|  | | 8/14/2024 9:08 AM | Brian C. Skeens | | |
|  | | 12/27/2024 12:50 PM | David A. Candela | | |
|  | | 1/31/2025 4:14 PM | Mark A. Biggerstaff | Roadway Bulletin - Volume 4, Issue 2 | CUF Assessments, Updated Seed Inspection Policy, Timely Entry of Asphalt Densities |
|  | | 3/18/2021 6:33 PM | Williams, Sherell R | Roadway Bulletin - Volume 2, Issue 2 | Longintudinal Joints in Asphalt Paving |
|  | | 1/31/2025 4:14 PM | Mark A. Biggerstaff | Roadway Bulletin - Volume 4, Issue 4 | 2024 PCB Changes, Prime Coat Usage, Updated M&T 903 |
|  | | 3/28/2023 10:30 AM | Aaron V. Earwood | | |
|  | | 1/31/2025 4:23 PM | Mark A. Biggerstaff | Roadway Bulletin - Volume 1, Issue 1 | MASH Compliance |
|  | | 1/31/2025 4:22 PM | Mark A. Biggerstaff | Roadway Bulletin - Volume 1, Issue 2 | Trenchless Install of Utilities, DI Fitting Updates |
|  | | 1/31/2025 4:23 PM | Mark A. Biggerstaff | Roadway Bulletin - Volume 1, Issue 3 | Flexible Joint Sealant on RCP, Working Offline on SharePoint, Truck Reports |
|  | | 1/31/2025 4:24 PM | Mark A. Biggerstaff | Roadway Bulletin - Volume 1, Issue 4 | Title VI, Using a Spreader Box with ABC, Incidental Milling, Final Surface Testing |
|  | | 1/31/2025 4:24 PM | Mark A. Biggerstaff | Roadway Bulletin - Volume 1, Issue 5 | ADA Compliant Curb Ramps, Pedestrian Accomondations in Workzones, Response for Erosion Control |
|  | | 1/31/2025 4:25 PM | Mark A. Biggerstaff | Roadway Bulletin - Volume 2, Issue 1 | Thickness of Thermo, Concrete Barrier in Work Zones |
|  | | 1/31/2025 4:25 PM | Mark A. Biggerstaff | Roadway Bulletin - Volume 3, Issue 1 | Prompt Removal of PCB, Trenchless Installation Ground Movement Monitoring
|  | | 1/31/2025 4:28 PM | Mark A. Biggerstaff | Roadway Bulletin - Volume 3, Issue 2 | |
|  | | 2/3/2025 8:13 AM | Mark A. Biggerstaff | Roadway Bulletin - Volume 3, Issue 3 | Adjustment of Manholes and other items, M&T Walking Profiler, Traffic Information Managment System (TIMS) |
|  | | 1/31/2025 4:29 PM | Mark A. Biggerstaff | Roadway Bulletin - Volume 3, Issue 4 | Geotextile fabric indentification, Expansion Material along frames, AST Emulsion Rates |
|  | | 1/31/2025 4:26 PM | Mark A. Biggerstaff | Roadway Bulletin - Volume 4, Issue 1 | Median Barrier Expansion Joint, Litter Removal vs Maintenance of Project |
|  | | 1/31/2025 4:26 PM | Mark A. Biggerstaff | Roadway Bulletin - Volume 4, Issue 3 | Block Masonry, Intersection Resurfacing Limits, Snowplowable Marker Removal, 1099 Workers |
|  | | 12/29/2024 1:17 PM | Aaron V. Earwood | Strucuture Bulletin Index | Index of topics covered in each of the Structure Bulletins |
|  | | 3/28/2023 10:27 AM | Aaron V. Earwood | | |
|  | | 7/22/2019 12:57 PM | Anthony C. Cochran | Structure Bulletin Volume 03, Issue 05 | Concrete Residuals Disposal, Metal Detectors, Water For Curing |
|  | | 8/3/2018 8:12 AM | Anthony C. Cochran | Structure Bulletin Volume 1 Issue 1 | Leave in Place Frms, Non-Shrink Grout |
|  | | 8/3/2018 8:13 AM | Anthony C. Cochran | Structure Bulletin Volume 1, Issue 2 | Shoring for Maintenance ofTraffic, As-Built Plans, Deck Payment Percentages |
|  | | 8/3/2018 8:14 AM | Anthony C. Cochran | Structure Bulletin Volume 1, Issue 3 | Concrete Mix Designs, Pile Driving Setup, Vibratory Screeds on Approach Slabs |
|  | | 8/3/2018 8:15 AM | Anthony C. Cochran | Structure Bulletin Volume 1, Issue 4 | Rebar "Sample" Bars, OSHA Silica Rules, Construction Access Payment, |
|  | | 8/3/2018 8:15 AM | Anthony C. Cochran | Structure Bulletin Volume 1, Issue 5 | Vertical Barrier Rail, Rebar Cover, DTIs on Concrete Girder Diaphragms |
|  | | 6/21/2021 2:52 PM | Aaron V. Earwood | | Concrete Sampling on Deck Pours, Non Shrink Grout |
|  | | 7/2/2020 2:36 PM | Anthony C. Cochran | Structure Bulletin Volume 2, Issue 10 | Polyester Polymer Overlays |
|  | | 12/4/2018 3:42 PM | Anthony C. Cochran | Structure Bulletin Volume 2, Issue 11 | Pour Sequences, Rolling Straight Edge |
|  | | 6/3/2019 4:30 PM | Anthony C. Cochran | Structure Bulletin Volume 2, Issue 12 | Pour Sequence, Approach Slab Drainage |