
Description Of Work
Categorical Exclusions / Minimum Criteria Determination Checklists032
NEPA and SEPA analysis and regulatory compliance.
NEPA/SEPA Practitioner & ReviewerPE, CEP, or AICP preferred3
Key Personnel must include a Practitioner and Reviewer with NEPA/SEPA experience that includes consideration of environmental regulations such as Section 404, Section 4(f), Section 6(f), Section 106, and community study issues (EJ, equity, underserved populations, and outreach).  Submit resumes/work experience of key staff.  
Mike Sanderson, 919 707-6154, jmsanderson@ncdot.gov
Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impacts063
NEPA and SEPA analysis and regulatory compliance, including facilitation of Merger (or similar) processes.
NEPA/SEPA Practitioner & ReviewerPE, CEP, or AICP preferred5
Key Personnel must include a Practitioner and Reviewer with NEPA/SEPA experience that includes consideration of environmental regulations such as Section 404, Section 4(f), Section 6(f), Section 106, and community study issues (EJ, equity, underserved populations, and outreach).
Experience should also include regulatory facilitation, managing an Administrative Record, tribal collaboration, and similar NEPA expertise. Submit examples of project work showing EA/FONSI experience.  Submit resumes/work experience of key staff.
Mike Sanderson, 919 707-6154, jmsanderson@ncdot.gov
Environmental Impact Statement/Record of Decision066
NEPA and SEPA analysis and regulatory compliance, including facilitation of Merger (or similar) processes.
NEPA/SEPA Practitioner & ReviewerPE, CEP, or AICP preferred10
Key Personnel must include a Practitioner and Reviewer with NEPA/SEPA experience that includes consideration of environmental regulations such as Section 404, Section 4(f), Section 6(f), Section 106, and community study issues (EJ, equity, underserved populations, and outreach).
Experience should also include regulatory facilitation, managing an Administrative Record, tribal collaboration, and similar NEPA expertise. Provide examples of projects showing EIS/ROD documentation, alternatives analysis and Need/Purpose prepared for state/federal agencies.  Submit resumes/work experience of key staff.  
Mike Sanderson, 919 707-6154, jmsanderson@ncdot.gov
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