
Description Of Work
Tier I Basic Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design433
a) Roadway drainage design, including ditches, small pipe culverts, storm sewer systems, outfall analysis, drainage investigations, etc.
b) Bridge and/or culvert design over streams using the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) design guidelines, such as Hydraulic Design Series 5, 7, etc.
c) Drainage design using the North Carolina Department of Transportation “Stormwater Best Management Practices Toolbox”.
Hydraulic/ Hydrologic EngineerP.E.1P.E.
1. Submit samples of the approved design reports and/or hydraulic calculations/models for each Description of Work items (a, b and c) prepared within the last 10  years for NCDOT or similar agency that are dated and sealed..
2. Submit resumes/work experience of all key staff.​
Brian Radakovic, 919 707-6747, bmradakovic@ncdot.gov
Tier II Complete Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design434
a) Tier I, plus:
b) Design of bridges and culverts over FEMA regulated streams that require coordination and approvals from FEMA or their designees.
c) Experience evaluating scour and stream instability using FHWA guidance such as HEC 18, HEC 20, and HEC 23.
Hydraulic/ Hydrologic EngineerP.E.3P.E.
1. Meet all the requirements of each Description of Work items (a, b, and c). Submit samples of b and c prepared within the last 10  years for NCDOT or similar agency that are dated and sealed..
2. Submit resumes/work experience of all key staff.
3. Firm is required to prepare drainage plans using current NCDOT CADD standards and Drainage Software.

Brian Radakovic, 919 707-6747, bmradakovic@ncdot.gov
Tier III Complex Hydraulic Design479
a) Tier I and Tier II, plus:
b) Two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic modeling design experience for bridges over streams that are under the influence of turbulent, unsteady flow, etc.
Hydraulic/ Hydrologic EngineerP.E.5P.E.
1.    Meet all the requirements of Tier II.
2.    Submit samples of the approved design reports and design models using 2-D hydraulic modeling prepared within the last 10  years for NCDOT or similar agency that are dated and sealed. 
3. Submit resumes/work experience of all key staff.​
Brian Radakovic, 919 707-6747, bmradakovic@ncdot.gov
Highway Floodplain Program Support480
Extensive knowledge of the National Flood Insurance Program. Extensive experience in hydraulic model design and community flood map revision or creation for FEMA or a designee of FEMA. Experience reviewing hydraulic models for bridges and/or culverts over
FEMA regulated streams.
Hydraulic/ Hydrologic EngineerP.E. CFM5P.E.
1. Submit samples of the approved reviews, designs and maps while under contract with FEMA and/or their designees prepared within the last 10 years.
2. Submit resumes/work experience of all key staff.​
Brian Radakovic, 919 707-6747, bmradakovic@ncdot.gov
NPDES Stormwater Permit Programmatic Support481
Extensive knowledge of the USEPA's NPDES stormwater program and experience assisting MS4s in implementation of NPDES permit stormwater programs. Experience negotiating NPDES permit language with regulatory agencies, administering and overseeing the implementation of NPDES compliance programs, preparation of NPDES annual reports, preparation of fiscal year program business/work plans, designing and performing internal program self- assessment audits, managing water quality research projects, development of NPDES internal education programs for MS4 staff and contractors, and development of information technology solutions to support delivery of NPDES
Hydraulic/ Hydrologic Engineer, Environmental Scientist, Biologist/Ecologist ,IT SpecialistP.E.5P.E.
Submit samples of work demonstrating NPDES programmatic support for MS4 NPDES programs prepared within the last 10 years.​
Brian Radakovic, 919 707-6747, bmradakovic@ncdot.gov
Coastal Hydraulic Engineering482
Extensive knowledge and experience of coastal hydrodynamics, wave mechanics, and sediment transport processes, and simulation models using RMA2 (Resource Management Associates), ADCIRC (Advanced Circulation Model for Coastal Ocean Hydrodynamics), SWAN (Simulation Waves Near Shore) software or similar state-of-the-art hydrodynamic modelling techniques for coastal resources.
Hydraulic/ Hydrologic Engineer, M.S. or Ph.D. in Coastal Engineering or a related engineering fieldP.E.5P.E.
1.    Submit samples of the approved design reports and hydraulic models in the coastal areas prepared within the last 10 years.
2.    Submit resumes/work experience of all key staff.​
Brian Radakovic, 919 707-6747, bmradakovic@ncdot.gov
NPDES Stormwater Program - Industrial Facility Compliance and Asset Inventory553
a) Experience preparing stormwater pollution prevention plans (SPPPs) and spill prevention, control, and countermeasure (SPCC) plans for industrial facilities. Experience developing and delivering stormwater pollution prevention training for industrial facility staff.
b) Experience with geospatial field mapping of industrial facility assets, stormwater conveyance systems and outfalls draining roadways and industrial facilities.
c) Experience identifying waters of the US for the purposes of outfall identification and Clean Water Act compliance.
Hydraulic/ Hydrologic Engineer, Geologist, Biologist/Ecologist, GIS SupportP.E.3P.E.
1.    Submit samples of SPPPs and SPCC plans prepared by the firm prepared within the last 10 years.
2.    Demonstration of experience preparing and delivering stormwater pollution prevention training prepared within the last 10 years.
3.    Submit examples of asset inventory maps prepared by the firm which demonstrate field geospatial data collection capabilities. Maps should include stormwater conveyance system features and outfalls. Prequalification under discipline code 280 preferred.​
Brian Radakovic, 919 707-6747, bmradakovic@ncdot.gov
NPDES Stormwater Program - Water Quality Modeling Support and TMDL Compliance554
Experience developing and applying water quality models to support regulatory compliance. Relevant experience includes the application of watershed and surface water models such as, but not limited to, HSPF, WASP, SWMM, EFDC, WARMF, SWAT, and
SELDM. Review of model applications developed by third parties. Preparation of modeling reports and TMDL
compliance plans.
Hydraulic/ Hydrologic EngineerP.E.5P.E.
1. Submit samples of work demonstrating water quality model development and application prepared within the last 10 years.
2. Submit samples of work demonstrating TMDL compliance support for regulated entries prepared within the last 10 years.​
Brian Radakovic, 919 707-6747, bmradakovic@ncdot.gov
NPDES Stormwater Program- BMP Retrofit Site Selection and Design555
a) Experience locating potential retrofit sites using a combination of desktop and field evaluation techniques.
b) Experience preparing BMP construction drawings, pollutant load calculations and management of databases for the storage, retrieval, and reporting of site assessment information.
c) Experience with BMP construction engineering and inspection.
Hydraulic/ Hydrologic Engineer, Biologist, Ecologist, Soil Science EngineerP.E.3P.E.
1. Submit samples of work that were approved by Local, State or Federal Agencies prepared within the last 10 years.
2. BMP inspection and maintenance certification preferred.
3. Prequalification under discipline code 433 required.​
Brian Radakovic, 919 707-6747, bmradakovic@ncdot.gov
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