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2018 Greenbook - Errata.pdf
10/19/2022 5:18 PMManualsDesign10/1/20192018 Greenbook - ErrataManual
Jason Moore
2020 L&E Cells (.7 Scaled Down).cel
5/20/2022 2:04 PML&E2020 L&E Cells (.7 Scaled Down)
Amye Holley
2/12/2021 1:41 PMPolicy MemosDesign2/11/2021
Jason Moore
5/20/2022 2:04 PML&EAASHTO Area Classifications
Amye Holley
ADA Curb Ramps for Resurfacing and DDC Projs.pdf
9/9/2013 9:36 AMPolicy MemosDesign9/3/2013ADA Curb Ramps for Resurfacing and DDC Projects
James A. Mcmellon
Adjacent Project Verification Form.docx
5/31/2024 3:02 PMFormsDesign5/31/2024Featured
Craig S. Mozingo
1/30/2015 2:05 PMPolicy MemosRight of WayAdvance Acquisition of R/W for Complex Relocations
James A. Mcmellon
Aggregate Subgrade Prov. and Guidance for Shallow Undercut Quant.pdf
6/20/2012 2:58 PMPolicy MemosDesign10/7/2011Aggregate Subgrade Prov. and Guidance for Shallow Undercut Quant
Kim Buttry
Aggregate Subgrade Revisions_04-04-23.pdf
4/4/2023 2:32 PMPolicy MemosGeotech4/4/2023Aggregate Subgrade Revisions_04-04-23
Jason Moore
Alternate Base Pavement Design.pdf
6/21/2012 3:08 PMPolicy MemosPavement10/20/2006Alternate Base Pavement Design
Kim Buttry
Approach Slab Estimates.PDF
6/25/2012 11:42 AMPolicy MemosStructures10/21/2005Approach Slab Estimates
Kim Buttry
Archived TIP Projects.xlsx
3/11/2013 2:01 PMGuidelines3/11/2013
James A. Mcmellon
Building Better Title and Typical Section Sheets.pptx
6/4/2021 11:39 AMGuidelinesDesign6/4/2021Building Better Title and Typical Section Sheets
Jason Moore
Bus Shelter & Bus Stop Guidelines_2-3-2017.pdf
12/7/2021 8:52 AMGuidelinesDesign2/3/2017
Jason Moore
CFI Questions.docm
4/20/2022 4:09 PMInformationDesign11/9/2017
Jason Moore
6/1/2016 2:09 PMFormsCADD10/19/2015Corridor Modeling Manday Estimate Worksheet
James A. Mcmellon
Coal Combustion Material Placement.pdf
3/30/2022 4:02 PMPolicy MemosGeotech3/26/2015New Coal Combustion Material Placement Detail
Susan A. Jones
2/3/2021 1:38 PMInformationDesign12/14/2020
Jason Moore
Construction Cost Estimate Form.aspx
9/14/2023 12:23 PMFormsDesign8/7/2023Construction Cost Estimate Form
Jason Moore
Contractor Meg Circuit Data Form.pdf
2/5/2013 4:22 PMFormsUtilitiesContractor Meg Circuit Data FormResources
Kim Buttry
Coordination of Roadway and Structure Plans.docx
11/15/2024 3:12 PMFormsDesign11/15/2024Coordination of Roadway and Structure Plans Checklist
Jason Moore
Creating Right of Way Plan Sheets.pdf
10/18/2018 1:52 PMPolicy MemosDesign9/28/2018Creating Right of Way Plan Sheets
James A. Mcmellon
CS Policy Update Memo Secretary 8.28.19.pdf
9/4/2019 1:48 PMPolicy MemosDesign9/4/2019CS Policy Update Memo Secretary 8.28.19
James Tortorella
Design Criteria Form.xlsx
1/10/2025 11:11 AMFormsDesign1/10/2025Design Criteria Form
Jason Moore
Developing Design Criteria Part I - Final.pptx
11/8/2024 4:29 PMTrainingDesign6/4/2021Developing Design Criteria
Jason Moore
Digital Signatures on Let Plans Presentation.pptx
12/14/2016 2:23 PMInformationLet Plans and e-signatures Executive Overview
James A. Mcmellon
DRAFT-NCDOT Roadway Unit BlueBeam Usage Guidelines.docx
2/3/2021 1:38 PMGuidelinesAdministrative11/14/2019Bluebeam usage guidelines                                                               NCDOT - roadway design unit
Jason Moore
Drainage Issue, Use of Expressway Curb and Gutter with Guardrail.PDF
6/21/2012 2:53 PMPolicy MemosHydro6/13/2000Drainage Issue, Use of Expressway Curb and Gutter with Guardrail
Kim Buttry
Electronic File Delivery for Project Advertisement.docx
6/8/2022 10:23 AMGuidelinesAdministrative3/20/2013Electronic File Delivery
Jason Moore
Electronic Plan Submittal.pdf
8/21/2015 11:47 AMPolicy MemosAdministrative6/12/2014Electronic Final Plan Submittal - Roadway Design
James A. Mcmellon
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