Registration Information

If this is the first time you are accessing NCDOT On-The-Job Training forms, and you do not have an NCID, you are required to register to create an NCID account. Please refer to the instructions below. You will also be required to get permission to acc​ess the site once you have created your NCID account.

The registration process has two major steps:
  1. Create a North Carolina Identity Management (NCID) account if you do not have one. NCID is an identity management and access service provided to state, local, business and individual users. NCDOT uses NCID accounts to provide secure access to non-public parts of the NCDOT website. If you do not have an account, follow these instructions to:
  2. Register your NCID for access to NCDOT OJT Forms. Please provide your
    • NCID Business ID
    • Full  Name
    • Title
    • Email address
    • Contractor Name​

 Access OJT Training Forms

Once registered, login to the North Carolina Department of Transportation On–The-Job Training site and access OJT forms.



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