• Asphalt E-Ticketing (Optional) - Beginning August 2024 Let​

    As of the August 2024 Letting, E-Ticketing for Asphalt is now optional for all contracts.   The new Spec can be found under the Resources section of this webpage.   

    Contractors/Suppliers will need to follow the below steps to get connected to the NCDOT E-Ticketing Portal to send E-Tickets. 

    1) Obtain security token from NCDOT for access to E-Ticketing portal (to send tickets)
    To request a Security Key, find the link under the Resources section in the top right of this webpage.

    2) Obtain API from NCDOT containing the required e-ticketing data fields and format
    ​Download the API from the Resources section in the top right of this webpage. ​

    Please contact Bryan Edwards at 919-707-2492 if you have any questions.

  • August 2024 API Updates​

    ​The below ​minor changes were made to the API in August 2024:

    1. ​Add HaulingFirm as an optional single line of text field
    2. Add PlantCertificationNumber as a required single line of text field
    3. Remove SupplierPlantType
    4. Remove SupplierPlantNum
    5. Change SupplierQty to SupplierNetWeight​ - this change is a nomenclature change as the field contents remains the same

expand Topic : 2024 Spec ‎(3)
expand Topic : Getting Started ‎(3)
expand Topic : Inspector App ‎(2)
expand Topic : No Cell Coverage ‎(1)
  • ​​Electronic Ticketing 2024

    In efforts to move further into E-Construction, NCDOT is in the process of developing an Electronic Ticketing (E-Ticketing) system that is guided by the below objectives: 

    1. We don’t want to require or mandate that a supplier use a specific E-Ticketing vendor
    2. We do want a standard, consistent, and reliable E-Ticketing process
    3. We don't want this transition to bring undue burden to suppliers

    Based upon the above, NCDOT has decided to develop its own custom E-ticketing solution.  At a high level, this will simply require that each supplier load-out software connect to our NCDOT E-Ticketing portal (via API connection provided by NCDOT) and feed e-ticket data to us in real-time.  

    In efforts to address item 3 above, NCDOT will offer a transition period through 2024 where E-ticketing will be optional.    E-ticketing will be encouraged but not required.    

    Note:  No additional contractor/supplier compensation is currently anticipated for E-Ticketing.​

  • ​​​

    NCDOT has spent the last couple of years developing and preparing for a transition to Electronic Ticketing of construction materials.   Our primary focus and development to this point has been on Asphalt materials.   We have successfully piloted our solution on limited projects.    We would like to add more pilot projects to validate and fine tune our E-Ticketing solution.

    If you are interested and willing to partner with us and help pilot our E-Ticketing solution, please reach out to Bryan Edwards (bledwards1@ncdot.gov) or call 919-609-4262.     

    Requirements for piloting:
    1) Obtain security token from NCDOT for access to E-Ticketing portal (to send tickets)
    To request a Security Key, find the link under the Resources section in the top right of this webpage.

    2) Obtain API from NCDOT containing the required e-ticketing data fields and format
    ​Download the API from the Resources section in the top right of this webpage. 

    3) Paper tickets may still be required for auditing purposes

    It is not required that you partner with an E-Ticketing vendor but it may be helpful as there may be some IT development or setup work involved to utilize the API and route tickets to our portal.   
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