
Description Of Work
Air Quality Conformity006
Air Quality Conformity analysis is different from the project level noise studies and NEPA air quality studies.
Must show expertise and experience performing regional transportation air quality conformity analysis using travel demand model information. Must provide examples of the completed studies, information about the area (urban, MPO, or region), year it was developed and who was the leading expert. Must have a current TransCAD license.
Travis Marshall, PE , 919 707-0907, tmasrshall@ncdot.gov
Corridor Planning045
Must show expertise and experience in corridor planning, coordinating existing and future land use and the multimodal transportation system to provide guidance as development occurs. Must have a current TransCAD license. Must show ability to use TransCAD, Micro Simulation and Public Participation.
Travis Marshall, PE, 919 707-0907, tmasrshall@ncdot.gov
Freight Forecasting075
Must show ability to evaluate freight patterns by commodity and mode type between defined units of geography at the county and state level for existing and future road network.
Travis Marshall, PE , 919 707-0907, tmasrshall@ncdot.gov
Travel Demand Model Development140
Travel Demand model development for small area models (under 50,000) and regional models. Development of a new travel demand model or major/minor update of an existing travel demand model for various sizes of urban area (regional, MPO and non-MPO urban area.)
Must provide a list of travel demand model development projects for which the firm has worked on. Each project must contain: specific staff involved with the project and the role they played in the development; the type and size of the travel demand model (size of study, number of TAZ and major components of model approach); and anything unique or special on these projects. Must provide a list of other areas the firm has specialty (i.e. toll modeling, transit modeling, activity based modeling, etc.). Must list all staff members who will work on travel demand model development projects, including people who provide in-house QA/QC. For each person listed, list travel demand model projects they have worked on and in what capacity. Must have a current TransCAD license.
Travis Marshall, PE , 919 707-0907, tmasrshall@ncdot.gov
Multimodal Transportation Planning141
Must show expertise in development of the Transportation Plans which consider various modes of transportation and connections among them, including collection and forecasting of socio-economic data and travel survey data, and public participation for development of a plan.
Travis Marshall, PE , 919 707-0907, tkmarshall@ncdot.gov
Project Level Traffic Forecasting251
Project Level Traffic Forecasting for: (1) areas with a regional model; (2) areas without with a small areas model; and
(3) areas without the travel demand model. Specify which type of forecast should be completed. Project Level Traffic Forecasting is different than a traffic impact study or traffic impact analysis. We do not consider these tasks as relevant experience when considering firms qualified for PLTF.
Must have a current TransCAD license. May require to show ability to collect daily, hourly and turning movement counts. Must provide a list of NCDOT TIP projects which the firm has performed with the last 4 years. For each project, list the specific staff involved with the project and the role they played in the development, they type of forecast used (regional model, other model, or did not use travel demand model), and anything special concerning the forecast (complex, urgent turn around, unique, etc.) which show other techniques that may be valuable to bring to the Department. For each person, list the NCDOT TIP projects they have worked on and in what capacity (data collection, analysis, travel demand modeling, figure development, etc.). Must list additional projects firm has completed for other entities.
Travis Marshall, PE , 919 707-0907, tmasrshall@ncdot.gov
Comprehensive Transportation Planning Development260
Must show expertise in development of Multimodal Transportation Plans according to the state CTP requirements.
Travis Marshall, PE , 919 707-0907, tmasrshall@ncdot.gov
Long Range Transportation Planning261
Traffic Forecasting, Air Quality Conformity Analysis and other analyses required by NCDOT: i.e. Transit Ridership Analysis, Sub-area Analysis, Corridor Analysis, Toll Analysis, Travel Demand Management Decisions, Traffic Diversion and Emergency Evacuation Analysis, etc.
Must show expertise in the development of the Multimodal Long Range Transportation Plans to satisfy Federal regulations. These typically occur in urban areas with greater than 50,000 population. size of the travel demand model (size of study, number of TAZ, and other features of the model used); details on how the model was used, what model output was used and for what purpose(s). Must list all staff members who will work on travel demand model application projects, including people who provide in-house QA/QC. For each person listed, list travel demand model projects they have worked on and in what capacity. Must have a current TransCAD license.
Travis Marshall, PE , 919 707-0907, tmasrshall@ncdot.gov
Travel Survey262
Must show expertise and experience performing surveys for travel demand modeling or long range transportation planning, such as household surveys, origin- destination surveys, work place surveys, commercial vehicle surveys, etc. Must demonstrate ability to perform Travel Surveys from beginning to end, including development, distribution, compiling and data analysis. Must provide information about the area of the completed survey (urban area, MPO or region), year it was developed and who was the leading expert.
Travis Marshall, PE , 919 707-0907, tmasrshall@ncdot.gov
Travel Demand Model Application363
Application of existing travel demand models in NC for various purposes,
including LRTP Analysis, CTP Analysis,
Must provide a list of travel demand model application projects for which the firm and current staff have worked on. Each example project must show: specific staff
involved with the project and the role they played in the application; the type and
Travis Marshall, PE , 919 707-0907, tmasrshall@ncdot.gov
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