
    The Permit Bond is required in Article 105-15 of the Specifications. When the Department has placed or places load restrictions on potential haul roads adjacent to projects, the Contractor may exceed those load restrictions if he provides a Permit Bond and is issued a Special ‘Light Traffic Roads’ Permit from the Department, which are agreements that provide the following:
    1. Maintenance of the road by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer during the haul period.
    2. Repair by the Contractor of all damages to the road after the haul period is complete. This includes damages by all parties, not only the Contractor.
    3. Furnishing of a bond by the Contractor in an appropriate amount determined by the Engineer.
    4. Assumption of all costs for strengthening any bridges which may be necessary to carry weights up to the legal load limits.
    5. Indemnification of the Department form all claims from third parties due to hauling, maintenance, lack of maintenance, repair, or lack of repair, etc.
    The following is a sample copy of a Permit Bond and a Special ‘Light Traffic Roads’ Permit. Refer also to Article 105-15 of the Specifications and Section 1 of this Manual.


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