Maps produced by the NCDOT Mapping Section are available for free or for a nominal fee that covers the costs associated with printing.  To obtain copies, download and complete an order form,​ and return it per the instructions on the form.

Specialized Maps

With appropriate management approval, the Mapping Section does create specialized maps for other state agencies.  It also has an extensive map collection available for purchase.

Along with the county maintenance maps, it also offers bridge maintenance maps, enlarged versions of the State Transportation Map, primary route maps and general reference maps, such as county boundaries and NCDOT division maps that may be ordered with our ​ Order Form.

The Mapping Section can also reproduce copies of historic versions of NCDOT county and state travel maps.  However, it does not create custom products for private business or personal use.

For more information, contact the Mapping Section at (919) 835-8480 or use our Contact​ Us form.

Traffic volume maps - also known as annual average daily traffic volume maps - are distributed by the Traffic Survey Group.  They can be contacted at (919) 707-0937 or use the Contact​ Us form.


Want online maps?  GO! NC is the NCDOT portal providing access to online maps and geospatial transportation data.

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