
Description Of Work
Rail Construction Administration041
This is for work specific to the Rail Division. NCDOT is required to oversee the design and construction on any given project. That oversight can be accomplished on the more complex projects with consultants who help in the financial, documentation, and oversight of construction tasks.
Project ManagerP.E. or R.A.10PE or AIA
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Demand Modeling, Ridership, Revenue, Operating Costs for Commuter & Intercity Passenger Rail Operations052
Ridership/Revenue modeling for passenger rail systems.
Must show substantial experience performing ridership/revenue modeling and forecasting for passenger rail service, including familiarity with the eastern seaboard and Northeast rail corridor.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Historic Passenger Station Renovations107
NCDOT historically has been involved in renovations of pre-1950 passenger stations. Historical stations usually contain high levels of asbestos and lead paint. Abatement of these materials is required before renovations begin.
Project ManagerR.A.20AIA
Must show several examples of recent project experience in the renovation and restoration of historical stations. A broad understanding of the North Carolina Building Codes, FRA rules and regulations, ADA compliance, and local zoning ordinances is required.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Maintenance Facility137
NCDOT has been involved in the design, management, and construction of maintenance facilities located along railroad tracks.
Project ManagerP.E. or R.A.10PE or AIA
Must show several examples of maintenance facilities. An understanding of passenger trains, building codes, FRA rules and regulations, ADA compliance, and local zoning ordinances is required.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Passenger Platforms147
NCDOT has been involved in the design, management, and construction of passenger platforms located along railroad tracks.
Project ManagerP.E. or R.A.10PE or AIA
Must show several examples of passenger platforms. An understanding of passenger trains; building codes; FRA rules and regulations; Amtrak, CSXT, and NS requirements; and ADA compliance is required.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Passenger Station Design148
NCDOT historically has been involved in renovations of pre-1950 passenger stations and as of late new stations. These newer stations are of the modern style of construction that is being built today.
Project ManagerR.A.10AIA
Must show several examples of recent project experience in station design and layout. A broad understanding of the North Carolina Building Codes, FRA rules and regulations, ADA compliance, and local zoning ordinances is required.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Construction Project Inspection and Management176
Must show the presence of a current safety program, familiarity with railroad construction means and methods, and experience inspecting railroad construction projects for Class I railroads.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Corridor Maintenance Assessments, Surveys and Lease Studies177
NCDOT has been involved in the maintenance, preservation, and reactivation of railroad corridors throughout the state.
Project EngineerP.E.5P.E.
A detailed understanding of maintenance assessments, surveys, and lease studies is required. Must show recent project experience related to the assessments and surveys of work to be completed. Also, show recent examples of lease analysis.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Corridor Traffic Modeling & Capacity178
Must show experience related to rail traffic modeling and capacity studies with recent project history given.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Facilities179
NCDOT has been involved in the design, management, and construction of rail facilities.
Project ManagerP.E. or R.A.10
Must show several examples of rail facilities. An understanding of passenger trains, building codes, FRA rules and regulations, ADA compliance, and local zoning ordinances is required.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Functional and Preliminary Design180
Must show project experience in rail design at the concept and functional level, to include recently completed projects related to new location or existing alignment improvements. Alternatives analysis history is also desired as it demonstrates the firm’s ability to propose various solutions for complex issues.+J4:J6
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Sidings181
Associated with the NCDOT Preserved Corridors, Train Stations, and Locomotive & Railcar Maintenance Facilities.
Project EngineerP.E.5P.E.
Must show recent project experience related to the design and layout, from preliminary through final design and construction, of industrial and rail sidings.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Railroad Crossing Signal and Traffic Engineering Services182
Civil design of grade crossing separation projects.
Project EngineerP.E.5P.E.
Must show experience in design of civil plans for highway-rail grade crossing signals/gates projects at multiple locations. Must show experience in design of railroad-preempted traffic signals. Must have at least one registered PE with experience in grade crossing signals. Must have at least one registered PE with experience in railroad-preempted traffic signals.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Railroad Crossing Signal and Traffic Engineering Services182
Electrical design of grade crossing signals/gates projects.
Project EngineerP.E.5P.E.
Must show experience in design of electrical/electronic highway-rail grade crossing signals/gates systems. Experience must include track circuits, train detection/ crossing control systems, wiring of flashing light signals and gates, and all other elements necessary for a fully functional automatic grade crossing warning system in accordance with host railroad and NCDOT standards and specifications. P.E. not required, but desired.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Railroad Crossing Signal and Traffic Engineering Services182
Other traffic engineering services.
Project EngineerP.E.5P.E.
Must show experience with traffic capacity analysis, traffic safety analysis, and highway-rail crossing inventory in accordance with FRA and NCDOT standards and specifications.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Railroad Communications and Signal System Design183
Must show project experience in designing discipline components and projects for Class I railroads.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Railroad Asset Management and Data Analysis 187

Collect, analyze and/or manage rail asset data including highway/rail characterstics, structures and electronic devices involving railroad and highway transportation networks. 

Project Manager, Senior GIS SpecialistP.E., CAPM,  PMP, or GISP5

Must show experience with transportion network characteristics, structures, traffic safety equipment, and warning devices. Familiarity with incident tracking and crossing inventory data in accordance with FRA and NCDOT standards and specifications. Must show expertise in data quality assurance and control, data governance and documenting busines process work flows and standard operating procedures. 

Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Railroad Data Inventory and Assessment Surveys 188

Collect asset data for inventory or condition surveys that include both railroad and highway characteristics.

Senior Technician, Engineer2

Two (2) years of experience performing NCDOT surveys or other transportation-related asset management surveys or work orders.

Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Review of Railroad Engineering Drawings, Standards & Specifications191
Must show project experience as a reviewer of drawings, standards, and specifications for rail improvement project stakeholders and owners. More than one review contract in recent history is desirable.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Studies of Economic and Fiscal Impact of Rail Related Activities234
Economic analysis of rail related activities.
Must show substantial experience estimating direct and in-direct cash inputs to local and regional economies, job creation and other economic impacts resulting from passenger rail and freight rail related activities.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Technical & Negotiation Assistance in Securing Rail Lines or Corridors238
Must show experience in the valuation of railroads, both active and inactive, including corridors and miscellaneous property and rolling stock. Must show experience in negotiations with Class 1 and short-line railroads regarding purchases of right-of-way, equipment, and business interests.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Traffic Separation Studies & Crossing Evaluation Studies255
Project EngineerP.E.P.E.
Roadway design experience required. Experience in feasibility studies is a plus, but not a requirement. Experience in railroad work is plus, but not a requirement.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Train Performance & Rail Line Capacity Analysis257
Train Performance Calculation and Capacity Modeling.
Must show substantial experience performing all aspects of Train Performance Calculation as well as Capacity Modeling for passenger and freight rail systems.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Industrial and Yard Track Design and Layout394
Must show recent project experience related to the design and layout, from preliminary through final design and construction, of industrial and yard tracks.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Freight Main Track Design and Layout395
Must show several examples of recent project experience related to the design and layout of freight railroad main track and siding design.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Innercity Passenger and HSR Design and Layout396
Must show several examples of recent project experience related to the design and layout, from preliminary through final design and construction, of intercity passenger and high speed rail track design.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Transit Design and Plans Review397
Must show recent project experience related to the design of rail transit projects. In addition, design review contracts should be noted when completed for rail transit stakeholders as this is required for prequalification under this code.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Viability Analysis & Support Work for Railroad Related Projects437
Activities related to the determination of viability and/or feasibility of rail related projects, both freight and passenger, from the standpoint of: logistics, alternatives analysis, intermodal relationships, performance, economics, regulatory compliance, and other related disciplines. It also covers support areas involving applications and agreements preparation, performance metrics, and all aspects of the rail planning process, both direct and indirect (as in rail-related aspects of “non-rail” transportation projects, such as scoping needs for highway projects that interface with the rail system).
Must show expertise and substantial railroad (passenger and/or freight) related experience in at least one of the following areas: planning, design, operations, maintenance, inspection, regulatory compliance, logistics, intermodal, economic analysis, performance evaluation, coordination/communications, staff support, or related fields as appropriate to specific project needs.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Safety Oversight of Rail Fixed Guideway Systems457
Safety oversight of rail transit systems and freight railroads through the enforcement and administration of pertinent federal regulations.
Task Manager5
Must show experience in interpreting, enforcement and administration of Title 49 CFR Transportation Part 659 and associated Parts applicable to the Federal Transit Administration’s State Safety Oversight Program.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Railroad Information & Data Acquisition Liaison468
Performs administrative and technical duties in support of NCDOT rail programs. Performs crossing safety evaluations. Evaluates crossing sites for roadway geometry, potential risks, and crossing safety issues. Prepares estimates of probable cost for or value of project decisions. Coordinates exchange of railroad specific information among entities including public, railroad company representatives, and other governmental agencies.
Must have extensive experience and demonstrable expertise in the railroad industry specific to crossing safety planning, education, construction, and contract administration, including demonstrated communications skills in negotiating and facilitating crossing project scopes.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Car Lean Tests/High Cant Deficiency469
NCDOT is required by the FRA to demonstrate compliance of equipment operating in Piedmont service to 49 CFR Part 213, Section 213.57(b) and (d) for maximum cant deficiencies of 3 and 4 inches at operating curving speeds.
NCDOT Collects data from static lean testing and route testing to confirm the steady state roll angles, which are suitable for NCDOT equipment to operate at 3 and 4 inch cant deficiencies.
Project EngineerP.E.7P.E.
Must show experience in interpreting 49 CFR Part 213, Section 213.57(b) and (d) for maximum cant deficiencies of 3 and 4 inches at operating curving speeds.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Ride Quality Testing471
To ensure the best possible quality of ride for passengers on NCDOT equipment and as a maintenance tool, NCDOT occasionally conducts ride quality testing along the Piedmont route. NCDOT conducts dynamic state testing utilizing accelerometers mounted to the railcar truck frames and car bodies. This data is collected and analyzed to identify potential equipment maintenance issues or locations of track deficiencies based on locations and trends of above average recorded G loads.
Project Engineer5P.E.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Lighting/Signage Testing472
NCDOT equipment must comply with and meet all FRA regulations and APTA standards for lighting levels and signage requirements on passenger equipment. NCDOT conducts lighting and signage assessments after refurbishment programs conclude. NCDOT conducts various tests to ensure light levels in various parts of the passenger cabin are above the minimum federally mandated levels for luminosity, emergency lighting meets federal requirements for time and luminescence, and emergency signage placements meet FRA and APTA requirements.
Project EngineerP.E. Desirable5P.E.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Fire Safety Analysis473
NCDOT conducts fire safety analysis on all materials used in its rail passenger cars during the refurbishment process and when new material types are incorporated into the railcar passenger area. Fire analysis is required by 49 CFR
238.103 (d) for in service railroad passenger equipment. Information is obtained on material from providers and vendors, consultants examine physical properties within each car, and consultants determine whether any material included in any NCDOT rail passenger car might pose a fire safety risk, which may affect the overall equipment operation.
Project EngineerP.E.7P.E.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Alternative Fuels474
NCDOT has been working with the NCSU Environmental Engineering (EE) Department to test the performance of our locomotives on various blends of biodiesel fuel, with the intent of reducing fuel emissions and thus creating a more “green” program. To date locomotives have been tested with biodiesel fuel blends ranging from 10- 60% biodiesel, with future plans to continue testing one locomotive to 100% biodiesel fuel. NCDOT will also be evaluating other alternative fuels, including but not limited to, Liquid Natural Gas and Fuel Cell/Hydrogen Technologies.
Project EngineerP.E. Desirable7PhD or P.E.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Positive Train Control (PTC) for Locomotives475
Support development of a Positive Train Control Development Plan (PTCDP), which is necessary for compliance with 49CFR236. This development plan will address the locomotive requirements, as part of the full PTCDP implementation. The scope of services includes development of PTC Implementation Plan, Safety Plan, Training Program and Maintenance Program Integration. Provide NCDOT guidance on issues related to the congressional mandate requiring US railroads to implement Positive Train Control (PTC) by December 2015. Provides updates on the status of regulatory requirements being developed by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and how those requirements may pertain to current and planned NCDOT passenger train
Project EngineerP.E.7P.E.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Facilities Track Design476
Includes the NCDOT Preserved Corridors, Train Stations, and Locomotive & Railcar Maintenance Facilities.
Project EngineerP.E.5P.E.
Must show recent project experience related to the design and layout, from preliminary through final design and construction, of industrial, passenger station and yard tracks.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Architectural Services477
Specific to rail passenger train stations or Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facilities.
Project ManagerA.I.A.5A.I.A.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)478
Technical Support to assess maintenance services for the NCDOT Piedmont Service. Tasks include, but are not limited to, Life Cycle Maintenance Projections, Maintenance Plan Efficiencies, evaluation of potential cost reductions, evaluation of current Planned Maintenance Program and identification of Predictive Maintenance (PdM) and/or Condition Based Maintenance Program.
Project ManagerP.E. Preferred5P.E. Preferred
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Rail Engineering Contracts and Agreements and Business Practices483
Develop and review contracts and agreements for rail engineering, planning, crossing safety, and operations and facilities in support of NCDOT rail programs; review Rail business practices to ensure compliance with NCDOT policies and procedures.
Must have experience and expertise in the transportation industry specific to contracts and agreements. Should have experience with NCDOT business practices. Experience with SAP (as it relates to NCDOT) is desirable.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
Passenger Station Site Design494
The associated site design at railroad passenger station projects that include elements such as parking, erosion control, storm water control, utility design, open space, setbacks and other local ordinance, and State and Federal requirements.
Project Engineer or Project ArchitectP.E.10 yearsP.E. or AIA
Must show recent project experience related to site design and layout, from preliminary through final design and construction.
Greg Keel, 919 707-4151, gkeel@ncdot.gov
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