
The N.C. Department of Transportation's Traffic Survey Group collects traffic data statewide to analyze and support planning, design, construction, maintenance, operation and research activities required to manage North Carolina's transportation system.

One of the group's main deliverables is the annual average daily traffic volume map, which presents the traffic average for a specific year at specific points on the state's roads. The Traffic Survey Group is also responsible for various traffic monitoring programs


​NCDOT uses what are called traffic count stations to collect data for annual average daily traffic volume maps.

In compliance with standards outlined in the Federal Highway Administration Traffic Monitoring Guide, annual average daily traffic volume maps and reports are published annually, once NCDOT has collected data for the entire state and analyzed and processed the entire set.

Collection Schedule

With more than 44,000 portable traffic count stations throughout the state, the Traffic Survey Group usually collects data for interstate, U.S. and N.C. routes every year.

Secondary road volumes are collected every two years with approximately half being counted each year. Not all secondary roads having low volume, however, are counted.

Traffic volume data in North Carolina's 19 major urbanized areas, however, is collected on a two-year cycle:

  • Urban areas counted during even years are Asheville, Charlotte, Concord-Kannapolis, Fayetteville, Gastonia, Goldsboro, Greenville, New Bern and Jacksonville.
  • Urban areas counted during odd years are Burlington, Chapel Hill, Durham, Greensboro, Hickory, High Point, Raleigh, Rocky Mount, Wilmington and Winston-Salem.

​Activities are coordinated under three traffic monitoring programs: Coverage Count, Continuous Count and Projects Count.

  • Coverage Count involves collecting traffic volume data on a short-term basis, usually 48 hours, using portable traffic count monitoring stations.
  • Continuous Count involves permanent monitoring stations that are used to collect traffic data 24 hours a day and 365 days a year on a sample of roadways throughout the state.
  • Projects Count involves collecting data for specific road projects, which range from a simple bridge replacement to a very complex regional transportation project. The traffic data supports a variety of planning and engineering studies.

All data is provided in ArcGIS format and is viewable using ArcView or ArcMap software. NCDOT encourages customers to use the annual average daily traffic volume maps or the annual average daily traffic reports found online.

If you still need the assistance, send a message to the Traffic Data Request Line or call (919) 707-0936 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Be sure to provide the following information for your requested location:

  • County (e.g., Wake)
  • City or town, if applicable (e.g., Raleigh)
  • Location of the count request (e.g. I-440)
  • Nearest intersecting road (SR 1005 – Six Forks Road)

Please do not use an address, block number, distance or GPS when describing location.


Prototype Demonstration of a Geographic Information System Application for the Seasonal Analysis of Traffic Data, Development of Seasonal Factors and Seasonal Adjustment of Roadways.

A method for updating seasonal groups for traffic count locations using an ArcView GIS application.


 Peak Average Daily Traffic Factor Estimation Methodology


​The information below is for potential traffic monitoring system vendors who are interested in providing a request for proposal. These items are examples of reports, graphs, and preferred rules. This information is a sample of potential work and is not ready for complete publication.


 Automated Traffic Recorder Reports & Rules


Want online maps?  GO! NC is the NCDOT portal providing access to online maps and geospatial transportation data.

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