
Description Of Work
Landscape and Streetscape Design132

​Provide support for streetscape design concepts that enhance the travel environment within public spaces and along street rights-of-way.  This includes developing solutions for improving pedestrian environments.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Municipal & Regional Planning Studies315

​Develop municipal and regional multimodal plans and studies.  This includes bicycle, pedestrian, transit and other multimodal transportation plans.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Multi-Use Trail Design, Survey & Layout316

​Provide conceptual and preliminary engineering design of multiuse paths and trails.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Multi Modal Map Preparation and Presentation318

​Expressing graphically, the natural and social features of target areas to convey study results or spatial data.

​Must demonstrate knowledge and experience with digital and/or hard copy map design, map projections, cartographic standards, map book generation and output/presentation methods.  Must show expertise and experience in corridor planning, coordinating existing and future land use and the multimodal transportation system to provide guidance as development occurs.  Must have a current TransCAD license.  Must show ability to use TransCAD, Micro Simulation and Public Participation.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Multimodal Connectivity Planning410
To identify, evaluate, develop, recommend and implement strategies that provide planning elements for meaningful mobility options for the general public and targeted populations by allowing passengers to travel where and when they want and need to go.
Firm demonstrates rural transit experience and qualifications.
(Rural transit experience includes human service agency, Community Transit Systems, regional and single county rural systems, demand responsive, etc.)
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Transit System Consolidation Studies411
Develop recommendations and alternatives for consolidation of community transit systems.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Facility Feasibility Studies for Multimodal Support Structures412
Determine demand, viability and practicality of potential multimodal facilities.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Special Multimodal Studies414
Provide assistance on special transit planning related needs including, but not limited to value engineering, policy analysis, data analysis and management, state and federal compliance studies, land acquisition, infrastructure evaluations, emerging technology studies and independent fee estimates.

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Multimodal Corridor Planning416

Develop multimodal plans and studies for transportation corridors.  This includes the planning and enhancement of transit service along roadway corridors with consideration of bicycle and pedestrian connections and accommodations.

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Conducting Compliance Review Activities417
Conduct compliance reviews of grant recipients and sub recipients to determine whether they are complying with the requirements of FTA and State funded transit programs.  Complete auditing and pre-auditing activities in regards to CARES Act Funds, FTA Discretionary Grant Awards and other FTA funding sources.  Examples of subrecipient oversight include collection of drug and alcohol certifications, on-site review of postings and verification of compliance activities, verification of dispositions and other compliance related tasks.​
Firm demonstrates rural transit experience and qualifications.
(Rural transit experience includes human service agency, Community Transit Systems, regional and single county rural systems, demand responsive, etc.)
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Multimodal Project Management & Facilitation418
Provides assistance and guidance with program and project management.  Guides leadership with defining and determining policy.  Helps to bring about outcomes (such as learning, productivity, or communication) by providing guidance, or supervision. Review project data prior to meetings, reviews and prepares meeting materials, and leads meeting.​
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Transit Data Conversion420
Perform data translation from one spatial format (this includes hard and soft copy sources) to another.
Must demonstrate knowledge and experience with different geographic data formats, database formats, geographic/database conversion software, geographic/database conversion coding and spatial data transfer standards (SDTS).
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Transit Data Validation (QA/QC)421
Verify the quality of a spatial product during and/or after its production. This includes the following key elements: Completeness; Validity; Logical Consistency; Physical Consistency; Referential Integrity; Positional Accuracy.
Must demonstrate knowledge and experience with QA/QC processes/methods and data validation procedures.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Transit Field Data Collection422
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Transit Program Funding Formula Allocation Analysis424
Review and evaluate the current funding formula allocations.
Firm demonstrates rural transit experience and qualifications.
(Rural transit experience includes human service agency, Community Transit Systems, regional and single county rural systems, demand responsive, etc.)
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
State Management Plan Development and Update425
Provide technical assistance on the update for FTA adoption.
Firm demonstrates rural transit experience and qualifications.
(Rural transit experience includes human service agency, Community Transit Systems, regional and single county rural systems, demand responsive, etc.)
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Program System Analysis426
Operational and route studies to assist transit agencies in maximizing resources by determining efficient route patterns.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Vehicle Specification Preparation and Analysis428
Provide innovative solutions and guidelines for fleet management challenges and utilization for transit systems.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Transit Strategic Planning435
Conduct research and data analysis to inform business decisions; set priorities; propose actions to focus energy and resources, as well as strengthening operations.
Must demonstrate knowledge and experience with strategic planning, understanding of data analysis, and/or knowledge of business operations and procedures.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Transit Visualization436
Renderings - 2D images created from 3D models of the proposed project using CADD data in programs such as Microstation and Autodesk 3ds Max.
Photosimulations – Renderings that are superimposed and blended into an existing site photo, including post processing work in programs such as Adobe Photoshop.
Animations - A video product produced by rendering 24-30 images/frames per second, most often used to show a flyover or drive thru of a project, including post processing through programs such as Adobe Premiere or After Effects.
Three (3) examples from different Highway/Transportation projects.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Public involvement in the transit/transportation planning process498
Provide public mediation and facilitation methods for the development of public transportation planning projects.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Marketing, publications and graphics assistance499
Assist in preparing and project managing publications for Integrated Mobility Division's promotional and study deliverable material.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Marketing research500
Gather and analyze travel behavior data on transit systems and research market conditions for modeling and planning.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Transportation Demand Management program management502
Assist in the management of statewide TDM program focusing on changing or reducing travel demand.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Conduct drug and alcohol review program503
Provide statewide DAMIS report and conduct discretionary drug and alcohol reviews of grant recipients and sub recipients to determine whether they are honoring their commitments, as represented by certification, to comply with the requirements of FTA and State funded transit programs.
Firm demonstrates rural transit experience and qualifications.
(Rural transit experience includes human service agency, Community Transit Systems, regional and single county rural systems, demand responsive, etc.)
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Facility construction project oversight, administration, inspection, management and/or monitoring505
Provide oversight services for project construction of local, state and federally funded new or renovated transit facilities.​
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Small transit facility design services506
Provide design services assistance in the development of a standardized administrative, operational and/or maintenance transit facility.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Vehicle statewide procurement/bid analysis and assistance507
Provide assistance in the development of statewide vehicle procurement contracts.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Quick response teams509
Rapid rescue and recovery technical assistance for transit systems in need to include programming, reporting, project management, administration, operations and financial assistance.
Firm demonstrates rural transit experience and qualifications.
(Rural transit experience includes human service agency, Community Transit Systems, regional and single county rural systems, demand responsive, etc.)
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Asset Condition Assessment and Tracking (Formerly Transit facility and equipment maintenance management program assistance)511
Collect asset data to include asset inventory and condition for transit agency facilities and vehicles, trail and sidewalk conditions and other federally funded items IMD is responsible for.  Assist with fleet assessments and usage, transition plans and maintenance plans.  Provide community transit agencies with assistance and guidance on the appropriate facility maintenance as required by FTA.

​Must demonstrate knowledge and experience with the various related assets and their relevant attributes. Emphasis will placed on inventory, assessment, and evaluation of current condition of these assets per FTA and USDOT tracking criteria.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Grant writing and management512
Provide assistance on effective grant design, development and program management on federal and state grant funding programs for transit systems.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Transit system coordination services513
Coordination with urban providers, intercity bus carriers, transit providers in other states, health and human service organizations, and private non- profits such as community organizations, senior centers, faith- based organizations, and other similar organizations.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Transit Constructability Expert514
Identifying obstacles before a project is actually built to reduce or prevent errors, delays, and cost overruns.
Must demonstrate experience as a construction project manager or similar role. Have in-depth understanding of construction procedures and materials, and the ability to plan construction operations.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Transit Information Gathering515
Gather information from a variety of sources for a particular project or task, then package in an organized matter for ease of review and reference.
Must demonstrate experience with research and/or data collection.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Transit Procedure Development & Documentation516
Complete process analysis, create a process map/model, document existing or proposed procedures.
Must demonstrate knowledge and experience with procedure development and documentation.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Multimodal/Transit & Rail Development Architectural Services517
Architectural services related to site design at multimodal, transit and rail passenger stations and other design elements such as placemaking, small town development around rail stations, landscape architecture, and mixed use development site design and layout in accordance with local ordinances, State and Federal requirements.
Project ArchitectA.I.A.10 yearsA.I.A.
Must show recent project experience related to placemaking, small town development around rail stations, landscape architecture, and mixed use development site design and layout, from preliminary through final design and construction.
Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Multimodal Facilities Development Planning 579

​Development and implementation of major transportation capital improvements active transportation improvements and related project work including project planning, project design administration, contract administration, and project and program development and implementation.  Provide expertise and guidance on multimodal service design to include Transit-Oriented Development, Complete Streets, land use considerations, FTA Fixed Guideway expertise and similar initiatives.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Multimodal Transportation Financial Planning 580

​Provide expertise and guidance on multimodal transportation planning, project management and financing to include Joint Development Projects and Public-Private Partnerships (negotiating agreements, facilitating innovative financing arrangements, etc.), transit alternative financing tools expertise (including value capture) and similar initiatives.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Complete Streets581

​Provide expertise and guidance on multimodal transportation facility selection and design, ADA compliance, facility selection, and the integration of multiple transportation modes converging within a project or project area. Ability to conduct analysis and provide information including bike/ped crash data, demand estimation, exposure, level of service, and comfortability for bicycle, pedestrian, scooter and other mobility devices with emphasis on project design requirements. Experience, exposure, and access to all design guidance resources from AASHTO, NACTO, FHWA, and NCDOT RDM. Exposure to and knowledge of NCDOT’s project management structure and system (PDN) for delivering projects and where and when multimodal components are a part of that structure.

​Must demonstrate knowledge and experience specific to NCDOT’s Complete Streets Policy, Implementation Guide, and five-step Evaluation Methodology. Must show expertise and understanding of the project development (PDN) process for NCDOT and understanding with experience in planning, design, operation, maintenance, economic analysis, performance evaluation, and safety for multimodal transportation.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Multimodal Transportation Service Planning 582

​Provide expertise and guidance on multimodal transportation planning, project management, emerging technology, transit technology, grant application services, financing and service design to include multimodal interoperability, Bus Rapid Transit, Light Rail Transit, Commuter Route Studies, Planning (Rail & Bus), first-mile/last-mile solutions, micromobility and new mobility (rideshare, ebikes, AV transit).  Develop supporting information necessary to guide overall multimodal implementation and supportive policy action.  Develop productivity trends and outline possible strategies.  Determination of viability and/or feasibility of multimodal transportation projects, from the standpoint of: logistics, alternatives analysis, intermodal relationships, performance, economics, regulatory compliance, and other related disciplines.  Support for areas involving applications and agreements preparation, performance metrics, and all aspects of the multimodal transportation planning process.

​Must demonstrate knowledge and experience with strategic planning, understanding of data analysis, and/or knowledge of business operations and procedures.  Must show expertise and substantial multimodal transportation experience in at least one of the following areas: planning, design, operations, maintenance, inspection, regulatory compliance, logistics, intermodal, economic analysis, performance evaluation, coordination/communications, staff support, or related fields as appropriate to specific project needs.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Contract, Agreement and Documentation Review583

​Review Grant Agreement Templates annually and make necessary changes due to changes in regulations. Review/approve all grant awards and Agreements for subrecipients prior to going to BOT.  Procurement documentation review (independent cost estimates, cost/price analysis, and RFP/RFQ reviews.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Demand Modeling, Ridership, Revenue, Operating Costs for Transit Operations584

​Ridership/Revenue modeling for passenger transit systems.

​Must show substantial experience performing ridership/revenue modeling and forecasting for passenger service.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Studies of Economic & Fiscal Impact of Multimodal Transportation Activities585

​Economic analysis of Multimodal Transportation activities.

​Must show substantial experience estimating direct and in-direct cash inputs to local and regional economies, job creation and other economic impacts resulting from Multimodal Passenger Transportation activities.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Infrastructure Environmental Analysis & Documentation586

​Including, but not limited to completion of NEPA, Title VI Equity Analysis, Flood Zone determination and additional infrastructure analysis, determinations and required documentation.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Multimodal Education & Outreach Services587

​Assistance with program management, education and outreach, public involvement, communications, marketing, etc.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Multimodal Construction Admin/Inspection588

​Inspection of multimodal construction, supervision of work performed by all contractors. Perform construction administration and inspection of work performed by all contractors on a project according to FTA and State of NC regulations, and other applicable industry standards, reporting findings and data in an effective format to comply with project specifications and compliance. Provide written approach to construction admin and inspection procedures to ensure project compliance.

​Must be familiar with FTA requirements and regulations related to facility construction inspections.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
General Division Support589

​Support for IMD Program and Project Managers, Engineers, Program Leads.  Develop and review contracts and agreements for engineering, planning, and operations and facilities in support of NCDOT IMD programs; review IMD business practices to ensure compliance with NCDOT policies and procedures.

​Must have level of experience/education combination that is appropriate for the position being supported. Project management experience is required.  Must have experience and expertise in the transportation industry specific to contracts and agreements.  Should have experience with NCDOT business practices. Experience with SAP (as it relates to NCDOT) is desirable.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
Grant & Finance Administration Assistance590

​Support for finance and grants administration staff including TrAMS support, FTA program management support, subrecipient assistance, data input and management, eligibility requirements, claims processing,  and general grant program management support.

​Must have level of experience/education combination that is appropriate for the position being supported. Main responsibilities of this position, including but not limited to fiscal administrative experience related to grant funding programs, both federal and state, grant writing, contract monitoring, fiscal approvals, working with federal and state agencies to provide timely responses to stakeholders, and SAP financial functions.​

Bernard Clark, 919 707-2612, bbclark2@ncdot.gov
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