AASHTO | American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials | Roadway Design References |
ABAND | Abandoned | Right of Way Plans |
ABC | Aggregate Base Course | Pavement Schedule |
AC | Acre | Right of Way Plans |
ACBC | Asphalt Concrete Base Course | Pavement Schedule |
ACIC | Asphalt Concrete Intermediate Course | Pavement Schedule |
ACS | Auxiliary Coordinate System | Microstation Attribute |
ACSC | Asphalt Concrete Surface Course | Pavement Schedule |
AD | Arterial Design Side Slope | Criteria |
ADT | Average Daily Traffic | Traffic Diagram |
AEC | Areas of Enviromental Concern | Coastal Permits |
AH | Ahead | Roadway Plans |
AP or APPR | Approach | Roadway Plans |
ASPH | Asphalt | Roadway Plans |
AST | Asphalt Surface Treatment | Pavement Schedule |
AT-1 | Anchor Terminal | Roadway Plans |
AZ | Azimuth | Angle System |
B | Bridge Projects (B-1234) | TIP Projects |
BEG | Begin | Roadway Plans |
BIC | Buried in Cut | Roadway Plans |
BK | Back | Roadway Plans |
BL | Base Line | Base Mapping |
BM | Bench Mark | Roadway Profiles |
BRG | Bridge | Roadway Plans |
BS | Backsight | Geodetic Survey |
BST | Bituminous Surface Treatment | Pavement Schedule |
BW | Barrier Wall or Barbed Wire (Fence) | Roadway Plans |
C | Congestion Mitigation Projects (C-1234) | TIP Projects |
CA | Control of Access | Right of Way Plans |
CADD | Computer Aided Design and Drafting | Software |
CAMA | Coastal Area Management Act | Coastal Area Permits |
CAT-1 | Cable Anchor Terminal | Roadway Plans |
CB | Catch Basin | Hydraulic Plans |
CBD | Central Business District | Urban Thoroughfare Plans |
CC | Center of Curve or Compund Curve | COGO |
CCC or 3C | Continuing Comprehensive Cooperatively | Federal Aid Criteria |
CCFR | Curb Cut for Future Wheelchair Ramp | Roadway Plans |
CCPCUA | Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area | Enviromental Permits |
CD | Collector Distributor (Road) | Roadway Plans |
CE | Categorical Exclusion | Project Studied Document |
CG or C&G | Curb and Gutter | Roadway Plans |
CGIA | Center for Geographic Information and Analysis | GIS Correspondent |
CL | Center Line or Chain Linked (Fence) | Roadway Plans |
CMB | Concrete Median Barrier | Roadway Plans |
CMP | Corrugated Metal Pipe | Hydraulic Plans |
COGO | Coordinate Geometry | Geopak Software |
CONC | Concrete | Roadway Plans |
CONSTR | Construction | Roadway Plans |
CP | Control Point or Cross Pipe | Roadway X-Sections |
CRI | Criteria | Roadway X-Sections |
CS | Curve to Spiral | Roadway Plans |
CSP | Corrugated Steel Pipe | Hydraulic Plans |
CT | Center | Roadway Plans |
CTBC | Cement Treated Base Course | Pavement Schedule |
D | Directional Movement Factor or Degree of Curve | Capacity Analysis |
DDE | Drainage Ditch Excavation | Earthwork Computation |
DENR | Department of Enviromental and Natural Resources | Project Correspondent |
DHV | Design Hourly Volume | Capacity Analysis |
DI | Drop Inlet | Hydraulic Plans |
DMD | Double Meridian Distance | Survey Computations |
DMV | Division of Motor Vehicles | Project Correspondents |
DOD | (US) Department of Defense | GPS & Geodetic Survey |
DOH | Division of Highways | Project Correspondents |
DOT | Department of Transportion | Project Correspondents |
DTCD | Drop Type Concrete Drive | Roadway Plans |
DTM | Digital Terrain Modeling | Geodetic Survey |
DWQ | Division of Water Quality | NCDENR |
E | East or Eastern or Easting | English | Enhancement Project Roadside (E-1234) | Roadway Plans |
EA | Enviromental Assessment (Draft and Final) | Project Studied Document |
EBL | East Bound Lane | Roadway Plans |
EDM | Electronic Distance Measurement | Survey Procedures |
EIS | Enviromental Impact Statement (Draft and Final) | Project Studied Document |
EMB | Embankment | Earthwork Computation |
El | Elevation | Roadway Profiles |
END | Ending | Roadway Plans |
EOP | Edge of Pavement | Roadway Plans |
EOT | Edge of Travel | Roadway Plans |
EPA | Enviromental Protection Agency | Project Correspondent |
EQN | Equation | COGO |
ESAL | Equivalent Single Axial Load | Pavement Management |
EST | Estimated | Roadway Estimates |
EW | Earthwork | Roadway X-Sections |
EXC | Excavation | Earthwork Computation |
EXIST | Existing | Base Mapping |
F | Ferry Projects (F-1234) | TIP Projects |
FD | Freeway Design ( Side Slope) | Criteria |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Project Correspondent |
FES | Flared End Section | Hydraulic Plans |
FDPS | Full Depth Paved Shoulder | Roadway Typicals |
FF | Filter Fabric | Hydraulic Pay Items |
FFS | Free Flow Speed | Capacity Analysis |
FMIS | Fiscal Management Information System | Project Federal Funding |
FHWA | Federal Highway Administration | Project Correspondent |
FONSI | Finding Of No Significant Impact | EA Result Documentation |
FS | Foresight | Geodetic Survey |
Ft | Foot or Feet | Roadway Plans |
GDI | Grated Drop Inlet | Hydraulic Plans |
GI | Grated Inlet | Hydraulic Plans |
GIS | Geographic Information Systems (Unit) | County Maps |
GP | Grade Point | Roadway Typicals |
GPS | Global Positioning System | Geodetic Survey |
GR | Guardrail or Gravel (Road) | Roadway Plans |
GS | General Statute | NC Law |
GRAU | Guardrail Anchor Unit | Roadway Plans |
HCM | Highway Capacity Manual | Capacity Analysis |
HCS | Highway Capacity Software | Capacity Analysis |
HDPE | High Density Polyethylene (Pipe) | Hydraulic Plans |
HI | Height of Instrument | Geodetic Survey |
HPMS | Highway Performance Monitoring System | GIS Data System |
HT | Height | Roadway Plans |
HOV | High Occupancy Vehicle | Congestion Management |
HYD | Hydraulic | Hydraulic Files |
I | Interstate or Interstate Projects (I-1234) | TIP Projects |
IMAP | Incident Management Assistance Patrol | Traffic Control |
IN | Inch | Plotting |
ISTEA | Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act | National Statue |
JB | Junction Box | Hydraulic Plans |
JCT | Junction | Highway Signs |
K | Rest Area Projects (K-1234) | TIP Projects |
KM | Kilometer | Title Sheets |
LC | Long Chord | Curve Composition |
LEDPA | Least Enviromentally Damaging Practicable Alternative | NEPA Merger Process |
LD | Local Design (Side Slope) | Criteria |
L off | Length of Runoff | Superelevation Data |
L out | Length of Tangent Runout | Superelevation Data |
LOC | Location and Surveys | Limits of Construction | Correspondence |
LOS | Level of Service | Capacity Analysis |
LP | Loop (-LPA-, -LPD-) | Roadway Plans |
LT | Left | Roadway Plans |
M | Meter or Metric or Median Anchor Unit (M-350) | Roadway Plans |
MAT | Material | Roadway Plans |
MBT | Modified Bulb Tee | Prestressed Concrete Girder |
MCI | Monolithic Concrete Island | Roadway Plans |
MD | Middle | Roadway Plans |
MDI | Median Drop Inlet | also see GDI | Hydraulic Plans |
MDNDS | Median Ditch Slope | Criteria |
MDS | Masonry Drainage Structure | Hydraulic Plans |
MED | Median | Roadway Plans |
MH | Man Hole | Hydraulic Plans |
MI | Mile | Roadway Title Sheet |
MOD | Modified | Roadway Plans |
MPH | Mile Per Hour | Roadway Title Sheet |
MPO or MPOs | Metropolitan Planning Organizations | Project Correspondent |
MRG | Maximum Relative Gradient | Geodetic Survey |
MSL | Mean Sea Level | Geodetic Survey |
N | North or Northern or Northing | Roadway Plans |
NAAQS | National Ambient Air Quality Standards | EPA Standards |
NAD | North American Datum (+ MSL datum year: NAD 83) | North Arrows/Datum Description |
NAVD | North American Vertical Datum | Geodetic Survey |
NB(L) | North Bound (Lane) | Roadway Plans |
NC | Normal Crown or North Carolina (Route Number) | Superelevation Data |
NCAC | North Carolina Administrative Code | NCDOT Activity and Obligation |
NCDENR | North Carolina Department of Enviroment and National Resources | Project Correspondent |
NCDOT | North Carolina Department of Transportation | Roadway Plans |
NCEES | National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying | Professional License |
NDI | Narrow Slot Drop Inlet | Hydraulic Plans |
NEPA | National Enviromental Policy Act | Enviromental Permits |
NEU | Natural Enviroment Unit - see also ONE | Enviromental Permits |
NHPN | National Highway Planning Network | GIS Data System |
NHS | National Highway System | Roadway Plans |
NTS | Not to Scale | Title Sheets |
NTSB | National Transportation Safety Board | Materials and Testings |
O&D | Origin and Destination (Survey) | Capacity Analysis |
OGAFC | Open Graded Asphalt Friction Course | Pavement Schedule |
ONE | Office of Natural Enviroment - see also NEU | Enviromental Permits |
P | Passenger Rail Projects (P-1234) or Passenger (Car) | TIP Projects |
PADL | Permeable Asphalt Drainage Layer | Pavement Schedule |
PCBB | Prestressed Concrete Box Beam (Unit) | Structure Plans |
PDE | Permanent Drainage Easement | Right of Way Plans |
PDEA or PD&EA | Project Development & Environmental Analysis (Unit) | Project Studied Document |
PDPS | Partial Depth Paved Shoulder | Roadway Typicals |
PE | Professional Engineer or Project Engineer | Project Managers and Designers |
PEF | Private Engineering Firms | Project Correspondents |
PGL | Profile Grade Line | Superelevation Data |
PHF | Peak Hour Factor | Capacity Analysis |
PI | Pont of Intersection | Roadway Plans |
PINC | Point of Intersection No Curve | Roadway Plans |
PIS | Point of Intersection for Spirals | Roadway Plans |
PLS | Professional Land Surveyor | Project Correspondents |
POC | Point on Curve | Roadway Plans |
POT | Point on Tangent | Roadway Plans |
PRO or PFL | Profile | Roadway Profile |
PRC | Point of Reverse Curve | Roadway Plans |
PRS or RS | Point of Reverse Spiral | Roadway Plans |
PROP | Proposed | Roadway Plans |
PS | Paved Shoulder or Pavement Schedule (Cells) | Roadway Typicals |
PSH | Plan Sheet | Roadway Plans |
PT | Point of Tangency or Point | Roadway Plans |
PUE | Permanent Utility Easement | Right of Way Plans |
PVC | Point on Vertical Curve | Roadway Profile |
PVI | Point of Vertical Intersection | Roadway Profile |
PVMT | Pavement | Roadway Plans |
PVMT SCHL | Pavement Schedule | Pavement Schedule |
PVT | Point of Vertical Tangency | Roadway Profile |
R | Rural Projects (R-1234) or Radius | TIP Projects |
RC | Remove Adverse Crown, Reverse Crown, or Reverse Curve | Roadway Typicals |
RCBC | Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert | Roadway Plans |
RCP | Reinforced Concrete Pipe | Hydraulic Plans |
RDM | Roadway Design Manual | Design Criteria Worksheet |
REINF | Reinforced | Roadway Plans |
REM | Remove | Roadway Plans |
REPL | Replace | Roadway Plans |
RESURF | Resurface | Roadway Profiles |
RET | Retain | Roadway Plans |
ROD | Record of Decision | EIS Results Documentation |
ROW | Right of Way | Right of Way Plans |
RP | Ramp (-RPA-, -RPD-) | Roadway Plans |
RPO | Rural Planning Organizations | Planning Correspondents |
RR | Railroad or Rip Rap or Rub Rail | Roadway Plans |
RRR or 3R | Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation | Type of Roadway Project |
RS | Reverse Spiral | Roadway Plans |
RT | Right | Roadway Plans |
RTCD | Radius Type Concrete Drive | Roadway Plans |
S | South or Southern or Southing | Scenic Beautification Projects (S-1234) | Roadway Plans |
SABC | Sand Asphalt Base Course | Pavement Schedule |
SASC | Sand Asphalt Surface Course | Pavement Schedule |
SAU | Structure Anchor Unit | Roadway Plans |
SBG | Shoulder Berm Gutter | Roadway Plans |
SB (L) | South Bound (Lane) | Roadway Plans |
SCS | Spiral Curve Spiral | COGO |
SE | Super Elevation (Rate) | Roadway Plans |
SEPA | State Environmental Policy Act | Project Permits |
SI | Systeme International (French) | Hazard Elimination Projects (SI-1234) | Pavement Schedule |
SP | Shear Point or Super Pave | Pavement Schedule |
SPD | Shear Point Diagram | Roadway Plans |
SPDI | Single Point Diamond Interchange | Interchange Design |
SPI | Spiral | Roadway Plans |
SPUI | Single Point Urban Interchange | Interchange Design |
SR | Service Road or Secondary Road | Roadway Plans |
SS | Slope Stakes | Roadway Plans |
ST | Spiral to Tangent (Point) | Roadway Plans |
STA | Station | Roadway Plans |
STBC | Soil Type Base Course | Pavement Schedule |
STD | Standard | Drawing Standards |
STIP | Statewide Transportation Improvement Program | Board Approval Process |
STR | Structure | Roadway Plans |
SREC | Struture Recomendations | Struture Recomendations |
SUE | Subsurface Utility Engineering | Symbology Sheet |
SUT | Single Unit Truck | Capacity Analysis |
SYB | Symbol | Symbology Sheet |
T | Tangent or Truck Volume (ADT) | Title Sheet |
TB | Traffic Bearing | Hydraulic Plans |
TBDI | Traffic Bearing Drop Inlet | Hydraulic Plans |
TBJB | Traffic Bearing Juction Box | Hydraulic Plans |
TBM | Temporary Bench Mark | Geodetic Survey |
TCE | Temporary Construction Easement | Right of Way Plans |
TDE | Temporary Drainage Easement | Right of Way Plans |
TDI | Tight Diamond Interchange | Interchange Design |
TEMP | Temporary | Roadway Plans |
TERM | Terminator | Roadway Cells |
TES | Terminal End Section | Roadway Plans |
TIN | Triangulated Irregular Network | Geopak Resource |
TIP | Transportation Improvement Program | Roadway Plans |
TP | Turning Point | Geodetic Survey |
TR | Trailing | Roadway Plans |
TS | Tangent to Spiral (Point) or Typical Section | Roadway Plans |
TSH | Title Sheet | Roadway Plans |
TT | Turning Template | Roadway Cells |
TTST | Tractor Trailor Semi Truck | Title Sheet |
TYP | Typical | Roadway Plans |
V | (Velocity) Design Speed | Title Sheets |
W | West or Western or Westing | Hazard Elimination Projects (W-1234) | Roadway Plans |
WB | Wheel Base | AutoTurn Analysis |
WBL | West Bound Lane | Roadway Plans |
WCC | Wheelchair Ramp Curb Cut | Roadway Plans |
WCR | Wheelchair Ramp | Roadway Plans |
WLB | Wetland Limit Boundary | Wetland Correspondents |
WW | Woven Wire (Fence) or Wing Wall | Roadway Plans |
XS or XSECT | Cross Section | Roadway X-Section |
Y | Passenger Rail Projects (Y-1234) | TIP Projects |
Z | Passenger Rail Projects (Z-1234) | TIP Projects |