The NCDOT CADD Guidelines and Standards Version 1.0 Document is available. A link to the document is provided below in the NCDOT Standards section of this webpage.
This document is prepared and maintained by the North Carolina Department of Information Technology
(NCDIT) Engineering and CADD Services (EDCS) team, in coordination with the North Carolina
Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Technical Services CADD Integration Team and CADD
Coordinators within the NCDOT Engineering Design Units and Divisions. This document provides
technical information, guidelines, and business rules on current practices in utilizing CADD software for
the purposes of the design and delivery of NCDOT projects from conceptual design through construction.
It is recognized that this document does not capture all areas of interest and that a number of sections
within this document may need additional information and updates. This is expected and this document
will be treated as an ongoing, dynamic informational resource. As such, the goal is for this document to
be updated bi-annually with subsequent versions anticipated to be released at the mid-point and end of
each calendar year. That said, the NCDIT EDCS team plans to continuously coordinate throughout the
year with all pertinent NCDOT stakeholders to conduct working sessions and incorporate feedback to
augment and update the information provided in this document.
For any questions, input, updates, or ideas regarding this document, please contact the NCDIT EDCS
Team at: