
    The Resident Engineer is required by Subarticle 104-8(A)2 of the Specifications to issue a force account notice to the Contractor prior to work being performed on a force account basis. See the sample Force Account Notice at the end of this subsection.
    Once approval of the work has been granted, the force account notice has been issued and the Contractor has submitted wage rates and equipment information, the Resident Engineer may authorize the commencement of force account work.
    On projects requiring Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Step-by-Step method approval, the Resident Engineer should submit Force Account Documentation (Supplemental Agreement Form 880) to document the change prior to the initiation of the work. Once the force account work has been approved, the Contractor may be allowed to begin the work.

    The following items represent guidelines and comments on the provision requirements for labor, materials, equipment, miscellaneous, subcontracting, bond, insurance and tax, and general:
    1. Labor: It is the intent of this provision that the Contractor should receive payment for hours worked, including normal rest periods and breaks, necessary standby periods, minor delays less than 1/2 day caused by weather, etc., for all laborers, operators, and first line supervisors, or foremen performing the work. No payment will be made for lunch periods, delays of more than 1/2 day caused by weather, hours worked on items other than those covered by the force account notice, or other nonproductive periods. The Resident Engineer should approve the wage rates submitted by the Contractor prior to notifying and authorizing the work. On federally-funded projects, the wage rates should be compared to previously submitted payrolls and the minimum wage rates indicated in the contract. On nonfederally-funded projects, the Resident Engineer may request the Contractor to present copies of past payrolls for comparison if the wage rates appear excessive. Only base wages are to be used in the calculation of payment. Any benefits, such as vacation, retirement, medical, etc., that may be shown on the payroll are not to be included in the records. The percentage additives will be full compensation for overhead, benefits, contingencies, and all other costs associated with labor for the specific force account work. 
    2. Subsistence and Travel Allowances: The Contractor will receive payment for subsistence equal to the lesser amount paid by the Contractor or the current maximum in-state rate for State employees (Travel Subsistence Rates can be found at this link State Rates). If the Contractor pays for the actual cost of subsistence, then the Contractor must separate the costs paid for meals and lodging, and then each will be compared to the in-state rate for State employees separately. There are two methods that may be used for compensation for subsistence. Method A will be used when the Contractor pays for the actual cost of meals and/or lodging. Method B will be used when the Contractor pays a daily allowance for meals and/or lodging. These two methods may be combined if the Contractor pays for both actual costs and gives a daily allowance, similar to the method in-state employees are paid for subsistence costs. 
    3. Materials: The Contractor will receive the actual cost of all authorized and accepted materials used in the work. In checking the Contractor’s furnished records for materials, particular attention should be given to invoices that contain discount provisions, such as “Take 2% discount off invoice if paid within 15 days.” If an invoice contains a discount provision, a canceled check or other documentation may be necessary to verify the actual cost of the material.  
    4. Equipment: Since the Monthly Blue Book Rental Rates for Construction Equipment (Blue Book) is systematically revised, care should be taken to ensure that the data being used is concurrent with the dates on which the work is performed. It is not uncommon that the rate for the same piece of equipment may change during the force account work. The rate adjustment factors vary for different types and pieces of equipment. Therefore, the factors must be taken from the beginning of each section used. For discontinued equipment, which is denoted with an asterisk in the Blue Book, the adjustment factor for equipment age is calculated in accordance with the procedure outlined in the instructions at the beginning of each section. The additive payment for equipment listed in the Blue Book is equal to 100 percent of the Blue Book’s Estimated Operating Cost Per Hour.
      The N. C. Department of Transportation uses the electronic version of the Monthly Blue Book Rental Rates for Construction Equipment (Blue Book) and it is available free to N. C. Department of Transportation employees on the NCDOT network at: https://app.equipmentwatch.com/First time users will have to create an account to access the information.  First time users should go to this link for information on how to set up an account:

      https://connect.ncdot.gov/TransportationServices/Lists/Division of Highways Chief Engineer/DispForm.aspx?ID=13

      Please note that if the electronic Blue Book is used to determine equipment rates, the documentation needed on the force account forms in lieu of “Chapter and Page” is “Electronic Blue Book.”
      If rental rates for the equipment are not listed in the Blue Book, the rate will be established using the prevailing rental rates being paid in the area of the project for such equipment. The Resident Engineer should verify the prevailing rental rates using sources of information available to him. If the rates appear to be excessive and the Contractor and Resident Engineer cannot reach an agreement relative to the prevailing rate, the matter will be resolved by the State Construction Engineer. The additive payment for equipment not listed in the Blue Book will be 15 percent of the prevailing rental rate.
      In the event equipment is rented from a commercial rental agency for the purpose of performing the work and is used for a period less than the minimum rental period, the Contractor will receive payment based on the actual invoice rate for the minimum time period that the equipment can be rented. The additive payment will be 15 percent of the calculated hourly invoice rate for all hours the equipment is in-use. No additive payment will be made for hours the equipment is not in-use.
      If the minimum equipment rental period is one week for a certain piece of equipment and the work is performed in eight hours, the Contractor would be paid the actual invoice for a one week rental. The additive payment would be calculated as follows:
      The weekly invoice rate x eight hours of use x 15 percent = Total Additive Payment 40 hours/week
      When the minimum rental period exceeds the period of use as above, the equipment may not be used on any work other than the force account work without making an adjustment in the rental rate. The commercial rental agency cannot be the Contractor, another Contractor, an affiliate of the Contractor, or an affiliate of another Contractor.
      When the Engineer directs equipment to be held in ready or standby, payment will be 50 percent of the rate paid for equipment in-use. The maximum amount of time for which payment will be made for equipment held in ready is 8 hours/day minus hours in-use and 40 hours/week minus hours in-use. No additive payment will be made for equipment held in ready.
      No transportation costs will be allowable if the equipment is in-use in the same vicinity of the work on the project prior to beginning the force account work. The cost of moving a piece of equipment on a “low boy” tractor-trailer from one location of the project to the force account work is an eligible expense. If the equipment is used on contract item work in the same vicinity after completion of the force account work, no compensation for return transportation cost will be allowed.          
    5. Owner-Operated Equipment: The costs for Owner-Operated Equipment will be calculated separately from non-Owner-Operated Equipment, but will be considered as a subcontractor for the purpose of the calculation of additives.  
    6. Miscellaneous: General superintendence is not an eligible expense under force account. This should not be confused with the titles some Contractors use for their supervisors on contract construction work. These provisions provide payment for the actual hours the first line supervisor is actually engaged in the performance of the work. The Contractor should only be compensated for those hours the first line supervisor is engaged in the work.  
    7. Subcontracting: The Resident Engineer should ensure that the compensation provided in this item is applied only to work performed by approved Subcontractors. These lump sum payments and percentages will be added to the total cost of the Subcontractor's work plus additives.  
    8. Overhead and Profit: The Contractor will receive an additive payment of 10% of the force account total, with the exception of the portion of the work included with Materials, Owner-Operated Equipment, and Subcontracting. All subcontractors will receive an additive payment of 10% of the force account total pertaining to the work performed by their firm, with the exception of the portion of the work included with Materials and Owner-Operated Equipment. Owner-Operated Equipment is considered a subcontractor for the purpose of this additive payment.  
    9. Bond, Insurance, and Tax: The cost of worker's compensation insurance premiums, unemployment insurance contributions, and social security taxes are normally computed as a percentage of labor while the cost of bond premiums are normally based upon total revenues. The cost of liability and property damage insurance may be computed as a percentage of labor or by other means and the Contractor should clarify how his rate is computed. If the Contractor elects to submit an annualized composite percentage for bond, insurance and tax, he must furnish satisfactory evidence of the percentage in writing to the Engineer.   
    10. General: The Resident Engineer will maintain the payment records for all force account work. A copy of the records will be given to the Contractor, if requested, at the end of each day on which the work is performed. The Resident Engineer should note the effect of the addition of force account work on contract time. Any requests for time extensions relating to the force account work must be made in accordance with Article 108-10 of the Specifications.    

    The Resident Engineer will maintain detailed records of all force account work. These records should be detailed on the Detailed Statement of Force Account Work forms as follows:

    1. Summary (Form 480)
    2. Material (Form 480A)
    3. Labor/Labor Overtime/Labor Summary/Labor Additives/Travel (Form 480B)
    4. Equipment/Rental Equipment/Standby or Idle Equipment/Owner-Operated Equipment (Form 480C)
    5. Force Account Tracking worksheet (labor and equipment hours)​
    Detailed Statement of Force Account Work forms should be prepared for each partial pay estimate to document amounts paid to the Contractor. These completed forms will be retained by the Resident Engineer and submitted with the final estimate assembly. All information included on the Detailed Statement of Force Account Work forms should be in accordance with Article 109-3 of the Specifications.

    SUMMARY - FORM 480
    This form provides a summarization of all Contractor and Subcontractor(s) activity for each week that force account work is performed. A separate Form 480 should be utilized for each Subcontractor. A total of all work performed by Subcontractors should be included in the Contractor Summary section on Form 480. When force account work is more than one week in duration, a separate Form 480 should be utilized to provide the total amount for all weekly totals.
    The following items should be included on Form 480.
    1. Authorized By Letter Dated: Include the date of the Force Account Authorization letter sent to the Contractor. 
    3. Contract Number: The contract number for the project. 
    5. WBS Element Number: The specific work order number on which the force account work is being performed. 
    7. F. A. No.: The Federal Highway Administration project number.
    9. County: The county(ies) in which the project is located. 
    11. Contractor: The prime Contractor as included in the contract.
    13. Subcontractor: The name of the authorized Subcontractor performing the work. A separate Form 480 should be utilized for each Subcontractor performing force account work. 
    15. Week Ending: The date of the end of the week. This is always Saturday.
      The following items are included on Form 480 for summation of Subcontractor force account work:
    17. Amount: The total dollar figure for the appropriate item of the force account work for the week from the appropriate forms, including materials, labor additives, labor, labor overtime, travel allowances, standby or idle labor, equipment, standby or idle equipment, rental equipment, if applicable.
    19. Additive Amount: The total dollar amount of the additive calculated in accordance with the Specifications.
    21. Transportation Costs: This item applies only to equipment and standby or idle equipment. This amount must be approved by the Resident Engineer prior to inclusion for payment.
    23. Subtotal: Total dollar amount of each item plus the appropriate additive amount.
    25. Remarks: Any clarifying information about the item should be included here.
    27. Overhead and Profit: This is an additive payment equal 10 percent of the specific force account total of work performed by a subcontractor for overhead and profit. It includes the amounts for labor, labor overtime, labor additives, travel allowances, equipment, stand by or idle equipment and rental equipment.
    29. Subcontractor Total: The sum of all subtotaled amounts for each item performed by the Subcontractor for the subject week.
      The following items are included on Form 480 for summation of Contractor force account work:
    31. Amount: The total dollar figure for the appropriate item of the force account work for the week from the appropriate forms, including materials, labor additives, labor, labor overtime, travel allowances, standby, or idle labor, equipment, standby, or idle equipment, rental equipment, if applicable.
    33. Additive Amount: The total dollar amount of the additive calculated in accordance to the Specifications.
    35. Transportation Costs: This item applies only to equipment and standby, or idle equipment. This amount must be approved by the Resident Engineer prior to inclusion for payment.
    37. Subtotal: Total dollar amount of each item plus the appropriate additive amount.
    39. Remarks: Any clarifying information about the item should be included here.
    41. Subcontracting Cost: This is the Subcontracting Administrative Cost which is computed as shown at the bottom of Form 480 Summary.
    43. Overhead and Profit: This is an additive payment equal 10 percent of the specific force account total of work performed for overhead and profit. It includes the amounts for labor, labor overtime, labor additives, travel allowances, equipment, stand by or idle equipment, rental equipment, and the subcontractor’s total.
    45. Force Account Total: The sum of all subtotaled amounts including work performed by the Contractor and Subcontractor costs and additives.
      The following items are included on Form 480 for documentation and approval of the force account work:
    47. Resident Engineer: The Resident Engineer should review the force account work for concurrence with the Specifications and sign the certification for the force account work performed.
    49. Division Engineer: The Division Engineer should review and sign the form for approval for the force account work prior to the submission of the final estimate assembly.               

    This form provides documentation for all materials incorporated into the accepted project.
    The following items should be included on Form 480A.
    1. Authorized By Letter Dated: Include the date of the Force Account Authorization letter sent to the Contractor.
    2. Contract Number: The contract number for the project.
    3. WBS Element Number: The specific work order number on which the force account work is being performed.
    4. F. A. No.: The Federal Highway Administration project number.
    5. County: The county(ies) in which the project is located. 
    6. Contractor: The prime Contractor as included in the contract. 
    7. Subcontractor: The name of the authorized Subcontractor performing the work. A separate Form 480 should be utilized for each Subcontractor performing force account work.
    8. Week Ending: The date of the end of the week. This is always Saturday.
      The following items are included on Form 480A for documentation of materials incorporated into the force account work:        
    9. Material Description: Description of materials including: size, type, weight, class, grade, etc.
    11. Unit: An appropriate pay unit as established by the Resident Engineer in accordance with the Specifications, plans, and contract, such as linear meter (linear foot), etc. It is acceptable to list categories of items, such as forming materials - lumber, plywood, nails, caulk, etc., and pay for the items by the invoice cost as a lump sum. However, if materials are not incorporated into the work or necessary for construction of the completed and accepted work, deductions of those items should be included in the Quantity column.
    13. Cost Per Unit: Material invoice cost of each material per pay unit including sales tax, if applicable. The unit price should be reduced for applicable discounts and increased for any applicable transportation costs if not included in any other force account item(s), such as equipment, labor, etc. A copy of the actual invoice for the materials incorporated into the work should be submitted with Form 480A.
    15. Quantity: Total approved quantity of material(s) utilized for the period in question. All materials received on the project should be documented on a Material Received Report for the appropriate line code for the force account work. Any certifications, etc., required for the materials should also be included.
    17. Amount: The total dollar amount, Cost Per Unit x Quantity, for each material incorporated into the force account work.
    19. Remarks: Any clarifying information about the item should be included here.
    21. Material Subtotal: The sum of all dollar amounts of each item.
    23. Sales Tax: Amount of sales tax paid for materials.
    25. Transportation Cost: The amount charged to the Contractor for the delivery of materials.
    27. Material Total: The total cost of the material, sales tax and transportation cost.
      The following items are included on Form 480A for documentation and approval of the force account work:
    29. Resident Engineer: The Resident Engineer should review the force account work for concurrence with the Specifications and sign the certification for the force account work performed.
    31. Division Engineer: The Division Engineer should review and sign the form for approval for the force account work prior to the submission of the final estimate assembly.

    This form provides for all approved costs of labor and standby, or idle labor incurred as a result of the force account work. It also provides documentation for all direct costs associated with bonds, liability, and special insurance, workers compensation insurance, Social Security taxes, etc., incurred as a result of the force account work. A separate Form 480B should be utilized for each Subcontractor.
    The following items should be included on Form 480B.
    1. Authorized By Letter Dated: Include the date of the Force Account Authorization letter sent to the Contractor.
    2. Contract Number: The contract number for the project.
    3. WBS Element Number: The specific work order number on which the force account work is being performed.
    4. F. A. No.: The Federal Highway Administration project number.
    5. County: The county(ies) in which the project is located.
    6. Contractor: The prime Contractor as included in the contract.
    7. Subcontractor: The name of the authorized Subcontractor performing the work. A separate Form 480B should be utilized for each Subcontractor performing force account work.
    8. Week Ending: The date of the end of the week. This is always Saturday.
      The following items are included on Form 480B for both Labor and Standby, or Idle Labor documentation of the force account work, and for documentation of labor overtime incurred as a result of the force account work:           
    9. Name: The names of all Contractor or Subcontractor personnel authorized to perform the force account work. This includes labor to be held in-ready or idle labor.
    10. Classification: The classification or payroll job title of each person listed under name. These should be consistent with any prior payrolls submitted by the Contractor or Subcontractor.
    11. Sunday through Saturday: The actual number of hours each day the personnel were utilized, in standby or idled. This is recorded to the 0.1 hour. The total hours paid is limited to 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week unless authorized by the Resident Engineer.
    12. Total Hours: The sum of all number of hours the personnel were utilized, including standby or idled, recorded to the 0.1 hour. The total hours paid is limited to 40 hours per week unless authorized by the Resident Engineer.
    13. Base Wage Rate: The approved wage rate excluding additives for the classification. These should be consistent with any prior payrolls submitted by the Contractor or Subcontractor.
    14. Amount: The total dollar amount, Total Hours x Base Wage Rate, for each individual.
    15. Labor Subtotal and Standby, or Idle labor Subtotal: The sum of all dollar amounts of labor for person.
      The following items are included on Form 480B for documentation of Labor Additives incurred as a result of the force account work:
    16. Bond, Insurance & Taxes - Item: Include any costs paid by the Contractor or Subcontractor for bonds, insurance, and taxes, including contract bond premiums; liability, general, special, or project related insurance required by the contract; worker’s compensation insurance, Social Security taxes, etc.
    17. Rate: The Contractor and/or Subcontractor must furnish current rates for all bonds, insurance and taxes to the Resident Engineer. A copy of the provided rates for each force account summary should be included in the final estimate assembly.
    18. Applicable Quantity: The quantity for each bond, insurance and tax rate, such as total revenue, number of $1,000 or $100 increments of payroll excluding additives, Subcontractor costs, etc. Since these rates and procedures vary greatly among Contractors and Subcontractors, the Resident Engineer should request detailed information if it is unclear exactly how these quantities or amounts are calculated.
    19. Amount: The total dollar amount, Rate x Applicable Quantity, for each item of bond, insurance and tax.
    20. Remarks: Any clarifying information about the item should be included here.
    21. Subtotal of Submitted Payroll Additives: The sum of all dollar amounts of each item.
      The following items are included on Form 480B for documentation of Travel and Subsistence, Method A, incurred as a result of the force account work. This method is to be used when an employee is accountable for actual expenses:           
    22. Employees Name & Dates of Travel: The names of all Contractor or Subcontractor personnel authorized to perform the force account work, and the dates of travel allowance for each employee.
    24. Cost of Meals: The actual cost of meals for one day.
    26. Lodging Cost per Day: The actual cost of lodging for one day.
    28. Amount Submitted: The total dollar amount, of Cost of Meals + Cost per Day, for each employee.
    30. Allowable Amount: The lesser dollar amount of the Amount Submitted and the current In-State Rate for State Employees.
    32. Travel and Subsistence Subtotal: The sum of all Allowable Amount for each item.
      The following items are included on Form 480B for documentation of Travel and Subsistence, Method B, incurred as a result of the force account work. This method is to be used when an employee is given a daily allowance and is not accountable for actual expenses:
    34. Employees Name & Dates of Travel: The names of all Contractor or Subcontractor personnel and the last 4 digits of their Social Security Number authorized to perform the force account work, and the dates of travel allowance for each employee.
    36. Contractor Per Diem None Accountable: The amount of per diem reimbursement for the employee, as verified by the Contractor.
    38. Length of Stay: The number of days that the employee was given a per diem reimbursement.
    40. Amount Submitted: The total dollar amount, Contractor Per Diem None Accountable x Length of Stay, for each employee.
    42. Allowable amount: The lesser dollar amount of the Amount Submitted and the amount allowed for current In-State Rate for State Employees.
    44. Travel and Subsistence Subtotal: The sum of all Allowable Amount for each item.
      The following items are included on Form 480 for documentation and approval of the force account work:
    46. Resident Engineer: The Resident Engineer should review the force account work for concurrence with the Specifications and sign the certification for the force account work performed.
    48. Division Engineer: The Division Engineer should review and sign the form for approval for the force account work prior to the submission of the final estimate assembly.

    This form provides for all approved costs of equipment, rental equipment, standby or idle equipment, and owner-operated equipment incurred as a result of the force account work. A separate Form 480C should be utilized for each Subcontractor. Equipment not listed in the Blue Book should be entered in the Rental Equipment section of the form.
    The following items should be included on Form 480C.   
    1. Authorized By Letter Dated: Include the date of the Force Account Authorization letter sent to the Contractor.
    3. Contract Number:The contract number for the project.
    5. WBS Element Number: The specific work order number on which the force account work is being performed.
    7. F. A. No.:The Federal Highway Administration project number.
    9. County: The county(ies) in which the project is located.
    11. Contractor: The prime Contractor as included in the contract.
    13. Subcontractor: The name of the authorized Subcontractor performing the work. A separate Form 480C should be utilized for each Subcontractor performing force account work.
    15. Week Ending: The date of the end of the week. This is always Saturday.
      The following items are included on Form 480C for Equipment documentation of the force account work:
    17. Equipment - Description: The name, model, type, kind, and features of approved equipment for the force account work.
    19. Model Year: The year in which the piece of equipment was manufactured. This may require the individual serial number of the piece of equipment to determine the model year.
    21. Blue Book Chapter & Page: The actual section number and page number on which the piece of equipment is found in the Monthly Blue Book Rental Rates for Construction Equipment (Blue Book).
    23. Base Monthly Rate: The dollar amount included for the monthly rental of the piece of equipment in the Monthly Blue Book Rental Rates for Construction Equipment.
    25. Age Adjustment Factor: This is a multiplication factor found in the front of each section or chapter of the Monthly Blue Book Rental Rates for Construction Equipment that adjusts the rental price for the age of the equipment. These factors vary by type of equipment for each section or chapter of the Blue Book. This should be recorded to three decimal places, as provided in the Blue Book.
    27. Regional Adjustment Factor: This is a multiplication factor found in the front of each section or chapter of the Monthly Blue Book Rental Rates for Construction Equipment that adjusts the rental price for the area of the United States where the equipment is located. This should be recorded to three decimal places as provided in the Blue Book.
    29. Operating Costs Per Hour: The dollar amount included in the Monthly Blue Book Rental Rates for Construction Equipment for costs associated with operating the piece of equipment for one hour.
    31. Adjustment Hourly Rate: For operating equipment, this rate equals the Base Monthly Rate, adjusted by the age and region factors, divided by 176, plus 100 percent of the Blue Book estimated operating cost per hour. This rate will be paid for all approved hours the equipment is in use.
    33. Sunday through Saturday: The actual number of hours each day the equipment was in-use. This is recorded to the 0.1 hour. The total hours are limited to eight hours per day and 40 hours per week unless authorized by the Resident Engineer.
    35. Total Hours: The sum of all hours the piece of equipment is in use, recorded to the 0.1 hour. The total hours are limited to 40 hours per week unless authorized by the Resident Engineer.
    37. Amount: The total dollar amount, Adjusted Hour Rate x Total Hours, for each piece of equipment.
    39. Remarks: Any clarifying information about the equipment should be included here.
    41. Equipment Subtotal: The sum of all dollar amounts of each piece of equipment authorized.
      The following items are included on Form 480C for Rental Equipment documentation of the force account work:
    43. Rental Equipment - Description: The name, model, type, kind, and features of approved rental equipment for the force account work.
    45. Minimum Rental Period: The shortest period of time the piece of equipment can be rented, such as one day, three days, one week, one month, etc.
    47. Rental Rate: The rate charged for the minimum rental period for the piece of equipment, such as $70/day, $325/week, etc. The Resident Engineer should use good judgment and consider longer equipment rental periods if it is anticipated that the equipment will be needed longer than the minimum rental period. The State Construction Engineer should be consulted if questions arise.
    49. Actual No. of Rental Periods: The number of minimum rental periods for which the equipment is authorized, such as 2 one-week periods, 4 two-day periods, 1 one-month period, etc.
    51. Rental Amount: The total dollar amount, Rental Rate x Actual No. of Rental Periods, for each piece of equipment authorized.
    53. Rental Equipment Subtotal: The sum of all dollar amounts of each piece of rental equipment authorized.
    55. Sunday through Saturday: The actual number of hours each day the equipment was in-use. This is recorded to the 0.1 hour. The total hours are limited to 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week unless authorized by the Resident Engineer.
    57. Total Hours: The sum of all hours the piece of rental equipment is in use recorded to the 0.1 hour. The total hours are limited to 40 hours per week unless authorized by the Resident Engineer.
    59. Rental Additive Amount: The additive rate is equal to 15 percent of the product of the Rental Rate for the Minimum Rental Period divided by the appropriate number of hours, such as eight hours/day, 40 hours/week, or 176 hours/month, times the Total Hours the equipment was operating. No additive payment is made for rental equipment that is in standby or idled.
    61. Remarks: Any clarifying information about the equipment should be included here.
    63. Rental Equipment Additive Subtotal: The sum of all rental additive dollar amounts for each piece of rental equipment authorized.
      The following items are included on Form 480C for Standby or Idle Equipment documentation of the force account work:
    65. Standby or Idle Equipment - Description: The name, model, type, kind, and features of approved rental equipment for the force account work.
    67. Model Year: The year in which the piece of equipment was manufactured. This may require the individual serial number of the piece of equipment to determine the model year.
    69. Blue Book Chapter & Page: The actual section number and page number on which the piece of equipment is found in the Monthly Blue Book Rental Rates for Construction Equipment (Blue Book).
    71. Base Monthly Rate: The dollar amount included for the monthly rental of the piece of equipment in the Monthly Blue Book Rental Rates for Construction Equipment.
    73. Age Adjustment Factor: This is a multiplication factor found in the front of each section or chapter of the Monthly Blue Book Rental Rates for Construction Equipment that adjusts the rental price for the age of the equipment. These factors vary by type of equipment for each section or chapter of the Blue Book. This should be recorded to three decimal places, as provided in the Blue Book.
    75. Regional Adjustment Factor: This is a multiplication factor found in the front of each section or chapter of the Monthly Blue Book Rental Rates for Construction Equipment that adjusts the rental price for the area of the United States where the equipment is located. This should be recorded to three decimal places as provided in the Blue Book.
    77. Adjustment Hourly Rate: For operating equipment, this rate equals the Base Monthly Rate, adjusted by the age and region factors, divided by 176, times 50 percent. This rate will be paid for all approved hours the equipment is in use.
    79. Sunday through Saturday: The actual number of hours each day the equipment was on standby or was idle. This is recorded to the 0.1 hour. The total hours are limited to eight hours per day less hours in use and 40 hours per week less hours in use unless authorized by the Resident Engineer.
    81. Total Hours: The sum of all hours the piece of equipment was on standby or idle less hours in use, recorded to the 0.1 hour. The total hours are limited to 40 hours per week less hours in use unless authorized by the Resident Engineer.
    83. Amount: The total dollar amount, Adjusted Hourly Rate x Total Hours, for each piece of equipment.
    85. Remarks: Any clarifying information about the equipment should be included here.
    87. Standby or Idle Equipment Subtotal: The sum of all dollar amounts of each piece of equipment authorized.
      The following items are included on Form 480C for Owner/Operated Equipment documentation of the force account work:
    89. Owner/Operated Rental Equipment Description: The name, model, type, kind, and features of approved rental equipment for the force account work.
    91. Minimum Rental Period: The shortest period of time the piece of equipment can be rented, such as one day, three days, one week, one month, etc.
    93. Rental Rate: The rate charged for the minimum rental period for the piece of equipment, such as $70/day, $325/week, etc. The Resident Engineer should use good judgment and consider longer equipment rental periods if it is anticipated that the equipment will be needed longer than the minimum rental period. The State Construction Engineer should be consulted if questions arise.
    95. Actual No. of Rental Periods: The number of minimum rental periods for which the equipment is authorized, such as 2 one-week periods, 4 two-day periods, 1 one-month period, etc.
    97. Rental Amount: The total dollar amount, Rental Rate x Actual No. of Rental Periods, for each piece of equipment authorized.
    99. Rental Equipment Subtotal: The sum of all dollar amounts of each piece of rental equipment authorized.
    101. Sunday through Saturday: The actual number of hours each day the equipment was in-use. This is recorded to the 0.1 hour. The total hours are limited to 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week unless authorized by the Resident Engineer.
    103. Total Hours: The sum of all hours the piece of rental equipment is in use recorded to the 0.1 hour. The total hours are limited to 40 hours per week unless authorized by the Resident Engineer.
    105. Remarks: Any clarifying information about the equipment should be included here.
      NOTE: No additive is provided for Owner-Operated Equipment.
      The following items are included on Form 480C for Fully Maintained Owner/Operated Equipment documentation of the force account work:
    107. Fully Maintained Owner/Operated Rental Equipment Description: The name, model, type, kind, and features of approved rental equipment for the force account work.
    109. Minimum Rental Period: The shortest period of time the piece of equipment can be rented, such as one day, three days, one week, one month, etc.
    111. Rental Rate: The rate charged for the minimum rental period for the piece of equipment, such as $70/day, $325/week, etc. The Resident Engineer should use good judgment and consider longer equipment rental periods if it is anticipated that the equipment will be needed longer than the minimum rental period. The State Construction Engineer should be consulted if questions arise.
    113. Actual No. of Rental Periods: The number of minimum rental periods for which the equipment is authorized, such as 2 one-week periods, 4 two-day periods, 1 one-month period, etc.
    115. Rental Amount: The total dollar amount, Rental Rate x Actual No. of Rental Periods, for each piece of equipment authorized.
    117. Rental Equipment Subtotal: The sum of all dollar amounts of each piece of rental equipment authorized.
    119. Sunday through Saturday: The actual number of hours each day the equipment was in-use. This is recorded to the 0.1 hour. The total hours are limited to 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week unless authorized by the Resident Engineer.
    121. Total Hours: The sum of all hours the piece of rental equipment is in use recorded to the 0.1 hour. The total hours are limited to 40 hours per week unless authorized by the Resident Engineer.
    123. Remarks: Any clarifying information about the equipment should be included here.
      NOTE: No additive is provided for Fully Maintained Owner-Operated Equipment.
      The following items are included on Form 480 for documentation and approval of the force account work:
    125. Resident Engineer: The Resident Engineer should review the force account work for concurrence with the Specifications and sign the certification for the force account work performed.
    127. Division Engineer: The Division Engineer should review and sign the form for approval for the force account work prior to the submission of the final estimate assembly. 


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