
Description Of Work
Global Positioning System Surveying
Land SurveyorN.C. PLSLand Surveying (NC Board)
Submit a list of GPS surveying equipment. Submit an example of a GPS site calibration or site localization (this needs to show that you can GPS existing control points on a project and rotate, translate and scale your GPS data so that your GPS data agrees with the project control.)
Mason Hurt, 919-707-6812 mkhurt@ncdot.gov
High Density Laser Scanner104
High Density Laser Scanner
Land SurveyorN.C. PLSLand Surveying (NC Board)
Submit a list of High Density Laser Scanning equipment.
Mason Hurt, 919-707-6812 mkhurt@ncdot.gov
Hydrographic Surveys112
Hydrographic Surveys
Land SurveyorN.C. PLSLand Surveying (NC Board)
Submit a list of hydrographic surveying equipment which must include a boat equipped with sonar integrated with a GPS receiver.
Mason Hurt, 919-707-6812 mkhurt@ncdot.gov
Route Location Surveys199
Conventional Surveying
Land SurveyorN.C. PLSLand Surveying (NC Board)
Submit a list of conventional surveying equipment. Submit an example of a route survey – the example must have a tie to control monumentation and must have bearings, distances and curve data on the alignment. (Prefer an electronic PDF of the route survey).
Mason Hurt, 919-707-6812 mkhurt@ncdot.gov
Subsurface Utility Engineering
Land SurveyorN.C. PLSLand Surveying (NC Board)
Submit a list of SUE surveying equipment including surface geophysical location equipment and non-damaging excavating equipment.
Mason Hurt, 919-707-6812 mkhurt@ncdot.gov
Topographic Surveying360
Topographic Surveying
Land SurveyorN.C. PLSLand Surveying (NC Board)
Submit an example that includes topographic surveys. (Prefer an electronic PDF)
Mason Hurt, 919-707-6812 mkhurt@ncdot.gov
Boundary Surveying361
Boundary Surveying
Land SurveyorN.C. PLSLand Surveying (NC Board)
Submit an example of a boundary survey. (Prefer an electronic PDF)
Mason Hurt, 919-707-6812 mkhurt@ncdot.gov
Easement Surveying362
Easement Surveying
Land SurveyorN.C. PLSLand Surveying (NC Board)
Submit an example of an easement survey. (Prefer an electronic PDF)
Mason Hurt, 919-707-6812 mkhurt@ncdot.gov
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