
Description Of Work
Berth & Wharf Structures445
Deepwater structures to serve ocean- going vessels, and support loads from cranes, on-dock rail, wheeled vehicles.
Marine / Structural EngineersP.E.5P.E.
Must show substantial experience and knowledge of berth and wharf structures. Preference is to have structural engineers who are also certified divers.
Ken Pearce, 910 746-6470, ken.pearce@ncports.com
Mooring and Breasting Structures and Equipment446
Structures, product and equipment for mooring and breasting of ocean-going vessels
Marine / Structural EngineersP.E.5P.E.
Must show substantial experience and knowledge of mooring and breasting structures and equipment.
Ken Pearce, 910 746-6470, ken.pearce@ncports.com
Design of dredging work near Port berths. May include stability analyses and hydrographic surveying.
Hydraulic / Geotechnical EngineersP.E.5P.E.
Ken Pearce, 910 746-6470, ken.pearce@ncports.com
Marine Terminal Design – Containers, Intermodal, Bulk & Break-Bulk Materials448
Conceptual planning and design of marine facilities in the various transportation modes of container, intermodal, bulk and breakbulk. Bulk products may include liquid and dry bulk.
Civil / Structural Engineers, Port PlannerP.E.5P.E.
Must show substantial experience and knowledge of planning and design of marine terminals.
Ken Pearce, 910 746-6470, ken.pearce@ncports.com
Ship-to-Shore Container Crane Maintenance449
Evaluation, assessment, repair and maintenance recommendations, and design of container cranes.
Civil / Structural / Electrical EngineersP.E.5P.E.
Must show substantial experience and knowledge of design and maintenance of ship-to-shore container cranes.
Ken Pearce, 910 746-6470, ken.pearce@ncports.com
Ship-to-Shore Gantry Crane Maintenance450
Evaluation, assessment, repair and maintenance recommendations, and design of gantry cranes (rail-mounted cranes that rotate on a turntable).
Civil / Structural / Electrical EngineersP.E.5P.E.
Must show substantial experience and knowledge of design and maintenance of ship-to-shore gantry cranes.
Ken Pearce, 910 746-6470, ken.pearce@ncports.com
Concrete Pavement Management for Ports451
Assessment, evaluation, repair and design of concrete pavements specifically designed for the loadings of a deep water marine facility.
Civil EngineerP.E.5P.E.
Must show experience and knowledge of design and maintenance of concrete pavements at deep water marine facilities. Experience and knowledge of concrete pavements for airport runways and taxiways will be considered.
Ken Pearce, 910 746-6470, ken.pearce@ncports.com
Asphalt Pavement Management for Ports452
Assessment, evaluation, repair and design of asphalt pavements specifically designed for the loadings of a Deepwater marine facility.
Civil EngineerP.E.5P.E.
Must show experience and knowledge of design and maintenance of asphalt pavements at deep water marine facilities. Experience and knowledge of asphalt pavements for airport runways and taxiways will be considered.
Ken Pearce, 910 746-6470, ken.pearce@ncports.com
Distribution Systems for Low/Medium & High Voltage453
Evaluation, assessment and design of distribution systems for a deepwater marine facility, including electrical supply to cranes, refrigerated containers, sheds and warehouses, and (potentially in future) rubber-tired or rail-mounted gantry crane sin the container yard.
Electrical EngineerP.E.5P.E.
Must show experience and knowledge of design and maintenance of industrial electrical distribution systems.
Ken Pearce, 910 746-6470, ken.pearce@ncports.com
Lighting for Warehouse & Open Storage Cargo Areas454
Evaluation, assessment and design of lighting systems for a deepwater marine facility, including sheds and warehouses, container yards, and general open storage areas.
Electrical EngineerP.E.5P.E.
Must show experience and knowledge of design and maintenance of industrial lighting systems.
Ken Pearce, 910 746-6470, ken.pearce@ncports.com
Security and Surveillance Design455
Must possess a thorough knowledge of federally-mandated security features for seaports, and an understanding of their design and implementation.
Electrical / Security / Communication EngineersP.E.5P.E.
Must show experience and knowledge of design and maintenance of security and surveillance systems.
Ken Pearce, 910 746-6470, ken.pearce@ncports.com
Long Range Port Planning456
Must possess a thorough knowledge of port industry, shipping and maritime trade, and the associated infrastructure requirements both on the Port and outside the Port (connecting to the Port) in order to assess and recommend guidance, policies, and projects that most effectively improve the logistics system for ocean-going freight.
Port plannerACIP5
Must show substantial experience and knowledge of port industry, shipping and maritime trade.
Ken Pearce, 910 746-6470, ken.pearce@ncports.com
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