Project-Level Air Quality Analysis - EAU 110 | 005 | | | | | | Previous experience in project-level air quality analyses; Analyst must have received formal classroom, online, or self-directed training in Transportation Conformity; Analyst must provide evidence of having personally completed project-level air quality analyses within the last 5 years. Resume (2 pgs. or less), all applicable training certificates and a complete list of project-level air quality analyses performed within past 5 years (including client) must be submitted for review. A Reviewer is not required for this Work Code. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Archaeological Resource Surveys - EAU 108 | 014 | | Archaeologist | | | | Key project personnel will meet the qualifications for professional archaeologists as listed in the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards (48 FR 22716). Staff must have experience conducting archaeological investigations in the Southeastern United States. Examples of archaeological investigations completed in the Southeastern United States within 3 years of the prequalification request and staff resumes must be submitted for review. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Community Impact Assessment | 036 | Community Impact Assessment (CIA) is an iterative process to evaluate the direct effects of a transportation action on a community and its quality of life. The assessment process is an integral part of project planning and development that shapes the outcome of a project by raising awareness and understanding of both positive and negative effects of proposed actions on the human (social and economic) environment. Its information is used to guide the project and provide documentation of the current and anticipated social environment of a geographic area with and without the action. CIA uses data analysis as well as broad community interaction to enable informed transportation decision- making in compliance with 23 U.S.C. 109(h). The assessment should include all items of importance to people, such as mobility, safety, employment effects, relocation, isolation, and other community issues. CIA also incorporates federal laws and mandates such as Environmental Justice, Limited English Proficiency and the Farmland Protection Policy Act when applicable. | Community Planner (CP) or equivalent NEPA Practitioner (NP) | | | | Community Planner/NEPA Practitioner should have prior CIA experience. Without direct experience the practitioner must demonstrate experience in socio- economic impact analysis, multi-modal transportation planning and land use planning, with training in or a demonstrated understanding of NEPA and demographic analysis.Community Planner/NEPA Practitioner should have prior CIA experience.
| | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Ecological and Biotic Community Studies | 059 | Description and Mapping of plant and animal communities throughout NC. | | | 5 | | Key personnel must have a B.S. in Natural, Environmental Sciences or equivalent Degree with directly related experience. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Freshwater Aquatic Surveys | 076 | Detailed surveys for Protected freshwater mussels throughout NC. Includes snorkel and SCUBA surveys. | | | | | Appropriate Federal and State Licenses must be submitted with package. (Freshwater Mussel, etc.) | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
National Register Evaluations of Structures and Landscapes | 106 | Apply National Register of Historic Places eligibility criteria to evaluate historic properties (structures and landscapes) | | | | | Key project personnel will meet the qualifications for professional architectural historians as listed in the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards (48 FR 22716). Staff must have experience conducting historic property investigations in the Southeastern United States. Examples of work from the past 5 years and staff resumes must be submitted for review. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
ICI Water Quality Assessments | 114 | Water Quality modeling associated with community planning Indirect and Cumulative Effects Analysis | | | 5 | | Key personnel must have a B.S. in Natural, Environmental Sciences or equivalent Degree with directly related experience with Water Quality models, for example: GWLF. PE required, if Hydrologic Model is required. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Indirect and Cumulative Effects Assessment | 116 | The purpose of an ICE report is to inform the decision-making process regarding which alternatives to carry forward by assessing the potential indirect and cumulative effects based on potential change in land use as a result of the project. The ICE incorporates a matrix tool that considers factors known to influence land use, including the scope of the project, travel time savings, population growth, employment growth, land available for development, water and sewer availability, market for development, development regulations, and the presence of notable environmental features. ICE findings indicate whether further analysis in the form of a Land Use Scenario Assessment (LUSA) is warranted. A LUSA also informs the decision-making process regarding selection of the Recommended Alternative by assessing development potential in identified Probable Development Areas. The Natural Environment Section uses LUSA findings to determine whether ICI water quality modeling is needed for permitting. | Community Planner (CP) or equivalent NEPA Practitioner (NP) | | | | Community Planner/NEPA Practitioner should have prior ICE experience. Without direct experience the practitioner must demonstrate experience in socio- economic growth projection, land use planning and land development, with training in or a demonstrated understanding of NEPA and demographic analysis.
| | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Public Involvement | 171 | The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) manages the state’s transportation systems, including highway, rail, aviation, ferry, bicycle and pedestrian, and public transit needs. The agency is divided into 14 transportation divisions with a collective mission to connect people, products, and places safely and efficiently as a way to enhance the economy and vitality of North Carolina. To uphold this mission, NCDOT works to continuously improve and maintain its transportation systems while using public involvement to engage with the communities in which it serves. This commitment to public involvement supports the agency’s decision-making process by acknowledging and addressing federal and state requirements and needs of the stakeholders and community members.
| | | | | Consultants should submit short resumes (2 pgs. or less) with key staff who are responsible for public involvement. Consultants should demonstrate in their submittal examples of public involvement experience. Must submit two (2) examples of work. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Stream Biological Monitoring | 227 | Benthic Macroinvertebrate collection. | | | 5 | | Key personnel must have a B.S. in Natural, Environmental Sciences or equivalent Degree with directly related experience. NCDWR Aquatic Insect Collection certification preferred. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Stream Mitigation Site Design, Construction Assistance & Post-Construction Monitoring | 228 | | | P.E. | 5 | | Key personnel must have a B.S. in Engineering. Minimum of at least 2 stream mitigation restoration and/or relocation projects (minimum of 1000 LF each) within the past 5 years that included channel reconstruction or relocation based upon natural geomorphic designs incorporating in-stream structures (i.e., rock cross vanes, rock vanes, j-hook vanes, log structures, etc.) Include name of project, linear feet of stream, completion date, owner of the project, a description of the work involved with the project, as well as the post-construction monitoring results and mitigation credit release. Projects must be planned and designed to meet compensatory mitigation requirements of USACE, NCDWR, and/or NCDCM. Provide additional information as appropriate on up to 5 additional stream projects that have been completed, including project name, linear feet of stream, completion date, owner of the project and a description of the work involved with the project. Please provide any additional training/experience relating to Stream Restoration and Construction. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Stream Mitigation Site Plan | 229 | Feasibility and preliminary planning. | | | 5 | | Key personnel must have a B.S. in Natural, Environmental Sciences or equivalent Degree with directly related experience. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Threatened and Endangered Species Survey & Studies | 243 | Conduct surveys and formulate a Biological Conclusion for Federally Protected plant and animal species in NC | | | 5 | | Key personnel must have a B.S. in Natural, Environmental Sciences or equivalent Degree with directly related experience. Appropriate licenses for animal collection must be submitted with package, if applicable.
| | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Preliminary Traffic Noise Analysis (TNA) for NEPA Documents | 253 | | | | | | An Analyst (i.e. Modeler) and a Reviewer are required; Analyst and Reviewer must have formal classroom or online training in FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM®); Analyst must provide evidence of having personally completed within the last 5 years preliminary design traffic noise analyses that include preliminary noise abatement measures utilizing FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM®); Reviewer must provide evidence of having personally completed within the last 5 years reviews of preliminary design traffic noise analyses with preliminary noise abatement measures. Resume (2 pgs or less), all applicable training certificates and a complete list of noise analyses performed/reviewed within past 5 years (including client) must be submitted for review. Each project listed on resume must clearly indicate the role served – for example, lead analyst, lead reviewer, supporting analyst, graphics, reporting, GIS. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Visualization | 276 | Renderings- 2D images created from 3D models of the proposed project using CADD data in prgrams such as Microstation and Autodesk 3ds Max. Photosimulations- Renderings that are superimposed and blended into an existing site photo. Animations- A video product produced by rendering 24-20 images/frames per second, most often used to show a flyover or drive thru of a project, including post processing through programs uscha s Adobe Premiere or After Effects.
| | | | | Three (3) Examples from different Highway/Transportation Projects. | | David Hinnant, 919 707-7050, |
Wetland and Stream Delineation | 280 | Jurisdictional delineation of wetlands and streams. Includes familiarity with USACE and DWR forms and worksheets. | | | 5 | | Key personnel must have a B.S. in Natural, Environmental Sciences or equivalent Degree with directly related experience. . Have experience in Wetland Delineation and Stream Identification, and NCWAM, NCSAM training certificates. PWS preferred. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Wetland Mitigation Site Design, Construction Assistance & Post- Construction Monitoring | 284 | | | P.E. | 5 | | Key personnel must have a B.S. in Engineering. Minimum of at least 2 wetland mitigation restoration projects (minimum of 10 acres each) within the past 5 years that included restoration (site grading and planting) of a prior impacted wetland system for compensatory wetland mitigation credits. Include name of project, size, completion date, owner of the project, a description of the work involved with the project, as well as the post-construction monitoring results and mitigation credit release. Projects must be planned, and designed to meet compensatory mitigation requirements of USACE, NCDWR, and/or NCDCM. Provide additional information as appropriate on up to 5 additional wetland mitigation projects that have been completed, including project name, size, completion date, owner of the project and a description of the work involved with the project. Please provide any additional training/experience that the company has relating to Wetland Restoration and Construction. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Wetland Mitigation Site Planning | 285 | Feasibility and preliminary planning. | Biologist/ Ecologist, Soil Scientist, Engineer | | 5 | | Key personnel must have a B.S. in Natural, Environmental Sciences or equivalent Degree with directly related experience. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Wetland, Stream and Buffer Permitting | 287 | Development of Complete Application, including discussion of all relevant State and Federal issues that affect the permit decision (not just drawings). | | | 5 | | Key personnel must have a B.S. in Natural, Environmental Sciences or equivalent Degree with directly related experience. . Experience in Wetland Delineation and Stream Identification, and NCWAM, NCSAM training certificates required. PWS preferred. NEPA, CWA, Riparian Buffer Rules, NCDCM training required. NCDOT Plan Reading training preferred. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Environmental Justice (EJ) | 288 | A core component of NCDOT’s work includes following federal nondiscrimination regulations for affected populations, such as Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Executive Order 12898 on EJ, and Executive Order 13166 on LEP. Title VI “prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving financial assistance” (NCDOT, Title VI Administration). NCDOT applies Title VI to all state projects whether or not it receives federal funding by promoting nondiscrimination and equal opportunity. Identifying and including EJ and LEP populations is critical to complying with Title VI. Executive Order 12898 went into effect February 11, 994, stating the following: “Each Federal agency shall make achieving environmental justice part of its mission by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of its programs, policies, and activities on minority populations and low-income populations.”
| | | | | Consultants should submit short resumes (2 pgs. or less) with key staff who are responsible for Environmental Justice (EJ) outreach. Consultants should demonstrate in their submittal examples of EJ experience. Minimum of two (2) examples EJ work. Consultants should demonstrate to the best of their ability in their submittal an understanding of the relationship between public involvement and EJ as it relates to NEPA process. National Highway Institute Course on the Fundamentals of Environmental Justice (FHWA-NHI-142074 ( Training Certificate required as a prerequisite for prequalification.
| | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121 |
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) | 308 | A core component of NCDOT’s work includes following federal nondiscrimination regulations for affected populations, such as Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Executive Order 12898 on EJ, and Executive Order 13166 on LEP. Title VI “prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving financial assistance” (NCDOT, Title VI Administration). NCDOT applies Title VI to all state projects whether or not it receives federal funding by promoting nondiscrimination and equal opportunity. Identifying and including EJ and LEP populations is critical to complying with Title VI. Title VI mandates careful attention and accommodation for populations with LEP. Executive Order 13166, signed August 11, 2000, requires federal agencies to examine the services they provide, identify need for services to those designated as an LEP population, and develop and implement a system to provide services so that LEP persons can have meaningful access to them.
| | | | | Consultants should submit short resumes (2 pgs. or less) with key staff who are responsible for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) outreach. Consultants should demonstrate in their submittal examples of LEP experience. Minimum of two (2) examples of LEP work. Consultants should demonstrate to the best of their ability in their submittal an understanding of the relationship between public involvement and LEP as it relates to NEPA process | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Quantitative Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT) Analysis | 439 | | | | | | An Analyst (i.e. Modeler) and a Reviewer are required; Analyst and Reviewer must meet the requirements for Project-Level Air Quality Analysis AND must have received formal classroom or online training in Quantitative MSAT modeling using USEPA MOVES software; NCDOT will consider experience in lieu of formal classroom training; Analyst and Reviewer must provide evidence of having personally performed/reviewed within the last 5 years Quantitative MSAT analyses modeled with MOVES software; Prequalification in this work code also allows modeling of Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Resume (2 pgs or less), all applicable training certificates and a complete list of all Quantitative MSAT analyses performed/reviewed within past 5 years (including client) must be submitted for review. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Quantitative Particulate Matter (PM) Analysis | 440 | | | | | | An Analyst (i.e. Modeler) and a Reviewer are required; Analyst and Reviewer must meet the requirements for Project-Level Air Quality Analysis AND must have received formal classroom or online training in Quantitative PM modeling using USEPA MOVES and AERMOD software; NCDOT will consider experience in lieu of formal classroom training; Analyst and Reviewer must provide evidence of having personally performed/reviewed within the last 5 years Quantitative PM analyses modeled with MOVES and AERMOD software; Prequalification in this work code also allows modeling of Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Resume (2 pgs or less), all applicable training certificates and a complete list of all Quantitative PM analyses performed/reviewed within past 5 years (including client) must be submitted for review. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |
Design Noise Report | 441 | | | | | | An Analyst (i.e. Modeler) and a Reviewer are required; Analyst must meet the requirements for Traffic Noise Report for NEPA/SEPA Documents AND must provide evidence of having personally completed within the last 5 years final design traffic noise analyses that include final design of noise abatement measures utilizing FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM®) and CADD software; Reviewer must meet Reviewer requirements for Traffic Noise Report for NEPA/SEPA Documents AND must provide evidence of having personally completed within the last 5 years reviews of final design traffic noise analyses that include final design of noise abatement measures; Resume (2 pgs. or less), all applicable training certificates and a complete list of noise analyses performed/reviewed within past 5 years (including client) must be submitted for review. Each project listed on resume must clearly indicate the role served – for example, lead analyst, lead reviewer, supporting analyst, graphics, reporting, GIS. It must be clear which projects listed on resume involved final design traffic noise analysis. | | Randy Griffin, 919 707-6121, |