
Description Of Work
Roadway Foundation Investigation and Design294
Geotechnical Engineer AND Project Geologist or Geological EngineerL.G. or P.E.5P.E.
At least one (1) key person that is a permanent employee of the firm is required for each role.  For each key person, submit two (2) examples of DOT or similar work sealed by the key person and completed within the last three (3) years.  Drilling contractor/ subcontractor must be prequalified for work code 3050: Drilling for Geotechnical Investigations, and equipment must be able to access wooded and overgrown areas, obtain N and H size cores, perform standard penetration tests (SPT) with an automatic hammer, and drill 120ft SPT borings and 200ft mud borings.​
David Teague, 919 707-6877, dlteague@ncdot.gov
Structure Foundation Investigation and Design295
Shallow and Deep Foundations
Geotechnical Engineer AND Project Geologist or Geological EngineerL.G. or P.E.5P.E.
At least one (1) key person that is a permanent employee of the firm is required for each role.  For each key person, submit one (1) shallow or driven pile foundation example and one (1) deep foundation example other than driven piles of DOT or similar work that are in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, were sealed by the key person and completed within the last three (3) years. Drilling contractor/ subcontractor must be prequalified for work code 3050: Drilling for Geotechnical Investigations, and equipment must be able to access wooded and overgrown areas, obtain N and H size cores, perform standard penetration tests (SPT) with an automatic hammer, and drill 120ft SPT borings and 200ft mud borings.​
David Teague, 919 707-6877, dlteague@ncdot.gov
Retaining Wall Investigation and Design296
Post-Bid Design Retaining Walls
Geotechnical Engineer AND Project Geologist or Geological EngineerL.G. or P.E.5P.E.
At least one (1) key person that is a permanent employee of the firm is required for each role.  For each key person, submit one (1) cut wall example and one (1) fill wall example that have at least 1500sf of wall face area.  Submit examples of DOT or similar work sealed by the key person and completed within the last three (3) years.   Drilling contractor/ subcontractor must be prequalified for work code 3050: Drilling for Geotechnical Investigations, and equipment must be able to access wooded and overgrown areas, obtain N and H size cores, perform standard penetration tests (SPT) with an automatic hammer, and drill 120ft SPT borings and 200ft mud borings.​
David Teague, 919 707-6877, dlteague@ncdot.gov
Pavement Design Investigation297
Subgrade Design and Chemical Stabilization
Geotechnical Engineer AND Project Geologist or Geological EngineerL.G. or P.E.5P.E.
At least one (1) key person that is a permanent employee of the firm is required for each role.  For each key person, submit an example of DOT or similar work for each description of work sealed by the key person and completed within the last three (3) years.  Experience with using dynamic cone penetrometers and recovering pavement cores using thin walled core barrels is required. Drilling equipment (in-house or outsourced) to obtain 4” to 6” dia. pavement cores up to 24” thick and drill pavement borings to a depth of 20 ft. History of efficiently managing field investigation work at night with work zone traffic control and regularly completing pavement cores in 30 minutes. ​
David Teague, 919 707-6877, dlteague@ncdot.gov
Ground Improvement Design298
Dynamic Compaction, Grouting, Stone Columns, Wick Drains, etc.
Geotechnical EngineerP.E.10P.E.
At least one (1) key person that is a permanent employee of the firm is required for the geotechnical engineer.  For each key person, submit an example of DOT or similar work for two (2) different descriptions of work sealed by the key person and completed within the last three (3) years.​
David Teague, 919 707-6877, dlteague@ncdot.gov
Cantilever Retaining Wall Design299
Sheet Pile, Cantilever Concrete, Pile Panel and Soldier Pile Retaining Walls.
Geotechnical EngineerP.E.5P.E.
At least one (1) key person that is a permanent employee of the firm is required for the geotechnical engineer.  For each key person, submit an example of DOT or similar work for two (2) different descriptions of work that are in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, were sealed by the key person and completed within the last three (3) years.​
David Teague, 919 707-6877, dlteague@ncdot.gov
Anchored Retaining Wall Design300
Anchored (Tieback) Retaining Walls and Shoring, Soil Nail Retaining Walls and Temporary Soil Nail Walls
Geotechnical EngineerP.E.5P.E.
At least one (1) key person that is a permanent employee of the firm is required for the geotechnical engineer.  For each key person, submit one (1) anchored shoring or anchored retaining wall example that is in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and one (1) soil nail retaining wall or temporary soil nail wall example that is in accordance with the FHWA Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 7 “Soil Nail Walls”.  Submit examples of DOT or similar work sealed by the key person and completed within the last three (3) years.​
David Teague, 919 707-6877, dlteague@ncdot.gov
Dam Investigation, Evaluation and Design301
Geotechnical Engineer AND Project Geologist or Geological EngineerL.G. or P.E.5P.E.
At least one (1) key person that is a permanent employee of the firm is required for each role.  For each key person, submit two (2) examples of DOT or similar work sealed by the key person and completed within the last three (3) years. Drilling contractor/ subcontractor must be prequalified for work code 3050: Drilling for Geotechnical Investigations, and equipment must be able to access wooded and overgrown areas, obtain N and H size cores, perform standard penetration tests (SPT) with an automatic hammer, and drill 120ft SPT borings and 200ft mud borings.​
David Teague, 919 707-6877, dlteague@ncdot.gov
Landslide Investigation, Evaluation and Mitigation Design302
Geotechnical Engineer AND Project Geologist or Geological EngineerL.G. or P.E.5P.E.
At least one (1) key person that is a permanent employee of the firm is required for each role.  For each key person, submit two (2) examples of DOT or similar work sealed by the key person and completed within the last three (3) years. Drilling contractor/ subcontractor must be prequalified for work code 3050: Drilling for Geotechnical Investigations, and equipment must be able to access wooded and overgrown areas, obtain N and H size cores, perform standard penetration tests (SPT) with an automatic hammer, and drill 120ft SPT borings and 200ft mud borings.​
David Teague, 919 707-6877, dlteague@ncdot.gov
Rock Slope Investigation, Evaluation and Design303
Rock Slope Design and Stabilization (Rock Bolts, Rock Slope Drapes, Rockfall Barriers, etc.)
Geotechnical Engineer AND Project Geologist or Geological EngineerL.G. or P.E.10P.E.
At least one (1) key person that is a permanent employee of the firm is required for each role.  For each key person, submit one (1) rock slope design example and one (1) rock slope stabilization example of rock slopes taller than 50ft and steeper than 1:1 (H:V).  Submit examples of DOT or similar work sealed by the key person and completed within the last three (3) years.  Successful completion of at least 1,000ft of rock coring within the last three (3) years and experience with a down hole camera is required.  Drilling contractor/ subcontractor must be prequalified for work code 3050: Drilling for Geotechnical Investigations, and equipment must be able to access wooded and overgrown areas, obtain N and H size cores, perform standard penetration tests (SPT) with an automatic hammer, and drill 120ft SPT borings and 200ft mud borings.​
David Teague, 919 707-6877, dlteague@ncdot.gov
Rock Blasting Evaluation and Design304
Production, Controlled, Trim, Trench and Secondary Blasting and Pre-Splitting
Geotechnical EngineerP.E.10P.E.
At least one (1) key person that is a permanent employee of the firm is required for the geotechnical engineer.  For each key person, submit one (1) blasting example and one (1) pre-splitting example.  Submit examples of DOT or similar work sealed by the key person and completed within the last three (3) years.​
David Teague, 919 707-6877, dlteague@ncdot.gov
Micropile Design306
Geotechnical EngineerP.E.5P.E.

​Each micropile example for a different project in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications​.​

David Teague, 919 707-6877, dlteague@ncdot.gov
Hazardous Waste Site Analysis and Remediation330
Geoenvironmental Geologist/EngineerL.G. or P.E.5L.G. or P.E.
At least one (1) key person that is a permanent employee of the firm is required for the geologist or engineer. For each key person, submit two (2) examples of DOT or similar work sealed by the key person and completed within the last three (3) years. Experience with hazardous waste sites, landfills, underground storage tanks, brownfields or dry cleaning solvent remediation in North Carolina is required.
Ethan Caldwell , 919 707-6868, ejcaldwell@ncdot.gov
MSE Segmental Wall Design364
MSE Retaining Walls with Segmental Retaining Wall (SRW) Units
Geotechnical EngineerP.E.5P.E.
At least one (1) key person that is a permanent employee of the firm is required for the geotechnical engineer.  For each key person, submit two (2) examples of DOT or similar work that are in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Experience with the computer software, MSEW, version 3.0 or later, manufactured by ADAMA Engineering, Inc.  Submit examples sealed by the key person and completed within the last three (3) years.​
David Teague, 919 707-6877, dteague@ncdot.gov
Hydraulic Conductivity Investigation536
Infiltration Basins
Soil Scientist, Project Geologist or Geotechnical EngineerL.S.S., L.G or P.E.3L.S.S., L.G.<br>or P.E.
At least one (1) key person that is a permanent employee of the firm is required for the soil scientist, geologist or engineer. For each key person, submit two (2) examples of hydraulic conductivity investigations for infiltration basins in the state of North Carolina sealed by the key person and completed within the last three (3) years. Experience with identifying soil horizons and seasonal high water table and determining hydraulic conductivity with in-situ borehole test methods using a constant head permeameter is required.
Ceryl Youngblood, 919 707-6873, cyoungblood@ncdot.gov
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