
Description Of Work
Erosion and Sediment Control Design070
All services associates with the design of an approved erosion and sediment control plan that meets current standards outlined in the most recent version of the NCDENR – Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual for erosion control techniques.
Level III Certified Erosion Control DesignerRequired: Level III: Design of Erosion and Sediment Control Plans; CPESC and P.E.are preferredDesigner: 2; Tech: 1
Must submit an organization chart identifying the firms design/monitoring team and their years of experience, applicable registrations, company history involved in this type work, and verify that they are permanent employees of the firm. Must submit at least one (1) key employee who will be responsible for all communication with the Roadside Environmental Unit. For each employee (engineer, biologist or project manager), must submit two (s) examples of NCDOT or similar work that has been approved/reviewed by the Roadside Environmental Unit or other authority.
Each sample of work should include: project lists and descriptions, including names and current contact information of clients and owners, resumes, references, certificates, experience descriptions and details, etc. If a firm has previously completed work for the NCDOT, this work will be also considered for prequalification.
Jeremy Goodwin, PE, 919 707-2942, jagoodwin@ncdot.gov
Stream Restoration/Mitigation Monitoring231
All services associated with the stream restoration/ mitigation monitoring work.
Engineer or Biologist5
Must submit an organization chart identifying the firms design/monitoring team and their years of experience, applicable registrations, company history involved in this type work, and verify that they are permanent employees of the firm. Must submit at least one (1) key employee who will be responsible for all communication with the Roadside Environmental Unit. For each employee (engineer, biologist or project manager), must submit two (s) examples of NCDOT or similar work that has been approved/reviewed by the Roadside Environmental Unit or other authority.
Each sample of work should include: project lists and descriptions, including names and current contact information of clients and owners, resumes, references, certificates, experience descriptions and details, etc. If a firm has previously completed work for the NCDOT, this work will be also considered for prequalification.
Jeremy Goodwin, PE, 919 707-2942, jagoodwin@ncdot.gov
Wetland Restoration/ Mitigation Monitoring283
All services associated with the wetland restoration/ mitigation monitoring work.
Engineer or Biologist5
Must submit an organization chart identifying the firms design/monitoring team and their years of experience, applicable registrations, company history involved in this type work, and verify that they are permanent employees of the firm. Must submit at least one (1) key employee who will be responsible for all communication with the Roadside Environmental Unit. For each employee (engineer, biologist or project manager), must submit two (s) examples of NCDOT or similar work that has been approved/reviewed by the Roadside Environmental Unit or other authority.
Each sample of work should include: project lists and descriptions, including names and current contact information of clients and owners, resumes, references, certificates, experience descriptions and details, etc. If a firm has previously completed work for the NCDOT, this work will be also considered for prequalification.
Jeremy Goodwin, PE, 919 707-2942, jagoodwin@ncdot.gov
Pond/Lake Analysis542
All services associated with the analysis of impacts to ponds, lakes, or other aquatic resources associated with sediment deposition.
Engineer or Biologist10
Must submit an organization chart identifying the firm’s subject matter expert or team and their years of experience, applicable registrations, company history involved in this type work, and verify that they are permanent employees of the firm. Must submit at least one (1) key employee who will be responsible for all communication with the Roadside Environmental Unit. For each employee (engineer, biologist or project manager), must submit two (s) examples of work that has been approved/reviewed by the NCDOT or other authority. Each sample of work should include: project lists and descriptions, including names and current contact information of clients and owners, resumes, references, certificates, experience descriptions and details, etc. If a firm has previously completed work for the NCDOT, this work will be also considered for prequalification.
Jeremy Goodwin, PE, 919 707-2942, jagoodwin@ncdot.gov
Erosion Control and Sedimentation Specialist/Turbidity Reduction Analysis543
All services associated with the analysis of Turbidity Reduction for existing erosion and sedimentation control on active construction projects
Engineer or Biologist10
Must submit an organization chart identifying the firm’s subject matter expert or team and their years of experience, applicable registrations, company history involved in this type work, and verify that they are permanent employees of the firm. Must submit at least one (1) key employee who will be responsible for all communication with the Roadside Environmental Unit. For each employee (engineer, biologist or professional), must submit two (s) examples of work that has been
approved/reviewed by the NCDOT or other authority. Each sample of work should include: project lists and descriptions, including names and current contact information of clients and owners, resumes, references, certificates, experience descriptions and details, etc. If a firm has previously completed work for the NCDOT, this work will be also considered for prequalification.
Jeremy Goodwin, PE, 919 707-2942, jagoodwin@ncdot.gov
Underground Storage Tank<br>Program Management<br>Monitoring/Remediation544
All services associated with the managing, monitoring, and remediation of underground storage tanks.
Engineer or Biologist5
Must submit an organization chart identifying the firm’s subject matter expert or team and their years of experience, applicable registrations, company history involved in this type work, and verify that they are permanent employees of the firm. Must submit at least one (1) key employee who will be responsible for all communication with the Roadside Environmental Unit. For each employee (engineer, biologist or professional), must submit examples of work and experience involving USTs. Each sample of work should include: project lists and descriptions, including names and current contact information of clients and owners, resumes, references, certificates, experience descriptions and details, etc. If a firm has previously completed work for the NCDOT, this work will be also considered for prequalification.
Jeff Walston, PE, 919 7072944, jdwalston@ncdot.gov
Asphalt Testing Laboratory, and Environmental Regulatory Support545
Site Investigations including Environmental Forensics, Field Investigation, Data Analyses and Technical Reporting. Site Cleanup including Pilot Testing, Data Analyses, and Remedial Design. Water Resource development including regional water
studies, selection of well locations, design and construction of water systems, construction administration. Expert witness support.
Engineer, Earth Scientist, Geologist, Geophysicist, Geochemist, Archaeologist, Biologist, Attorney, or other applicable professionalAs appropriate to profession and North Carolina General Statutes10As appropriate to profession and North Carolina General Statutes
Potential consultant must submit an organization chart identifying project team, their years of experience, and applicable registrations. Must identify a key employee responsible for all communication with the REU. Description of company history in comparable work that shows knowledge of §130A and Articles 21 & 21A §143, Title 15A NCAC Subchapters 2B & 2L, NC case law applicable to pollution liability, CERCLA, RCRA, SDWA, CWA, etc. Must show at least one work product
example (e.g., PA/SSI, RI/CSA/RFI, RI/FS, CAP/RAP, etc.) that has been approved/reviewed by NCDOT or other authority. Work example should include project descriptions, names, and current contact information of clients and owners, resumes, references, certificates, experience descriptions and details, etc.
Jason Prosser, PG, 919 707-2927, jfprosser@ncdot.gov
Program Management Services546
Support Internal/External Operations on an as needed basis for Stormwater, ATL, LUST, Hazardous Waste, and other REU programs
Engineer, Earth Scientist, Geologist, Geophysicist, Geochemist, Archaeologist, Biologist, Attorney, or other applicable professionalAs appropriate to profession and North Carolina General Statutes25As appropriate to profession and North Carolina General Statutes
Potential Program Management Support Services consultant must show progressive experience with NC DOT and intimate knowledge of REU operations. Demonstrated knowledge of history and details of storm water program, ATL sites, hazardous waste management program for the department, or other in house programs. Direct experience with senior management including Chief Engineer, AG’s office, PSMU, IG, Fiscal Section, Board of Transportation, and NC General Assembly. Direct experience with other regulatory agencies including the US EPA, US ACE, NC DEQ, county health departments, CAPA, and asphalt paving firms. Demonstrable experience performing government cost estimates and working familiarity with SAP including management of LSC and CMPOs.
Jason Prosser, PG, 919 707-2927, jfprosser@ncdot.gov
Stormwater/NPDES Monitoring and Assessment547
All services associated with the management of and implementation of components of the Department’s Stormwater Program.
Engineer, Scientist, or other applicable professionalAs appropriate to profession and North Carolina General Statutes10As appropriate to profession and North Carolina General Statutes
Must submit an organization chart identifying the firm’s subject matter expert or team and their years of experience, applicable registrations, company history involved in this type work, and verify that they are permanent employees of the firm. Must submit at least one (1) key employee who will be responsible for all communication with the Roadside Environmental Unit. For each employee (engineer, biologist or professional), must submit two (s) examples of work that has been
approved/reviewed by the NCDOT or other authority. Each sample of work should include: project lists and descriptions, including names and current contact information of clients and owners, resumes, references, certificates, experience descriptions and details, etc. If a firm has previously completed work for the NCDOT, this work will be also considered for prequalification.
Jeremy Goodwin, PE, 919 707-2942, jagoodwin@ncdot.gov
Waste/ Wastewater Permitting, Monitoring and Assessment548
All services associated with the management of and implementation of a program that addresses various waste/wastewater environmental permitting, assessment, training for DOT related construction and industrial activity wastes.
Engineer, Scientist, or other applicable professionalAs appropriate to profession and North Carolina General Statutes10As appropriate to profession and North Carolina General Statutes
Must submit an organization chart identifying the firm’s subject matter expert or team and their years of experience, applicable registrations, company history involved in this type work, and verify that they are permanent employees of the firm. Must submit at least one (1) key employee who will be responsible for all communication with the Roadside Environmental Unit. For each employee (engineer, biologist or professional), must submit two (s) examples of work that has been
approved/reviewed by the NCDOT or other authority. Each sample of work should include: project lists and descriptions, including names and current contact information of clients and owners, resumes, references, certificates, experience descriptions and details, etc. If a firm has previously completed work for the NCDOT, this work will be also considered for prequalification.
Jeremy Goodwin, PE, 919 707-2942, jagoodwin@ncdot.gov
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