Public Water Distribution Systems | 173 | Analysis of existing Public Water Distribution Systems for conflicts with highway project construction. Design and development of Utility Construction Plans for resolving these conflicts. | Engineer | P.E. | 3 | P.E. | Must submit plans and specifications demonstrating design of water lines. | | Bo Hemphill, 919 707-6981, |
Public Water Transmission Systems | 174 | Analysis of existing Public Water Transmission Systems (16” minimum diameter) for conflicts with highway project construction. Design and development of Utility Construction Plans for resolving these conflicts. | Engineer | P.E. | 3 | P.E. | Must submit plans and specifications demonstrating design of transmission water lines. | | Bo Hemphill, 919 707-6981, |
Sanitary Sewer Force Main & Pump Stations | 202 | Analysis of existing Sanitary Sewer Force Mains and Pump Stations for conflicts with highway project construction. Design and development of Utility Construction Plans for resolving these conflicts.
| Engineer | P.E. | 3 | P.E. | Must submit reports of sanitary sewer force main and pump station analysis. Must submit plans and specifications demonstrating design of sanitary sewer force mains and pump stations.
| | Bo Hemphill, 919 707-6981, |
Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems (Gravity) | 203 | Analysis of existing Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems for conflicts with highway project construction. Design and development of Utility Construction Plans for resolving these conflicts. | Engineer | P.E. | 3 | P.E. | Must submit plans and specifications demonstrating design of gravity sanitary sewers. | | Bo Hemphill, 919 707-6981, |
Sanitary Sewer Outfall Systems (Gravity) | 204 | Analysis of existing Sanitary Sewer Outfall Systems (16” minimum diameter) for conflicts with highway project construction. Design and development of Utility Construction Plans for resolving these conflicts. | Engineer | P.E. | 3 | P.E. | Must submit plans and specifications demonstrating design of gravity sanitary sewer outfalls. | | Bo Hemphill, 919 707-6981, |
Utility Coordination | 270 | Analysis of existing overhead and underground dry utilities for conflicts within highway project construction. Identification of ROW/PUE requirements. Design and development of Utility by Others plans by obtaining owner concurrence for proposed utility relocations. | | | 3 | | Must submit samples of reports of any project where a utility analysis and preliminary routing was designed for at least three different utilty types. Must submit a set of Utilities by Others (UBO) Plans or similar. Must demonstrate an understanding of prior rights in North Carolina. Must submit a sample demonstrating experience compiling utility relocation packages and agreements. All staff that will perform utility coordination work must have passed the NCDOT Highway Plan Reading Self-Study Course. | | Amy D. York, 919 707-6996, |