recovery. Each wrecker shall be equipped with legally required lighting and other safety equipment to protect the public and the equipment must be in good working order.

The applicant must be on a tow rotation list with North Carolina State Highway Patrol (NCSHP), a local municipality (e.g. Asheville Police Department), or a bordering state’s highway patrol (e.g. South Carolina Highway Patrol) at the time of prequalification. Must be pre-qualified in 1115.
Provide at least three (3) references for which your company has provided tow and recovery services. At least one (1) of the references must be related to a tow rotation list with a SHP or a local municipality (e.g. Asheville Police Department).  Applicants must demonstrate they have at least one employee who has completed a multi-day training course in tow and recovery.​

Trav​eler Information Services


​Provide relevant, specific, timely and accurate information about travel conditions on highways in real-time to motorists or vehicles.

Provide projects l​​​ist, with contacts, showing history of providing real-time traveler information over the previous five years, which includes disseminating alerts directly to vehicles, motorists cell phones, or connected devices.



Symbols, Characters, Markers, Non-Truck Lines
Application of pavement marking symbols, characters, markers, and lines. Lines can not exceed 1000 feet per segment. Handliner pavement marking equipment, thermoplastic or paint, shall have a working glass bead dispenser. Must have proper traffic control devices for lane closures or may contract traffic control to a NCDOT approved contractor.
Provide 3 successfully installed marking projects on NC municipal or NCDOT roadways.
Pavement Markings- Paint
Truck application of conventional paint consisting of three elements: pigment, binder, and glass beads. Applicator vehicle must have two 60-gallon minumum capacity paint tanks, glass bead tank with a minimum 500 lb. capacity, and a pressurized bead dispenser. Vehicle should be equipped with spray guns for hand-held paint pavement marking installation of short-line markings, symbols, characters. A handliner with working glass bead dispenser may also be used as needed.
Provide projects list with contacts showing history of performing Paint markings, including three contracts successfully completed in the previous five years (NCDOT roadways preferred).
Pavement Marking- Thermoplastic
Truck application of thermoplastic pavement marking materials consisting of four general components: binder, pigment, glass beads, and filler material (usually calcium carbonate, sand, or both). Applicator vehicle must have a 1500 lb. capacity of molten thermoplastic and automatic thermostat controlled. A thermoplastic handliner with working glass bead dispenser will be required for the installation of short-line markings, symbols, characters.
Provide projects list with contacts showing history of Thermoplastic markings, including three contracts successfully completed in the previous five years (NCDOT roadways preferred).
Pavement Marking- Polyurea
Truck application of a polyurea based marking material. Contractors performing this work code must list employees who have been certified and trained by the specific polyurea manufacturer to apply their material. List manufacturer(s) of the material you apply. A thermoplastic handliner with working glass bead dispenser will be required for the installation of short-line markings, symbols, characters.
Provide projects list with contacts showing history of performing Polyurea markings, including three contracts successfully completed in the previous five years (NC roadways preferred).
Pavement Marking- Cold Applied
Application of preformed tape capable of bonding with the pavement surface. Contractors performing this work code must list the manufacturer tape applicator carts used by the company.
Provide projects list with contacts showing history of performing Cold Applied Plastic Markings, including three contracts successfully completed in the previous five years (NCDOT roadways preferred)
Pavement Markers
Mobile installation, removal and maintenance of temporary and permanent raised pavement markers. Truck or trailer mounted melters with minimum 1000 lb capacity and automated dispensing system. If installing snowplowable markers, must have the proper groove/slot cutting equipment and plural component mixing device capable of mixing the components in equal parts. Device must have the capacity to hold a minimum of 5 gallons of each component.
Provide projects list with contacts showing history of performing Snowplowable and/or Raised Markers, including 3 contracts successfully completed in the previous five years (NCDOT roadways preferred).
* Roadway Lighting
* Furnish, install, connect, and place into satisfactory operating condition lighting at locations identified on plans. Contractors performing this work code must posess and provide a copy of (certificate or number) a valid North Carolina electrical license.
Wood Pole Installation
Contractors performing this work code are required to transport the wood pole to the site and place to a depth of at least 5.5' unless shown otherwise on the plans. This work code does not cover the installation of metal poles which are approved under code 1740 or wood pole installation for fences.
Water/Sewer Installation
Furnish and install copper, plastic (PVC or PE), steel, or ductile iron pipes as specified on the plans. Contractors performing this work code are responsible for pressure and leakage testing, cleaning, and sterilization of the line.
36" (or Larger) Water/Sewer Installation
Furnish and install, 36" diameter or larger, plastic (PVC or PE), steel, or ductile iron pipes as specified on the plans. Contractors performing this work code are responsible for pressure and leakage testing, cleaning, and sterilization of the line.
3 projects within last 5 years
Encasement Pipe (Bore and Jack)
Furnish and install encasement pipe or casing pipe.Welded pipe shall be in accordance with ASTM A139. Contractor shall be responsible for installing carrier pipe through casing using spacers or insulators to support the carrier pipe. Ends shall be sealed with concrete or brick. Voids between the carrier pipe and casing pipes larger than 36" shall be filled with flowable fill or grout. The contractor shall be responsible for marking encasements for future use with a treated wooden marker post.
Trenchless Installation of Utilities
Install primary carrier pipe or encasement pipe using trenchless methods. Contractor approved for this work code will be responsible for maintaining continuous support (shoring) to the soils surrounding both the pit and the trenchless excavation. Contractors will also be responsible for groundwater control and removal as necessary.
Stream Restoration and Construction
Contractors requesting this work code should provide at least 2 (minimum 1000 LF each) or 1 (minimum 2500 LF)stream restoration, relocation or enhancement projects that included channel reconstruction or relocation based upon natural geomorphic designs incorporating in-stream structures (i.e., rock cross vanes, rock vanes, j-hook vanes, rootwads, etc.). Include name of project, linear feet of stream, completion date, owner of the project and a description of work involved with the project.
Temporary Silt Fence
Furnish material, construct, maintain, and remove temporary silt dence in locations shown on the plans using geotextile fabric with steel or wooden posts and woven wire fence.
Silt Detention Device (Silt Basin)
Excavate and dispose of excavated material in the construction of the silt basins. Clean out and maintain the silt basin through the duration of the project.
Selective Vegetation Removal
Remove selected living trees and undesirable living undergrowth from areas within the right-of-way but outside clearing limits of a contract. Due to working in limited space, proper completion of this work code will be done using hand tools and not heavy equipment.
Seeding and Mulching
Prepare seedbed by removing weeds, furnish, place and incorporate limestone, fertilizer, and seed by mechanical methods; compact seedbed; furnish, place, and secure mulch, and mow for the permanent establishment of vegetation.
Perform mowing of grass on state right-of-way along interstate, state routes, and secondary routes along the limits identified in the contract.
Landscape Planting
Furnish, deliver, and plant trees, shrubs, ground covers, bedding plants and seedlings. Planting includes bed preparation, plant establishment, and replacement planting.
* Traffic Signals and ITS
* Furnish, install, modify and remove signals, flashing beacons, intelligent transportation systems, and electrical systems. Materials, equipment, and hardware supplied must be pre-approved on the ITS and Signals Qualified Products List. Contractors performing this work code must have an IMSA certified, or equivalent, Level II traffic qualified signal technician standing by to provide supervision and emergency maintenance services whenever work is being performed on traffic signal controller cabinets.
Utility Installation/Removal: Fiber Optic Cable
Furnish and install single-mode fiber optic communications and drop cable assemblies, fiber optic cable storage racks, identification makers, lashing wire, and hardware by aerial or underground installation.
Metal Pole Installation
Furnish and install metal poles for overhead signs, traffic signals, etc. Tighten anchor bolt nuts connecting metal pole to concrete footing as specified. Work code does not cover installation of roadway lighting which are covered under work code 1400 or concrete footings (drilled piers) which are covered under work code 3030.
Directional Boring
Furnish and perform installation of pipe using horizontal directional drilling below roadways or other objects to the lines and grade shown on the plans. Use mechanical and hydraulic deviation equipment to change the boring course and use instrumentation to monitor location and orientation of boring head assembly.
Utility Installation/Removal: Gas
Furnish and install and/or remove underground natural gas lines as detailed in the plans. Contractor shall be responsible for all coordination with the utility company and turning off/on gas line prior to starting work and after completion.
* Utility Installation/Removal: Power/Electricity
* Furnish and install and/or remove power lines as detailed in the plans. Contractor shall be responsible for all coordination with the utility company off/on power prior to starting work and after completion. Contractors performing this work code must posess and provide a copy of valid North Carolina electrical license.
Utility Installation/Removal: Telephone
Furnish and install and/or remove underground or aerial telephone lines as detailed in the plans. Contractor shall be responsible for all coordination with the utility company prior to starting work and after completion.
Utility Installation/Removal: Cable Television
Furnish and install and/or remove underground cable lines as detailed in the plans. Contractor shall be responsible for all coordination with the utility company prior to starting work and after completion.
Retaining Walls (Cantilever)
Perform earthwork (cuts and fills to prepare for retaining wall installation), furnish and install material for self-supporting gravity or cantilevered retaining wall and perform backfill as specified.
Retaining Walls (MSE)
Perform earthwork (cuts and fills to prepare for retaining wall installation), furnish and install material for wall. MSE walls include the use of artificial reinforcing (geosynthetic mats) fixed at the end. The face of the wall often consists of precast concrete panels or block. Perform backfill as specified.
Retaining Walls (Anchored)
This work code covers anchored (tieback) retaining walls and shoring, Soil nail retaining walls and temporary soil nail walls. Contractors should have successfully completed at least 10,000 ft2 of shoring or wall face area with at least 150 ground anchors or 500 soil nails within the last 3 years.
5 projects within last 3 years
Project Manager (5 years of continuous experience)
Superintendent (5 years of continuous experience)
Drilled Piers for Metal Poles
This work code covers drilled piers for lighting, signals, and signs. Contractors requesting this work code should have experience with drilled pier construction including dry and wet placement of concrete and the use of temporary casing or slurry.
5 projects within last 3 years
Project Manager (5 years of continuous experience)
Superintendent (5 years of continuous experience)
Geophysical Services
This work code covers Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Seismic Refraction/Reflection, Resisitivity, Electromagnetic (EM), etc. Contractors requesting this work code should submit an example for each type of work. A Licensed Geologist or Professional Engineer is required and has a minimum of five years experience.
5 projects within last 3 years. Also submit 2 example reports.
Geophysicist (5 years of continuous experience)
Project Licensed Geologist or
Professional Engineer (5 years of continuous experience)
Contaminated Materials Removal
This work code covers the hauling of hazardous and non-hazardous materials. Contractors requesting this work code should have experience with handling, transporting and delivering contaminated soil and groundwater to a licensed facility.
5 projects within last 3 years
Superintendent (5 years of continuous experience)

HAZWOPER training from OSHA.
Drilling for Geoenvironmental Investigations
This work code covers monitoring wells and soil and groundwater sampling. Contractors requesting this work code should have experience with air rotary, auger or direct push drilling on contaminated sites.
5 projects within last 3 years
Lead Driller (3 years of continuous experience)

Level "A" or "B" NC Certified Well Contractor from NCDEQ
Drilling for Geotechnical Investigations
Contractors requesting this work code should have drilling equipment to access wooded and overgrown areas, obtain N and H size cores, perform standard penetration tests (SPT) with an automatic hammer, and drill 120 ft auger borings and 200 ft mud borings.
5 projects within last 3 years
Lead Driller (3 years of continuous experience)

Level "A" NC Certified Well Contractor from NCDEQ
Dynamic Pile Testing
Contractors should have experience with PDA-S, CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program (CAPWAP), version 2014, and GRL Wave Equation Analysis Program (GRLWEAP), version 2010, manufactured by Pile Dynamics, Inc. Submit for one steel pile example and one prestressed concrete pile example; both PDA testing examples with CAPWAP analysis and driving criteria.
5 projects within last 3 years. Also submit 2 example reports.
Licensed Professional Engineer with Advanced or Higher High Strain Dynamic Pile Testing (HSDPT) certification from Pile Dynamics. ( (5 years of continuous experience)

Field Engineer with Intermediate or Higher HSDPT certification (1 year of continuous experience)
Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL)
Contractors requesting this work code should be able to provide examples of CSL testing for two different projects with drilled piers at least 42" in diameter and at least 4 CSL tubes per pier.
5 projects within last 3 years. Also submit 2 example reports.
Licensed Professional Engineer (5 years of continuous experience)
Field Engineer (1 year of continuous experience)
Non-Destructive Foundation Testing
This work code covers gamma-gamma density logging, pile integrity testing (PIT), thermal integrity testing, ultra and parallel seismic testing, etc. except CSL (see work code 3065 above).
5 projects within last 3 years
Licensed Professional Engineer (5 years of continuous experience)
Foundation Testing
This work code covers drilled shaft excavation inspection (Caliper Logging, Shaft Inspection Device (SID), Shaft Quantitative Inspection Device (SQUID) and Foundation Load Testing (Static, Rapid, Dynamic) except PDA (see Work Code 3060 above)
5 projects within last 3 years
Licensed Professional Engineer (5 years of continuous experience)
Contractors requesting this work code should have successfully completed at least 250 micropiles within the last 3 years.
5 projects within last 3 years
Project Manager (5 years of continuous experience)
Superintendent (5 years of continuous experience)
Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) Piles
Contractors requesting this work code should have successfully completed at least 250 CFA piles within the last 3 years and experience with automated monitoring and recording equipment.
5 projects within last 3 years
Project Manager (5 years of continuous experience)
Superintendent (5 years of continuous experience)
Vibration and Noise Monitoring
This work code covers vibration and noise monitoring and pre/post-blast or pre/post-construction surveys.
5 projects within last 3 years
Project Manager (5 years of continuous experience)
Structure Movement Monitoring
Contractors requesting this work code should have experience with monitoring ground or structure movement, displacement, deformation, settlement, subsidence, etc. And should have equipment to repeatedly measure centimeter movement.
5 projects within last 3 years
Equipment to repeatedly measure centimeter movement
Licensed Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) (3 years of continuous experience)
Ground Improvement Methods
This work code covers dynamic compaction, stone columns, wick drains, etc.
5 projects within last 3 years
Project Manager (5 years of continuous experience)
Superintendent (5 years of continuous experience)
Subsurface Grouting
This work code covers slab jacking, void filling, leak sealing, deep compaction grouting, deep injection, permeation grouting, etc.
Contractors requesting this work code should have experience with pumping cementitious grout or injecting polyurethane foam/gel for department of transportation or similar grouting work. For chemical grouting, equipment recommended by the polyurethane manufacturer or equipment capable of proportioning and mixing components in accordance with the polyurethane manufacturer’s requirements.
5 projects within last 3 years
Project Manager (5 years of continuous experience)
Superintendent (5 years of continuous experience)
Building, Framing
Excavate and construct the foundation, construct vertical and horizontal members of the exterior walls, interior partition walls, ceiling joists, rafters, sheathing and waterproofing as detailed on the plans.
* Plumbing
* Install or replace pipes and fixtures for water distribution and sanitary sewer disposal. Contractors performing this work code must posess and provide a copy of (certificate or number) a valid North Carolina plumbing license.
* Mechanical (HVAC)
* Install or replace heating systems, air conditioning, and duct work as detailed on the plans.Contractors performing this work code must posess and provide a copy of (certificate or number) a valid North Carolina heating license.
* Electrical
* Install or replace building electrical systems. Contractors performing this work code must posess and provide a copy of (certificate or number) a valid North Carolina electrical license.
Masonry (Buildings, not drainage structures)
Furnish and install brick or masonry block as detailed on the plans.
Doors and Windows
Furnish and install interior and exterior doors and windows as detailed on the plans.
Furnish and install carpet as detailed on the plans.
Furnish and install floor and bathroom tile as detailed on the plans.
Toilet Accessories
Furnish and install toilet accessories (e.g. toilet paper dispenser) as detailed on the plans.
Toilet Partitions
Furnish and install toilet partitions as detailed on the plans.
Signs (inside the building)
Furnish and install flush mounted signs (e.g. mens room, womens room) and exit signs as detailed on the plans.
Furnish and paint interior and exterior walls as detailed on the plans.
Furnish and install subsurface sprinkler equipment including lines and sprinkler heads to supply water under pressure.
Well Drilling
Perform drilling of well for water to the appropriate depth. Contractor must install well casing, grout around the exterior of the casing, pump and motor as specified on the plans.
Building Movers
Relocate entire building structure to a new location using hydraulic dolly (or similar method) as detailed on the plans. Contractor will be responsible for coordinating any required utility relocation (if applicable).
Weigh Station - Weigh-In-Motion

Installation, maintenance, and service of Weigh-In Motion (WIM) scales and all necessary equipment at permanent and virtual truck weigh stations.

​Must have in stock, or the ability to obtain within seventy-two (72) hours, the appropriate parts necessary for maintenance and repairs related to these types of scales.

​Project managers and technicians shall have experience and knowledge with the installation, maintenance, and service (including repairs, calibration, etc.) of weigh-in-motion (WIM) scales at permanent and virtual weigh stations. Previous experience with the Department may be considered.​

Weigh Station - Transponder Readers
Installation, maintenance, and service of Transponder Readers and all necessary equipment at permanent and virtual truck weigh stations.

​Must have in stock, or the ability to obtain within seventy-two (72) hours, the appropriate parts necessary for maintenance and repairs related to this type of equipment.

​Project managers and technicians shall have experience and knowledge with the installation, maintenance, and service (including repairs, calibration, etc.) of transponder readers (such as vehicle classification, over-dimension, queue detection, license plate, USDOT number, tire monitoring, and brake imaging) at permanent and virtual weigh stations. Previous experience with the Department may be considered.​

​Weigh Station - Static Truck Scales


​Installation, maintenance, and service of static scales at permanent truck weigh stations.

​Must have in stock, or the ability to obtain within seventy-two (72) hours, the appropriate parts necessary for maintenance and repairs related to these types of scales.

​Project managers and technicians shall have experience and knowledge in the installation, maintenance, and service (including repairs, calibration, etc.) of static truck scales at permanent weigh stations. Experience in permit required confined spaces is also required. Previous experience with the Department may be considered.​

Track Construction
Grade Crossing Signal Systems
Train Control Signal and Communication Systems
Railroad Electrical Traction Systems
Track Maintenance/Rehabilitation
Timber Structures (Bridge)
Railroad Signage
At-Grade Crossing Surfaces
Railroad​​​ Corridor Prime Contractor
Within the last 5 years, the applicant must have been a prime contractor on two (2) railroad roadbed projects parallel and adjacent to active main track on a Class I Railroad. NCDOT may also consider comparable experience on projects parallel and adjacent to track operating at 45MPH or above. These projects must have been at least $4 million in project cost. Within the last 5 years the applicant must have had at least one project (does not have to be one of the 2 above) that was within or over railroad right-of-way and involved a rail flagger. Experience will be qualified based on current employment of field supervisory staff for projects listed.
Disaster Debris Removal
Bidder: Previous work experience must include experience working as debris removal operation under a federally or state declared disaster, including contact information for the project(s), equipment to perform the work, an up to date financial statement and an explanation as to how your company would contribute to help NCDOT clean up after a natural disaster. Subcontractor: Must submit a list of equipment to perform the work and a list of previous work experience related to debris removal operations.
Cut and Shove
Provide a crew(s) to perform cut and shove work for emergency tree and debris clearing from State-Maintained roadways in accordance with contract specifications.
Minimum equipment chainsaws and backhoes with 4 in 1 bucket or comparable piece of
mechanical equipment

​Street Sweeping

​This item consists of the sweeping, cleaning and removal of any foreign matter by brooming, suction or other approved method from designated pavement areas, paved shoulders adjacent to the travel lanes, paved shoulders next to barrier walls, curb and gutter, ramps, gore areas, and transitions from hard surfaces to grass areas.

​All sweepers shall have a minimum capacity of (4) four cubic yards and be equipped with adequate water systems for dust control. All sweepers shall be equipped with dual steering and dual brooms.

Airport Concrete Paving
Contractors performing this work code are responsible for paving airport runways, taxiways, and aprons. Contractors should have performed three projects conforming to FAA, Army Corps of Engineers, or AASHTO standards. Contractors should be knowledgeable in FAA runway safety publications and had training for CFR 130.303.
Airport Asphalt Paving
Contractors performing this work code are responsible for paving airport runways, taxiways, and aprons. Contractors should have performed three projects conforming to FAA, Army Corps of Engineers, or AASHTO standards. Contractors should be knowledgeable in FAA runway safety publications and had training for CFR 130.303.
*Airport Signage
Contractors performing this work code should have performed three projects conforming to both FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, 'Airport Design' standards and Advisory Circular 150/5340-18F, 'Standards for Airport Sign Systems' . Contractors must have an electrical license to install lighted signs.
Airport Electronics and Navigation Aids
Contractors performing this work code should have performed three projects conforming to FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300 -13, 'Airport Design' standards and all FAA Advisory Circular in the 150/5340 and 150/5345-series that are related to Airport Electronics and Navigational Aids. Contractors performing this work code must have an electrical license. Contractors should be knowledgeable in FAA runway safety publications and had training for CFR 130.303.
Vendors must provide a service that can deliver automated, continuous 24/7, all-weather; real-time access to flight operations data, including aircraft landings and takeoffs.
The service must record 90% or better of landings to and takeoffs from runway pavement by equipped (ADS-B) fixed-wing aircraft. Each recorded aircraft operation with ADS-B data should identify its associated Aircraft Design Group (ADG), as defined by the Federal Aviation Administration.
Additional operations may be recorded and included in the data, but must be distinguished with appropriate descriptions, such as “low passes,” “touch and go,” “missed approach,” etc. An evaluation of overcounting operations with a threshold of 10% must also be provided. The product must at a minimum produce a monthly summary of aircraft operations showing the monthly total by aircraft ADG and daily operation counts, with aircraft details, including the aircraft’s ADG and its make, model, and registration.
Airport Hangars
Contractors performing this work code should have performed three projects conforming to FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, 'Airport Design' standards.
Airport Markings
Contractors performing this work code should have performed three projects both FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, 'Airport Design' and AC150/5340-1K, 'Standards for Airport Markings'. Contractors should be knowledgeable in FAA runway safety publications and had training for CFR 130.303.
Airport Fuel Farms
Contractors performing this work code should have performed three projects conforming to both FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, 'Airport Design', 150/5320-15A, 'Management of Airport', 150/5200-31C, 'AirportEmergency Plan' and all FAA Environmental Standards pertaining to Airport Fuel Facilities.
Vessel Construction (Ferry)
Construction of Passenger and Vehicle Ferries. Includes all subsystems (navigation, electronics, plumbing, etc.).
Vessel Repair (Ferry)
Repair of Passenger and Vehicle Ferries. Includes all subsystems (navigation, electronics, plumbing, etc.).
Emergency Vessel Repairs, Haul Outs, and/or Maintenance
Activities or tasks related to emergency repairs or haul outs of vessels
- Welding, paint, machining, etc.
Emergency haul outs due to storms or other reasons
Marine repair and quality assurance experience.
Must have space and facilities
USCG approved welding procedures for steel and aluminum
Marine Chemist - sub or on staff
Emergency dredging services for terminals across the Division for work to be performed. Hydrographic and land surveying and volume calculations.
Hydraulic / Geotechnical Engineers / Hydrographic and Land Survey

​Piling and Bulkhead Repair, Installation & Maintenance​


​The repair, maintenance, and installation of pilings and bulkheads at any of the NCDOT Ferry Division terminals. Pilings can range from 25' - 75' and are either wood or metal tubes. Work also includes the repair, maintenance, and installation of fender systems around piling clusters. Bulkheads are normally sheet pile material that is located along the edge of the ferry basin.

​Work related to the description.

​Vibratory hammer or other equipment sufficient to drive materials to suitable depth, floating dock or crane, ability to fit equipment into compact slip areas.

​Experience with driving pilings, metal tubes, bulkheads, etc. along the coast of North Carolina. ​

​Repair and Maintenance of ramp and gantry systems


​The repair and maintenance of ramp and gantry systems at any of the NCDOT Ferry Division terminals. This work can include but is not limited to troubleshooting operating issues with cable pulley systems or hydraulic cylinder operations, repair and maintenance of sheaves and wire cables, repair and maintenance of hydraulic or other cylinders, general maintenance and repair of assets, electrical troubleshooting and repair, sandblasting and painting of system, ability to perform overhauls of the asset. 

​Not all work listed in the description is needed for experience and pre-qual. 

​Crane or boom truck, electrical testing devices, general repair and maintenance materials, welding machine or ability to rent.

​Experience with ramp systems or similar such as swing bridges or other relevant systems​.

Dock/Pier Construction
Install a dock or pier for use by the Department's ferry fleet and by the North Carolina State Ports Authority. Contractor shall be responsible for driving piers, sheet piling, building ramps, abutments, etc.
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